Jan Darpö

Professor Professor emer. at Department of Law; Guests and Others

+46 18 471 22 47
Visiting address:
Munken 1, Trädgårdsgatan 20
SE-75309 Uppsala
Postal address:
Box 512
751 20 UPPSALA

Short presentation

Jan Darpö is professor of environmental law. His research focuses on environmental procedure, water law and nature conservation. He was visiting professor at the University of Minnesota (2008) and UNSW in Sydney (2012). Since 2008, he is chair of the Task Force on Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention. He is a member of the Avosetta Group and EELFs Advisory Board. He has been assigned as an expert by the Commission and several research institutes.

Publishing webpage: www.jandarpo.se


LL.M. 1991
LL.D. 2001
Associate professor 2002
Senior lecturer 2004
Professor 2011

Internal assignments

Member of the research council of Faculty of law/Uppsala Universitet, 2005-2008.

Coordinator of the research-programme ENFORCE (Enforcing Environmental Law in Europe), funded by the Swedish Environmental Agency, 2004-2010.

Coordinator of the research programme “Combining sustainable biodiversity and human activities in the Swedish archipelago”, funded by Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning FORMAS), 2008-

Coordinator of the research program “Laws and Claws: A Dialogue between Law and Ecology”, funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 2014-2017

Coordinator of the research programme PROSPEC (Protection of species in environmental decision-making processes), funded by Naturvårdsverket, 2017-2019

Member of the Evaluation Committee for doctoral applications (2012-)

External assignment

Expert in several Governmental Commissions: Implementation of the EU Directive on Environmental Liability (M 2004:4; 2005-2007), Environmental Procedure (M 2007:4; 2007-2009), Industrial emissions (M 2010:07; 2010-2011)

International evaluator for the research-institute IWT/Flanders under the Flemish government (2006), d:o for the research-institute Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) under the Dutch government (2012)

Senior adviser in EU Conformity Study of measures of Member States to transpose Directives on Information and Public Participation in Environmental Matters (2008), Swedish rapporteur for Conformity Study on the EU Member States’ Implementation of the Habitats Directive to the European Parliament (2009)

Chairman of the UNECEs Task Force on Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (www.unece.org/env/pp), 2008-2011, 2011-2014, 2014-…

Assigned by the European Commission to supervise and lead the Study on factual aspects of access to justice in relation to EU environmental law in the Member States of the EU and to write the synthesis report on the matter, 2012-2013

Reviewer of the EU Commission's Guidance on access to justice in environmental matters, 2016

Member of the Avosetta Group of Environmental Law Professors, 2015-

Lecturing etc

Opening speaker at the yearly “Environmental Law Meeting” since 2005.

Lecturer at the National Courts Administration’s education for judges and technicians in the environmental courts 2001-2003, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011/12, 2014-.

Key note speaker (“co-referent”) at the seminar on Environmental Democracy at the 38th Nordic Lawyers Meeting in Copenhagen 21–23 August 2008.

Guest professor in the fall semester of 2008 at the University of Minnesota Law School in Minneapolis.

Presentation at the conference for NEEL (Network for European Environmental Lawyers) that the Ministry of the Environment organized for civil servants from EU member states as part of the Swedish chairmanship, December 2009.

Address to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Industry and Trade about the Governments considerations on the permissibility according to the Environmental Code, March 2010.

Visiting Professorial Fellow at Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, September-November 2012.

Address to the Ministry of the Environment on Environmental Procedure, March 2013

Key note speaker at international conferences in Geneva (Switzerland), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Belgrade (Serbia), Pristina (Kosovo), Osaka (Japan), Wroclaw (Poland), Vienna (Austria), Guangzhou and Kunming (China), Gent and Maastricht, Torino, London, Paris and Bremen; 2008-2016

Academic assignments

Opponent: Christina Hörnberg Lindgren: “Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar som rättsligt verktyg för hållbar utveckling” (Environmental Impact Assessment as a legal instrument for sustainable development). Doctoral thesis at Faculty of Law, Umeå University, 2005-05-20

Opponent: Maria Pettersson: “Legal preconditions for wind power implementation in Sweden and Denmark”. Licentiate thesis at Luleå University of Technology, 2006-03-01

Member of examination board: Helena du Rées: “Miljöbrott, myndighet och marknad” (Environmental crime, the authorities and the market). Doctoral thesis at the department of Criminology at Stockholm University, 2004-10-04.

Supervisor for Annika K Nilsson (dissertation in administrative law 2012), Michael Ajneståhl (species and area protection), Yaffa Epstein (species protection, licentiate thesis 2013), Agnes Eklund (environmental procedure) and Jason Czarnezki (public procurement), co-supervisor for Melina Malafry (energy law)

Pedagogical examiner for Minna Gräns in her application to become professor at the Faculty of Law, Uppsala universitet, 2014

Member of examination board: Henrik Josefsson: “Good Ecological Status. Advancing the Ecology of Law”. Doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Law, Uppsala Universitet, 2015-05-13

Opponent: Lars Bäckström: Svensk gruvrätt. En rättsvetenskaplig studie rörande förutsättningarna för utvinning av mineraler. Doctoral thesis, Luleå University of Technology, 2016-01-28

Research areas

Environmental procedure and access to justice, harmonization of environmental legislation, nature conservation and species protection, EIA/IPPC/IED permit regimes, remediation of contaminated land, water law…


Recent publications

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Jan Darpö

