Susanne Stenbacka
Professor at Department of Human Geography
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- +46 18 471 79 57
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- Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
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751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
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Susanne Stenbacka is an Associate professor in social and economic geography, employed as a senior lecturer. Her research is primarily on rural – urban relations with a focus on the transformation of rural areas in Sweden. With a specific interest for qualitative research, she is currently involved in research projects focussing rural masculinities and femininities, international migration into rural areas, recruitment of migrant farm workers, and ”future farmers” from a gender perspective.
Selection of publications
- “The Rural” Intervening in the Lives of Internal and International Migrants (2012)
- Othering the rural (2011)
- Masculinities and Geography (2010)
- Regionalpolitikens lokala avtryck (2008)
Recent publications
- Urban regions and gender (2024)
- Planning for socially sustainable rural housing in Sweden (2024)
- Internationell migration och lokal välfärd (2023)
- Integration and rural space in Sweden (2023)
- Materiality, mobility, and practices of hospitality and care – Coping with (un)voluntary visitors in rural Sweden (2023)
All publications
- Planning for socially sustainable rural housing in Sweden (2024)
- Chasing Moving Targets in Rural Spaces (2022)
- To ‘go gender’ (2020)
- Responsibilities, caring practices and agriculture (2019)
- How to improve regional and local planning by applying a gender-sensitive analysis (2018)
- The cosmopolitan farmer (2018)
- Gendered youth strategies for inclusion in a changing society (2018)
- Conditioned receptiveness: Nordic rural elite perceptions of immigrantcontributions to local resilience (2018)
- Creating and challenging gendered spatialities (2017)
- The making of the gourmet restaurateur – masculine ideology, identity and performance (2017)
- Indigenous Tourism and Processes of Resilience (2015)
- Insights into Transforming Regional Gender Relations (2015)
- Balancing family traditions and business (2014)
- Mapping gendered ruralities (2013)
- Othering the rural (2011)
- Myt i medier (2008)
- Urban regions and gender (2024)
- Internationell migration och lokal välfärd (2023)
- Integration and rural space in Sweden (2023)
- Materiality, mobility, and practices of hospitality and care – Coping with (un)voluntary visitors in rural Sweden (2023)
- Socialt hållbart boende på landsbygden (2023)
- Samhällsplanering för goda livsvillkor på landsbygden (2023)
- ‘A spanner in the works’: exploring the relationship between provision of welfare and integration in rural areas (2023)
- Trends and Challenges in Nordic Gender Geography (2022)
- Rural policing (2022)
- Sweden (2021)
- 9. Sweden (2021)
- Introduktion – (2020)
- Polisfrånvaro och periferialisering (2020)
- Rural gender relations: (2020)
- A Breeding ground for Cosmopolitanism and Hospitality? (2018)
- Where Family, Farm and SocietyIntersect: Values of Women Farmers in Sweden (2017)
- "Man hittar oss inte hemma på sommaren" (2016)
- Unge migranter skaper steder (2015)
- International Migration and Resilience - Rural IntroductorySpaces and Refugee Immigration as a Resource (2013)
- Rumsliga genusanalyser med aktören i fokus (2013)
- “The Rural” Intervening in the Lives of Internal and International Migrants (2012)
- Masculinities and Geography (2010)
- Gendered Social Capital (2009)
- Regionalpolitikens lokala avtryck (2008)
- Vardagsliv och jämställdhet (2008)
- Rural identities in transition (2008)
- Civilsamhällets lokala genuskontrakt (2005)
- Global påverkan och lokala strategier (2005)
- Resilience strategies in Northern and Southern Europe: towards a smart and sustainable rural development? (2016)
- Refugee migration into rural areas in Sweden – a perspective including individual and community resilience. (2016)
- The cosmopolitan farm? Ideas and practices among Swedish farmers (2016)
- "We are used to mobilising” – about managing transformation by networking and using local competence (2015)
- Mobilities taking place – an individual and municipality perspective on refugee migration into rural areas (2015)
- Female farmers´ values in Sweden – something new or something re-formulated? (2015)
- Creating new Gendered Ruralities (2007)
- Gendered discourses of rural space and practices (2007)
- Rural identities in transition: male unemployment and everyday practice in the North of Sweden (2005)
- Gender contracts in transition: exploring the Nordic periphery (2005)