Tomas Furmark
Professor at Department of Psychology; Emotion Psychology
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 21 53
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- Visiting address:
- Von Kraemers allé 1A och 1C
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 1225
751 42 UPPSALA
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Selection of publications
- Disrupting Reconsolidation Attenuates Long-Term Fear Memory in the Human Amygdala and Facilitates Approach Behavior (2016)
- Alterations in the serotonergic and substance P systems in posttraumatic stress disorder (2016)
- Reduced serotonin synthesis and regional cerebral blood flow after anxiolytic treatment of social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Overlapping expression of serotonin transporters and neurokinin-1 receptors in posttraumatic stress disorder (2016)
- Serotonin synthesis rate and the tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (2016)
- Combining escitalopram and cognitive-behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Neuroplasticity in response to cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Serotonin Synthesis and Reuptake in Social Anxiety Disorder (2015)
- Increased neurokinin-1 receptor availability in the amygdala in social anxiety disorder (2015)
- Predicting long-term outcome of Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder using fMRI and support vector machine learning (2015)
- Human serotonin transporter availability predicts fear conditioning (2015)
- Amygdala-frontal couplings characterizing SSRI and placebo response in social anxiety disorder (2014)
- Classifying social anxiety disorder using multivoxel pattern analyses of brain function and structure (2014)
- Altered neural correlates of affective processing after internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Amygdala Subregions Tied to SSRI and Placebo Response in Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder (2012)
- Disruption of reconsolidation erases a fear memory trace in the human amygdala (2012)
- Social fobi (2011)
- Neurobiological aspects of social anxiety disorder (2009)
- Imaging the placebo response (2008)
- Social fobi (2006)
- Common changes in cerebral blood flow in patients with social phobia treated with citalopram or cognitive-behavioral theray (2002)
- Cerebral blood flow during anticipation of public speaking in social phobia (2002)
Recent publications
- Nocturnal sleep phenotypes in idiopathic hypersomnia (2024)
- Investigating heart rate variability measures during pregnancy as predictors of postpartum depression and anxiety: an exploratory study (2024)
- Förväntanseffekter vid SSRI-behandling av social ångest (2024)
- Imaging the cerebellum in post-traumatic stress and anxiety disorders (2023)
- Volume of subcortical brain regions in social anxiety disorder (2023)
All publications
- Nocturnal sleep phenotypes in idiopathic hypersomnia (2024)
- Investigating heart rate variability measures during pregnancy as predictors of postpartum depression and anxiety: an exploratory study (2024)
- Förväntanseffekter vid SSRI-behandling av social ångest (2024)
- Imaging the cerebellum in post-traumatic stress and anxiety disorders (2023)
- Volume of subcortical brain regions in social anxiety disorder (2023)
- Striatal dopamine transporter and receptor availability correlate with relative cerebral blood flow measured with [11C]PE2I, [18F]FE-PE2I and [11C]raclopride PET in healthy individuals (2023)
- Scheduled Support Versus Support on Demand in Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (2023)
- Plasma circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA in social anxiety disorder (2023)
- Baseline Severity as a Moderator of the Waiting List–Controlled Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Symptom Change in Social Anxiety Disorder (2023)
- Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex activity during cognitive challenge in social anxiety disorder (2023)
- Serotonin and dopamine transporter availability in social anxiety disorder after combined treatment with escitalopram and cognitive-behavioral therapy (2022)
- Physical exercise is associated with a reduction in plasma levels of fractalkine, TGF-beta 1, eotaxin-1 and IL-6 in younger adults with mobility disability (2022)
- Expectancy effects on serotonin and dopamine transporters during SSRI treatment of social anxiety disorder (2021)
- Expression and co-expression of serotonin and dopamine transporters in social anxiety disorder (2021)
- Moment-to-moment brain signal variability reliably predicts psychiatric treatment outcome (2021)
- Therapygenetic effects of 5-HTTLPR on cognitive-behavioral therapy in anxiety disorders (2021)
- Decrease in amygdala activity during repeated exposure to spider images predicts avoidance behavior in spider fearful individuals (2020)
- Higher- and lower-order personality traits and cluster subtypes in social anxiety disorder (2020)
- Neuroimaging, genetic, clinical, and demographic predictors of treatment response in patients with social anxiety disorder (2020)
- Seeking neutral (2020)
- Therapist-led and self-led one-session virtual reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety with consumer hardware and software (2019)
- Improvement in indices of cellular protection after psychological treatment for social anxiety disorder (2019)
- The Negative Effects Questionnaire (2019)
- Anterior cingulate cortex activity as a candidate biomarker for treatment selection in social anxiety disorder (2018)
- Subcortical Volumes in Social Anxiety Disorder (2018)
- Amygdala reactivity and connectivity during social and non-social aversive stimulation in social anxiety disorder (2018)
- Brain Before Behavior (2018)
- Association between amygdala neurokinin-1 receptor availability and anxiety-related personality traits (2018)
- Affective Brain Signal Variability Separates Social Anxiety Disorder Patients From Healthy Individuals (2018)
- Can Psychological Treatment Slow Down Cellular Aging in Social Anxiety Disorder? (2018)
- The mediating role of parenting behaviors in the relationship between early and late adolescent levels of anxiety (2018)
- Differential susceptibility effects of oxytocin gene (OXT) polymorphisms and perceived parenting on social anxiety among adolescents (2018)
- Sample Size Matters (2017)
- Voxel-based morphometry multi-center mega-analysis of brain structure in social anxiety disorder (2017)
- Think twice, it's all right (2017)
- Do You Believe It? Verbal Suggestions Influence the Clinical and Neural Effects of Escitalopram in Social Anxiety Disorder (2017)
- Development of a clinically feasible [11C]PE2I PET method for differential diagnosis of parkinsonism using reduced scan duration and automated reference region extraction. (2017)
- Structural but not functional neuroplasticity one year after effective cognitive behaviour therapy for social anxiety disorder (2017)
- Factor solutions of the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) in a Swedish population (2017)
- Interaction between oxytocin gene variants and perceived parenting in relation to social anxiety in adolescents (2017)
- Within-session effect of repeated stress exposure on extinction circuitry function in social anxiety disorder (2017)
- Disrupting Reconsolidation Attenuates Long-Term Fear Memory in the Human Amygdala and Facilitates Approach Behavior (2016)
- Alterations in the serotonergic and substance P systems in posttraumatic stress disorder (2016)
- Use of 5-Hydroxytryptophan Labeled With Carbon 11 in Social Anxiety Disorder Reply (2016)
- Reduced serotonin synthesis and regional cerebral blood flow after anxiolytic treatment of social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Overlapping expression of serotonin transporters and neurokinin-1 receptors in posttraumatic stress disorder (2016)
- Serotonin synthesis rate and the tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (2016)
- Combining escitalopram and cognitive-behavioural therapy for social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Decreased Brain Neurokinin-1 Receptor Availability in Chronic Tennis Elbow (2016)
- Neuroplasticity in response to cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2016)
- Assessing Adolescent Anxiety in General Psychiatric Care (2016)
- Anxiety disorders among adolescents referred to general psychiatry for multiple causes (2016)
- Anxiety disorders among adolescents referred to general psychiatry for multiple causes (2016)
- Disruption of Memory Reconsolidation Erases a Fear Memory Trace in the Human Amygdala (2015)
- Reduced Serotonin Synthesis after Pharmacological Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder (2015)
- Serotonin Synthesis and Reuptake in Social Anxiety Disorder (2015)
- Increased neurokinin-1 receptor availability in the amygdala in social anxiety disorder (2015)
- Predicting long-term outcome of Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder using fMRI and support vector machine learning (2015)
- Interrelated Functional and Structural Amygdala Plasticity Following Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (2015)
- Risk profiles for poor treatment response to internet-delivered CBT in people with social anxiety disorder (2015)
- Human serotonin transporter availability predicts fear conditioning (2015)
- Serotonin Synthesis Rate and the Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2 G-703T Polymorphism in Social Anxiety Disorder (2014)
- Association between amygdala reactivity and a dopamine transporter gene polymorphism (2014)
- Cognitive behavior therapy versus interpersonal psychotherapy for social anxiety disorder delivered via smartphone and computer (2014)
- Amygdala-frontal couplings characterizing SSRI and placebo response in social anxiety disorder (2014)
- Enlargement of visual processing regions in social anxiety disorder is related to symptom severity (2014)
- Predicting Outcome of Combined CBT and SSRI Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder Using a Machine Learning Approach (2014)
- Classifying social anxiety disorder using multivoxel pattern analyses of brain function and structure (2014)
- Classifying Social Anxiety Disorder Using Multivoxel Pattern Analyses of Brain Function and Structure (2014)
- Multi-voxel Patterns in Fear Network Regions Predict Clinical Outcome One-year after Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder - A Support Vector Machine fMRI Study (2014)
- Serotonin Transporter Binding in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Measured with [11c]-DASB (2014)
- Symptom Improvement in Social Anxiety Disorder is Associated with Reduced Amygdala Reactivity to Emotional Faces (2013)
- Genetic polymorphisms in monoamine systems and outcome of cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Disruption of Fear Reconsolidation by Extinction and the G-703T Gene Polymorphism (2013)
- Guided Internet-delivered acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain patients (2013)
- Altered Amygdala but not Default Mode Network Functional Connectivity in Social Anxiety Disorder (2013)
- Regional Gray Matter Volume of the Lingual Gyrus is Related to Symptom Severity in Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder (2013)
- Altered fusiform connectivity during processing of fearful faces in social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Cortical thickness alterations in social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Validation of parametric methods for [(11)C]PE2I positron emission tomography (2013)
- Amygdala Changes After Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Attention Bias Modification via the Internet (2013)
- Altered neural correlates of affective processing after internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder (2013)
- Therapist Experience and Knowledge Acquisition in Internet-Delivered CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder (2012)
- Therapeutic alliance in guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioural treatment of depression, generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder (2012)
- Amygdala response to SSRIs in social anxiety disorder (2012)
- Age, sex and NK1 receptors in the human brain (2012)
- Amygdala Subregions Tied to SSRI and Placebo Response in Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder (2012)
- Parametric methods for [11C]PE2I positron emission tomography (2012)
- Effect of variations in cerebellum kinetics on robustness of [C-11]DASB parametric images (2012)
- Outcome predictors in guided and unguided self-help for social anxiety disorder (2012)
- Disruption of reconsolidation erases a fear memory trace in the human amygdala (2012)
- Human fear reconsolidation and allelic differences in serotonergic and dopaminergic genes (2012)
- Increased neurokinin-1 receptor availability in temporal lobe epilepsy (2011)
- Neural Correlates of Anxiety States in Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder (2011)
- Social fobi (2011)
- A 5-Year Follow-up of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (2011)
- Neurofunctional correlates of expressed vocal affect in social phobia (2011)
- A randomized trial of Internet delivered treatment for social anxiety disorder in high school students (2011)
- Arousal modulation of memory and amygdala-parahippocampal connectivity (2011)
- Age and Sex Differences in NK1 Receptor Availability Assessed with [11C]GR205171 (2010)
- Internet administration of self-report measures commonly used in research on social anxiety disorder (2010)
- Ventromedial prefrontal neurokinin 1 receptor availability is reduced in chronic pain (2010)
- High-frequency heart rate variability and cortico-striatal activity in men and women with social phobia (2009)
- Long-term outcome of Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy for social phobia (2009)
- Neurobiological aspects of social anxiety disorder (2009)
- Guided and unguided self-help for social anxiety disorder (2009)
- Genotype over-diagnosis in amygdala responsiveness (2009)
- Habituation of regional cerebral blood flow to repeated symptom provocation in individuals with generalized and non-generalized social phobia. (2009)
- Evaluation of the psychometric properties of a modified version of the Social Phobia Screening Questionnaire for use in adolescents. (2009)
- Social phobia in Swedish adolescents (2009)
- Chronic whiplash symptoms are related to altered regional cerebral blood flow in the resting state (2009)
- Bodily arousal gates amygdala-hippocampal interaction in phobic memory encoding (2009)
- Disentangling the web of fear (2009)
- Imaging the placebo response (2008)
- A Link between Serotonin-Related Gene Polymorphisms, Amygdala Activity, and Placebo-Induced Relief from Social Anxiety (2008)
- In a nervous voice (2008)
- A differential cortisol response to stress after treatment of social phobia with a neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist o SSRIs. (2008)
- Treating university students with social phobia and public speaking fears (2008)
- Functional connectivity of the amygdala in specific phobia (2008)
- Treatment of social phobia (2007)
- Social phobia in Swedish university students (2007)
- Effective brain connectivity in social anxiety disorder (2007)
- Consequences of suppressing thoughts about tinnitus and the effects of cognitive distraction on brain activity in tinnitus patients (2006)
- Hypothalamic blood flow correlates positively with stress-induced cortisol levels in subjects with social anxiety disorder (2006)
- Size and burden of social phobia in Europe. (2005)
- Cerebral blood flow changes after treatment of social phobia with the neurokinin-1 antagonist GR205171, citalopram, or placebo. (2005)
- Anxiety related brain mechanisms in social anxiety disorder. (2004)
- Serotonin transporter polymorphism related to amygdala excitability and symptom severity in patients with social phobia (2004)
- Social phobia and avoidant personality disorder: One spectrum disorder? (2004)
- Amygdaloid regional cerebral blood flow and subjective fear during symptom provocation in anxiety disorders (2003)
- Right-sided human prefrontal brain activation during acquisition of conditioned fear. (2002)
- Common changes in cerebral blood flow in patients with social phobia treated with citalopram or cognitive-behavioral theray (2002)
- Cerebral blood flow during anticipation of public speaking in social phobia (2002)
- Pessimism and amygdala activity: A PET study (2001)
- Presynaptic serotonin imaging in social phobia using [3-11C]-5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan and PET (2001)
- Presynaptic serotonin imaging in social phobia using [3-11C]-5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan and PET (2001)
- Personality traits in social phobia. (2001)
- Social phobia and avoidant personality disorder as related to parental history of social anxiety (2001)
- Regional cerebral blood flow during tinnitus (2000)
- Brain representation of habituation to repeated complex visual stimulation studied with PET. (2000)
- Amygdala blood flow is associated with dopamine transporter gene pslymorphism in patients with social anxiety disorder and healthy controls.
- The relationship between social anxiety, depressive symptoms and peer victimization over course in adolescence
- Changes in serotonin and dopamine transporter availability after combined treatment with escitalopram and cognitive-behavioral therapy in patients with social anxiety disorder
- Response expectancies shape the effect of SSRI treatment on serotonin and dopamine transporters in patients with social anxiety disorder
- Arousal gates amygdala interaction with the parahippocampal cortex during encoding of phobic pictures
- Neurotransmission (2014)
- Revealing the biological underpinnings of tha placebo response (2010)
- Manligt, kvinnligt, ängsligt (2010)
- Ångestsjukdom (2007)
- Brain mechanisms in stress and negative affect (2006)
- Hjärnans roll i stress och negativ affekt (2005)
- Motivation och emotion (2005)
- Brain imaging studies in social anxiety disorder (2004)
- Brain imaging in affective neuroscience (2001)
- Pattern Of Grey Matter Volume In The Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Predicts Long-term Outcome Of Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Social Anxiety Disorder (2015)
- Interrelated Functional and Structural Amygdala Plasticity Following Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (2015)
- Neurokinin-1 Receptor Availability in the Amygdala is Positively Associated with Neuroticism and Negatively Associated with Extraversion. (2015)
- Serotonin Synthesis Rate and the Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2 G-703T Polymorphism in Social Anxiety Disorder (2014)
- Amygdala and Default Mode Network Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Social Anxiety Disorder (2014)
- Predicting Outcome of Combined CBT and SSRI Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder Using a Machine Learning Approach (2014)
- Increased serotonin transporter availability in social anxiety disorder revealed by [11C]DASB positron emission tomography (2014)
- Increased serotonin synthesis and transporter availability in social anxiety disorder revealed by [11C]5-HTP and [11C]DASB PET imaging (2014)
- Classifying social anxiety disorder using multivoxel pattern analyses of brain function and structure (2014)
- Serotonin Transporter Binding In Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Measured With [11C]-DASB (2014)
- Multi-voxel Patterns in Anterior Cingulate Cortex Predict Clinical Outcome One-year after Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder – A Support Vector Machine fMRI study (2014)
- Neural processing of emotional faces in social anxiety disorder (2012)
- Neural processing of emotionalfaces in social anxiety disorder (2012)
- Subregional Amygdala Responsivity in Responders and Nonresponders to SSRIs in Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder (2012)
- Altered fusiform connectivity during processing of fearful faces in social phobia (2012)
- Altered fusiformconnectivity during processing of fearful faces in social phobia (2012)
- Parametric methods for[11C]PE2I positron emission tomography (2012)
- No link between amygdala reactivity to emotional faces and fear conditioning (2012)
- No link between amygdalareactivity to emotional faces and fear conditioning (2012)
- Differences in Amygdala Responsivity Between Responders and Nonresponders to SSRIs in Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder (2011)
- Meta-Analytical Evidence for Segregating and Integrating Brain Activation to Symptom Provocation in Social Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (2011)
- Effective Connectivity of Fear Circuitry and Emotion Regulation in Specific Phobia (2011)
- Pretreatment Anterior Cingulate Activity Predicts Amygdala Attenuation in Social Phobic Placebo Responders (2010)
- Effects of serotonin transporter and tryptophan hydroxylase-2 gene variation on the response to cognitive-bahavior therapy in patients with social anxiety disorder (2010)
- Cortico-Striatal Substance P Release Correlates with Phobia Related Trait Anxiety (2010)
- Altered NK1-receptor availability in patients with post traumatic stress disorder (2009)
- Influence of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism on amygdala reactivity in social anxiety disorder. (2009)
- Elevated uptake of [C-11] 5-hydroxy-tryptophan in the amygdala in patients with social anxiety disorder (2009)
- Serotonin-related genotypes but not diagnosis of social anxiety disorder predict amygdala responsiveness to angry faces. (2008)
- Vocal expression in spontaneous and experimentally induced affective speech (2008)
- Enhanced amygdalar NK1-receptor availability in patients with social anxiety disorder. (2007)
- Long term follow-up of Internet-based treatment of social phobia. (2007)
- Långtidseffekter av Internetbaserad KBT vid social fobi (2007)
- Presynaptic serotonin synthesis in different social phobia subtypes assessed with PET and [11C] 5-hydroxytryptophan (2007)
- Altered serotonin transporter function in post traumatic stress disorder (2007)
- Serotonin-1A receptor allelic variation and brain endophenotypes: A PET study of social phobia (2006)
- Enhanced amygdalar activation during perception of negative affect in patients with social phobia carrying the short allele of the human serotonin transporter gene (2006)
- Bibliotherapy vs. Internet-based self-help with therapist feedback in the treatment of social phobia: A randomized controlled study. (2006)
- Hur väl fungerar en självhjälpsbok vid social fobi? En randomiserad kontrollerad studie. (2006)
- Modality of measurement and power, a comparison between rCBF, psychophysiology and self assessment measures (2006)
- University students with social phobia and public speaking fears: A randomized trial of Internet delivered self-help with or without live group exposure. (2006)
- Sites of action of cognitive and drug therapies in anxiety (2005)
- Amygdalar activity during emotional perception and experience in subjects with social phobia (2005)
- Neurofunctional placebo response in social anxiety disorder during public speech (2005)
- Connectivity analyses of regional cerebral blood flow during public speaking in individuals with social anxiety disorder (2005)
- Treatment of social phobia via the Internet. Results from a RCT and some clinical observations (2004)
- Ett Internetbaserat självhjälpsprogram i kombination med gruppträffar för personer med social fobi (2004)
- Serotonin transporter genetic variation, amygdala activity and symptom severity in social phobia. (2004)
- State Anxiety and Social Phobia: A PET Study (2004)
- Central neural correlates of salivary cortisol during stress in subjects with social phobia (2004)
- Changes in cerebral blood flow during cognitive distraction in tinnitus patients (2002)
- Decreased regional cerebral blood flow in the prefrontal cortex during fear provocation: A PET study of specific phobia [CD-ROM] (2002)
- Tinnitus: Funktionell neuroanatomi (2000)
- Subcortical predictors of long-term treatment outcome in patients with social phobia revealed by PET and discriminant analysis (2000)
- Functional neuroanatomy of anticipatory anxiety in social phobics: A PET study (2000)
- Funktionell neuroanatomi vid tinnitus (1999)