Marie Berglund
Research Assistant at Department of Women's and Children's Health; Paediatric Inflammation, Metabolism and Child Health Research
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Short presentation
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Jag arbetar sedan 10aug 2022 som forskningsassistent/forskningskoordinator på Klinisk forskningsmottagning vid Akademiska sjukhuset. Här pågår flera forskningsstudier samt kliniskt arbete. Mitt arbete går huvudsakligen ut på att samla in, sammanställa och analysera data från patienter samt forskningsdeltagare. En annan del av arbetet är att fungera som en länk mellan Universitetet och den kliniska verksamheten.
Selection of publications
Recent publications
- Metabolically Active Brown Adipose Tissue Is Found in Adult Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes. (2019)
- Subjective and Objective Assessment of Physical Activity (2017)
- Subjective and objective assessment of physical activity (2017)
- No Association between Body Composition and Activity Level in Obese Children and Adolescents Due to Low Overall Activity Level (2015)
- Body composition, energy metabolism and endocrine variables in weight stable gastric-bypass patients (2013)
All publications
- Metabolically Active Brown Adipose Tissue Is Found in Adult Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes. (2019)
- Subjective and Objective Assessment of Physical Activity (2017)
- Subjective and objective assessment of physical activity (2017)
- No Association between Body Composition and Activity Level in Obese Children and Adolescents Due to Low Overall Activity Level (2015)
- Body composition, energy metabolism and endocrine variables in weight stable gastric-bypass patients (2013)