Matz Dahlberg
Professor at Department of Economics; Affiliated researchers and teachers
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- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Professor in economics, especially housing and urban economics at Institute for Housing and Urban Research
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 65 38
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- Visiting address:
- Trädgårdsgatan 18
Sweden - Postal address:
- Box 514
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Short presentation
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I am a quantitatively oriented researcher and my research focus on questions related to housing and neighborhood dynamics, causes and consequences of immigration, and the importance of politicians’ geographic location for political decision making.
Google Scholar page:
Selection of publications
- Native Migration Responses to Increased Immigration (2017)
- Ethnic Diversity and Preferencesfor Redistribution (2017)
- All aboard? (2017)
- Stimulating Local Public Employment (2014)
- Ethnic diversity and preferences for redistribution (2012)
- Using a discontinuous grant rule to identify the effect of grants on local taxes and spending (2008)
- On the Vote Purchasing Behavior of Incumbent Governments (2002)
Recent publications
- Labor market integration of refugees (2024)
- Coping with job loss (2024)
- Politicians’ Neighborhoods: Where Do They Live, and Does It Matter? (2024)
- Polisens lista över utsatta områden minskar efterfrågan på att bo i de utpekade områdena (2023)
- Etablering av nyanländaflyktingar - effekter av en tidig och intensiv arbetsmarknadspolitisk insats (2023)
All publications
- Labor market integration of refugees (2024)
- Coping with job loss (2024)
- Politicians’ Neighborhoods: Where Do They Live, and Does It Matter? (2024)
- Polisens lista över utsatta områden minskar efterfrågan på att bo i de utpekade områdena (2023)
- Migrating natives and foreign immigration (2021)
- Immigration, new religious symbols, and the dynamics of neighborhoods (2020)
- Spillover effects of stricter immigration policies (2020)
- Post-WWI military disarmament and interwar fascism in Sweden (2019)
- Introduction to the Special Issue 'On the Use of Geo-Coded Data in Economic Research' (2018)
- Construction of Register-based Commuting Measures (2018)
- Native Migration Responses to Increased Immigration (2017)
- The Risks of Nuclear Disaster and Its Impact on Housing Prices (2017)
- Ethnic Diversity and Preferencesfor Redistribution (2017)
- All aboard? (2017)
- Prisutvecklingen på bostäder i Sverige – en geografisk analys (2016)
- Comment on Liu, Salvanes and Sørensen (2014)
- Stimulating Local Public Employment (2014)
- Etnisk heterogenitet och preferenser för omfördelning (2012)
- Ethnic diversity and preferences for redistribution (2012)
- Estimating Preferences for Local Public Services Using Migration Data (2012)
- Is There an Election Cycle in Public Employment? (2011)
- Is There a "Race-to-the-Bottom" in the Setting of Welfare Benefit Levels? (2008)
- Inequality and Crime (2008)
- Valår och den kommunala politiken (2008)
- Aktivering av socialbidragstagare i Sverige (2008)
- Using a discontinuous grant rule to identify the effect of grants on local taxes and spending (2008)
- Power Properties of the Sargan Test in the Presence of Measurement Errors in Dynamic Panels (2008)
- Do Politicians’ Preferences Correspond to those of the Voters? (2007)
- The Case Against JIVE: A Comment (2006)
- Public Employment and the Double Role of Bureaucrats (2006)
- Kommunanställda byråkraters dubbla roll (2005)
- Har kommunens storlek någon betydelse för den lokala demokratin? (2005)
- Har svenska kommuner mjuka budgetrestriktioner? (2005)
- Direct displacement effects of labour market programmes (2005)
- The effects of grants and wages on municipal labour demand (2004)
- On the Vote Purchasing Behavior of Incumbent Governments (2002)
- An Examination of the Dynamic Behaviour of Local Governments using GMM Bootstrapping Methods (2000)
- Om regeringars röstköpsbeteende (2000)
- Small Sample Properties of Jackknife IV and LIML Estimators: (1999)
- Are Local Governments Governed by Forward Looking Decision Makers? (1998)
- The Revenues-Expenditures Nexus (1998)
- Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on population mobility under mild policies
- Böneutrop och det offentliga svenska rummet (2015)
- Politikers egenskaper och privatisering av välfärdstjänster (2013)
- Påverkar den ökade etniska mångfalden välfärdspolitiken och sammanhållningen inom EU? (2012)
- Local government in Sweden (2010)
- Comments on the Finnish Model (2010)
- Antidepressants and the Suicide Rate: Is there Really a Connection? (2005)
- Swedish Economic National Report (2005)
- Swedish Local Government: (2004)
- Finns det ett bailoutproblem i Sverige? (2003)
- After the Cold War (2013)
- On the Size of Political Jurisdictions (2009)
- Intergovernmental Grants and Bureaucratic Power (2009)
- On the Effectiveness of Grants as Means of Increasing Local Government Employment (2009)
- Ethnic Diversity and Preferences for Redistribution (2009)
- The Effects of Intergovernmental Grants (2009)
- Etablering av nyanländaflyktingar - effekter av en tidig och intensiv arbetsmarknadspolitisk insats (2023)
- Etablering av nyanländaflyktingar - effekter av en tidig och intensiv arbetsmarknadspolitisk insats (2023)
- SNS Analys 86. Spridningseffekter av striktare invandringspolitik (2022)
- Migrating Natives and Foreign Immigration (2018)
- Vill Svensson bo med Svensson? (2018)
- Post-WWI Military Disarmament and Interwar Fascism (2016)
- Health Information and Well-Being: Evidence from an Asymptomatic Disease (2016)
- Kvalitetsbedömning av effektivitetsrevisionens granskningsrapporter 2016 (2016)
- Som på räls? Förbättrade pendlingsmöjligheter och individens arbetsmarknad (2015)
- Statliga bidrag till kommunerna (2010)
- Power properties of the Sargan test in the presence of measurement errors in dynamic panels (2002)
- Mixed logit estimation of the value of travel time (1998)