Brita Svensson
Professor at Department of Ecology and Genetics; Plant Ecology and Evolution
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- Evolutionsbiologiskt Centrum (EBC)
Norbyvägen 18 D - Postal address:
- Norbyvägen 18 D
752 36 UPPSALA
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Recent publications
- Brunörter med flikiga blad (2024)
- Spatial heterogeneity ensures long-term stability in vegetation and Fritillaria meleagris flowering in Uppsala Kungsäng, a semi-natural meadow (2023)
- Svensk ögontröst - hur går det för den? (2023)
- Norway spruce postglacial recolonization of Fennoscandia (2022)
- Det är fjädersvingel som växer på Gotlands sandstränder [Vulpia fasciculata found on sandy beaches on Gotland, SE Sweden] (2020)
All publications
- Brunörter med flikiga blad (2024)
- Spatial heterogeneity ensures long-term stability in vegetation and Fritillaria meleagris flowering in Uppsala Kungsäng, a semi-natural meadow (2023)
- Svensk ögontröst - hur går det för den? (2023)
- Norway spruce postglacial recolonization of Fennoscandia (2022)
- Det är fjädersvingel som växer på Gotlands sandstränder [Vulpia fasciculata found on sandy beaches on Gotland, SE Sweden] (2020)
- Träd fortsätter att dö under lång tid efter naturvårdsbränning. [Prolonged effects on tree mortality after conservation burnings] (2019)
- Geographic variation in Sundew (Drosera) leaf colour (2018)
- Changes in species abundance after seven years of elevated atmospheric CO2 and warming in a Subarctic birch forest understorey, as modified by rodent and moth outbreaks (2018)
- Century-long tree population dynamics in a deciduous forest stand in central Sweden (2017)
- An example of how to build conservation evidence from case studies (2017)
- Ringlaven minskar i Dalarna [Population dynamics of Evernia divaricata in central Sweden] (2015)
- Nitrogen deposition and prey nitrogen uptake control the nutrition of the carnivorous plant Drosera rotundifolia (2015)
- Har åtgärderna för att hjälpa mosippan varit effektiva? Ett steg mot evidensbaserad naturvård i Sverige [Evidence-based conservation using unpublished results. A case study using Pulsatilla vernalis] (2014)
- Hur ska vi bevara tidigblommande ögontröster i de gotländska ängena? [Protecting early-flowering Euphrasia on Gotland, southeast Sweden.] (2013)
- Changes Versus Homeostasis in Alpine and Sub-Alpine Vegetation Over Three Decades in the Sub-Arctic (2012)
- Reliance on prey-derived nitrogen by the carnivorous plant Drosera rotundifolia decreases with increasing nitrogen deposition (2012)
- Reinforced Traditional Management is Needed to Save a Declining Meadow Species (2012)
- Responses of fungal root colonization, plant cover and leaf nutrients to long-term exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 and warming in a subarctic birch forest understory (2010)
- Artificial dispersal as a restoration tool in meadows (2009)
- Relationships between fruit production and branching in monocarpic shoot modules of Rhododendron lapponicum (2006)
- Effects of light and water availability on shoot dynamics of the stoloniferous Linnaea borealis (2006)
- Recension av Botaniska utflykter i Bohuslän (2006)
- Ramet dynamics in a centrifugally expanding clonal sedge: a matrix analysis (2006)
- Genetic structure in two meadow varieties of Euphrasia stricta on the Baltic island of Gotland (Sweden) and implications for conservation (2005)
- How can we protect rare hemiparasitic plants? Early-flowering taxa of Euphrasia and Rhinanthus on the Baltic island of Gotland (2005)
- Significance of time of attachment, host type, and neighbouring hemiparasites in determining fitness in two endangered grassland hemiparasites (2004)
- Interferences between Sphagnum and vascular plants: effects on plant community structure and peat formation (2003)
- Nutrient resorption from senescing leaves of the clonal plant Linnaea borealis in relation to reproductive state and resource availability (2003)
- Ramet demography in a ring-forming clonal sedge (2003)
- Roles played by timing of seedling development and host identity in determining fitness of an annual, subarctic, hemiparasitic plant (2001)
- Dispersal and persistence (2000)
- Clonality in the plant community (2013)
- Clonal plants in the community (2005)
- Alpine and subalpine vegetation (1999)