Fredrik Sandgren
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Economic History
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- +46 18 471 12 25
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Download contact information for Fredrik Sandgren at Department of Economic History
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Economic History; Uppsala Centre for Business History
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- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
75120 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 Uppsala
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Research Interests
Organisational and technological innovation in Swedish and international retailing 19th century and onwards. Female labour force participation 18th and 19th centuries. The impact of towns and urban service functions on Swedish industrialisation in the 19th century.
Teaching experiences
I have taught general economic history, the history of industrialisation and development economics on the undergraduate level. I have also taught economic history and the history of innovation in the Masters Programme in Sociotechnical Systems Engineering at Uppsala University. I have acted as tutor on undergraduate essays and I have experience in supervising doctoral students.
Research Projects
2019 Technological shocks and regional resilience: changing occupational structure and development in the Swedish regions (1640-1900) (VR, principal investigator Docent Anna Missiaia)
2018 Innovation och institutionell förändring inom svensk varuhandel 1920-2010 (Torsten Söderbergs stiftelse)
2014 Stockholm och maten: systemet för livsmedelsförsörjning i Stockholm 1930-2010 (The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, The Tore Browaldh Foundation)
2012 Innovation och institutionell förändring inom svensk varuhandel 1750-2010 (Torsten Söderbergs stiftelse)
2010 Female Labour During the Early Industrialisation of Sweden - Construction and Reality (VR/The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, The Tore Browaldh Foundation)
2007 A regional and organisational perspective on the diffusion of innovations in the Swedish food trades 1900-2000. (The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, The Tore Browaldh Foundation)
2003 Towns as dynamic nodes for goods, credits and information during the industrialisation of Sweden. (The Swedish Research Council).
1999 Markets, farmers and the state. Swedish grain markets in transition1770-1880. (Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation).
1994 Consumption and Industrialisation in Sweden 1820-1914. (The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, The Tore Browaldh Foundation. Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation).
1999, PhD, Economic History, Uppsala University
1998, PhLic, Economic History, Uppsala University
1993, BSc, major in Economic History, Uppsala University
Academic Positions, Appointments and Networks
2017-2023, Head of Department, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University
2009, Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University
2009, Associate professor, Economic History, Uppsala University
2003, Researcher, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University
2002, Guest researcher on STINT-scholarship, Department of Geography, Exeter University
1999, Researcher, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University
Grants and awards
2013, recipient of Söderbergska Handelspriset
2002, STINT-scholarship
Recent publications
- From the fall of Coop Norden to ‘long-term boringness’ (2023)
- Konsummuster (2023)
- Retail Trade, Consumption, and the Construction of Markets (2018)
- Kylan (2018)
- Kvinnors arbete och regionala arbetsmarknader i Sverige under 1800-talets första hälft (2018)
All publications
- Retail Trade, Consumption, and the Construction of Markets (2018)
- ‘Do not break the cold chain!’ (2017)
- Toward a Simple Framework for Writing Histories of the Distributive Trades (2016)
- Mary Hilson, Pirjo Markkola & Ann-Catrin Östman (red.), Co-operatives and the Social Question: the co-operative movement in northern and eastern Europe (1880–1950) (Bodmin: Welsh Academic Press/Ashley Drake Publishing 2012). 226 s. (2014)
- A new quest for efficiency (2010)
- From 'peculiar stores' to 'a new way of thinking' (2009)
- Leos Müller & Jari Ojala (red.), Information flows, anm. av Fredrik Sandgren (2009)
- Chris Evans & Göran Rydén, Baltic iron in the Atlantic world in the eighteenth century (2009)
- Information flows (2009)
- Towns and rural industrialisation in Sweden 1850-1890: A spatial statistical approach (2009)
- Organisert Kjøpekraft. (2008)
- Competition or complement? (2008)
- Kvinnors flit och slit (2018)
- Mellan bruk och bonde (2012)
- Åt var och en efter behov? (1999)
- Lanthandel i skogsbygd : lanthandelns företags- och organisationsformer i Revsundsregionen i östra Jämtland 1870-1890 (1998)
- From the fall of Coop Norden to ‘long-term boringness’ (2023)
- Konsummuster (2023)
- Kylan (2018)
- Kvinnors arbete och regionala arbetsmarknader i Sverige under 1800-talets första hälft (2018)
- A new quest for efficiency (2011)
- En revolution utan motstånd (2010)
- "För allt vad heligt är skicka ej mera spannmål" (2010)
- Den svenska handeln, dess utveckling och dess organisationer under 125 år (2008)
- Städer som förmedlande länk i svensk industrialisering (2007)
- Nydanare och utmanare inom svensk handel (2006)
- Varför har expansiva företag ofta rötterna i landsorten? (2006)
- Den knepiga konkurrensen (2006)
- Svensk handel i världen och världen i svensk handel (2006)
- Vad är egentligen nytt inom handeln? – krediter, småsnack och turism (2006)
- Lanthandeln – marknadsekonomins första och sista utpost (2006)
- Leveransbojkott – ett uselt konkurrensmedel (2006)
- Koncentrationstendenser i detaljhandeln under de senaste 30 åren (2006)
- Från handelsbod till storföretag (2006)
- Stationssamhället och varudistributionen (Railway Junctions and the Distribution of Goods) (1999)
- Diversehandelns framväxt på den svenska landsbygden 1865-1965 (The Development of General Stores in the Swedish Countryside, 1865-1915) (1997)
- An easy sell? The introduction of a deep frozen food system in Sweden 1945-1970 (2015)
- The Freeze-chain Completed? (2014)
- Towards another theory of structural change in the distributive trades: a Schönian approach (2013)
- An easy sell? The introduction of a deep frozen food system in Sweden 1945-1970 (2011)
- Genusarbetsdelningens regionala variationer i Sverige 1750-1850 – ett makroperspektiv (2011)
- Noder för kreativitet (2011)
- Open Transactions or Vertical Integration? (2000)
- The Regional Character of Rural Retail Trade in Sweden 1870-1900 (2000)
- The retail trade in Swedish towns 1870-1900 (1998)