Jonas Larsson Taghizadeh
Researcher at Department of Government; Faculty
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751 20 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Jonas Larsson Taghizadeh at Department of Government; Faculty
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Short presentation
My current research focuses on the effects of upper secondary education programmes on political participation, student achievement and labor market outcomes.
For the most up to date and accurate list of publications and citations see my google scholar profile:
Education and Titles:
Docent in Political Science, Uppsala University 2022
PhD in Political Science, Uppsala University 2016
MA (Pol. mag.) in Political Science, Uppsala University 2009
BA in economics, Uppsala University 2010
Contact information and publication list:
Google scholar homepage:
You can get in touch with me via Telephone: 0768097014 or email:
Current projects (pågående projekt):
Equalising political participation through upper secondary education? The impact of type of education and tracking
An upper secondary education for all? How does the design of upper secondary eduction affect the risk of dropping out and unemployment?
- Interview in SVT Rapport. 2022-06-03. Lågutbildade föräldrar diskrimineras i skolvalet.
- Interview in Grundskoleläraren. 2022-05-03. Lågutbildade föräldrar diskrimineras i skolvalet.
- Interview in SVT Uppsala. 2022-04-22. Experten: ”Förändringar i skolan skapar oro”.
- Interview in SVT Uppsala. 2022-04-11. Uppsalastudie: lågutbildade föräldrar diskrimineras i skolvalet.
- Interview in The Local. 2022-04-06. Arabic parents face discrimination when choosing schools in Sweden-study.
- Intervjew with TT. 2022-04-05. The interview resulted in articles in a large number of newspapers in Sweden including SvD, DN, Aftonbladet, barometern, nsk, Folkbladet, Västerbotten Kuriren skd, skolvärlden, Norrbotten Kuriren, Nyheter 24, Norra Skåne, Norran, Corren etc.}{Lågutbildade diskrimineras i skolvalet
- Interview in Uppsala Nya Tidning. 2022-04-05. Ny studie: Lågutbildade diskrimineras i skolvalet.
- Interview in Läraren. 2022-04-04. Tveksamt om nedläggning ger effekt.
- Interview in Sydsvenskan. 2022-04-01. Medelklassforaldrarna flyttade sina barn när elever från utsatta omraden kom till skolan.
- Article in Dagens Industri. 2021-10-29. Patriotism förklarar stödet för svenska coronastrategin. DEBATT: Debatt (
- Interview in Ämnesläraren. 2021-09-07. Så påverkas resultaten när elever från nedlagda skolor flyttar in | Grundskolläraren (
- Interview in Dagens Arena. 2021-09-03. Ingen synlig resultateffekt vid skolnedläggning - Dagens Arena
- Interview in SVT Aktuellt. 2021-09-02, SVT Play
- Interview in SVT västnytt. 2021-09-02. Forskare: Flytt av elever påverkar inte betygen | SVT Nyheter
- Article in Dagens Samhälle. 2021-01-29. Så kan tjänstemäns diskriminering minska - Dagens Samhälle (
- Interview with TT. 2020-10-27. Trollhättan stänger skolor och bussar elever. The interview resulted in articles in a large number of newspapers in Sweden including SvD, Aftonbladet, barometern, nsk, folkbladet, skd etc. Trollhättan stänger skolor och bussar elever | SvD
- Morgonstudion Interview in SVT morgonstudion. 2020-10-15.
- Risk att en annan skola blir lika segregerad Interview in SVT ostnytt. 2020-10-15.
- P4 Uppland Interview in P4 Uppland. 2020-09-16.
- Hur stoppar man en skolnedläggning? Interview in ETC. 2016-05-07.
- Lobbying bästa taktik för att rädda nedläggningshotad skola. Interview in Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio. 2016-04-21.
- Lobbying bästa metod för att stoppa skolnedläggning. Interview in Skolporten 2016-04-06.
- Radio interview in Morgon i P4 Uppland. 2015-12-09.
- Hallå där! Interview in Kommunalarbetaren. 2011-11-23.
- Protester lönar sig i akutsjukvården. Interview in ETC 2011-02-04.
- Brist på dialog skapade "historiskt stor" protest. Interview in Dagens Medicin. 2011-01-19.
- Politiker viker sig för folklig storm. Interview in Dagens Medicin. 2011-01-19.
- Det kan löna sig att protestera mot nedskärningar. Interview in Norrbottens kuriren.
- Protester hjälper men inte i norrbotten. Interview in Nordnytt, SVT.
Selection of publications
- Making citizens (2024)
- Rallying around the unwaved flag (2023)
- Organizational Performance and Discrimination (2023)
- Are more affluent parents treated more favourably by elementary school principals? (2023)
Recent publications
- Making citizens (2024)
- Rallying around the unwaved flag (2023)
- Organizational Performance and Discrimination (2023)
- Are more affluent parents treated more favourably by elementary school principals? (2023)
- The effects of implicit biases on real-life client discrimination among public officials (2022)
All publications
- Making citizens (2024)
- Rallying around the unwaved flag (2023)
- Organizational Performance and Discrimination (2023)
- Are more affluent parents treated more favourably by elementary school principals? (2023)
- The effects of implicit biases on real-life client discrimination among public officials (2022)
- Discrimination in marketized welfare services (2022)
- Do Politicians Discriminate against Ethnic Minority Constituents? (2022)
- The Welfare State Upholders (2021)
- Caseload, time-pressure and discrimination (2021)
- Are students in receiving schools hurt by the closing of low-performing schools? (2020)
- Effects of School Closures on Displaced Students and Future Cohorts (2020)
- Informational Lobbying and Activist Resources (2017)
- Are Political Parties More Responsive to Advocacy Groups Mobilising Core Voters or Swing Voters? Political Responsiveness to Citizens’ Protest Movements in Swedish Local Governments (2016)
- Quality over quantity? (2015)
- Protests against Welfare Retrenchment (2014)
- Vem vinner på lobbying? Utlandsföddas och inföddas politiska kontakter om skolnedläggningar (2015)
- Amsterdam (2009)
- Helsingfors (2009)
- Vilka effekter har skolnedläggningar på mottagande skolor? (2021)
- Effects of school closures on displaced students and future cohorts in Sweden 2000–2016 (2019)
- Påverkar skolnedläggningar elevers skolresultat? (2019)
- Evidensbaserade åtgärder mot etnisk diskriminering vid myndighetskontakter (2017)