Fredrik Sandgren

Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Economic History

+46 18 471 12 25
Visiting address:
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
Postal address:
Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA

Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Economic History; Uppsala Centre for Business History

Visiting address:
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
75120 Uppsala
Postal address:
Box 513
751 20 Uppsala


Research Interests

Organisational and technological innovation in Swedish and international retailing 19th century and onwards. Female labour force participation 18th and 19th centuries. The impact of towns and urban service functions on Swedish industrialisation in the 19th century.

Teaching experiences

I have taught general economic history, the history of industrialisation and development economics on the undergraduate level. I have also taught economic history and the history of innovation in the Masters Programme in Sociotechnical Systems Engineering at Uppsala University. I have acted as tutor on undergraduate essays and I have experience in supervising doctoral students.

Research Projects

2019 Technological shocks and regional resilience: changing occupational structure and development in the Swedish regions (1640-1900) (VR, principal investigator Docent Anna Missiaia)

2018 Innovation och institutionell förändring inom svensk varuhandel 1920-2010 (Torsten Söderbergs stiftelse)

2014 Stockholm och maten: systemet för livsmedelsförsörjning i Stockholm 1930-2010 (The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, The Tore Browaldh Foundation)

2012 Innovation och institutionell förändring inom svensk varuhandel 1750-2010 (Torsten Söderbergs stiftelse)

2010 Female Labour During the Early Industrialisation of Sweden - Construction and Reality (VR/The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, The Tore Browaldh Foundation)

2007 A regional and organisational perspective on the diffusion of innovations in the Swedish food trades 1900-2000. (The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, The Tore Browaldh Foundation)

2003 Towns as dynamic nodes for goods, credits and information during the industrialisation of Sweden. (The Swedish Research Council).

1999 Markets, farmers and the state. Swedish grain markets in transition1770-1880. (Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation).

1994 Consumption and Industrialisation in Sweden 1820-1914. (The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, The Tore Browaldh Foundation. Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation).


1999, PhD, Economic History, Uppsala University

1998, PhLic, Economic History, Uppsala University

1993, BSc, major in Economic History, Uppsala University

Academic Positions, Appointments and Networks

2017-2023, Head of Department, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University

2009, Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University

2009, Associate professor, Economic History, Uppsala University

2003, Researcher, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University

2002, Guest researcher on STINT-scholarship, Department of Geography, Exeter University

1999, Researcher, Department of Economic History, Uppsala University

Grants and awards

2013, recipient of Söderbergska Handelspriset

2002, STINT-scholarship

Fredrik Sandgren

