Jan Gustafsson
Professor at Department of Women's and Children's Health; Paediatric Inflammation, Metabolism and Child Health Research
- Telephone:
- +46 18 611 58 19
- E-mail:
- jan.gustafsson@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA
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Recent publications
- Swedish cohort study found that half of the girls with shunted hydrocephalus had precocious or early puberty (2024)
- Demographic and disease-related factors impact bone turnover and vitamin D in children with hemato-oncological diseases (2024)
- Relation of maternal birthweight with early pregnancy obesity, gestational diabetes, and offspring macrosomia (2022)
- Prevalence of and factors influencing vitamin D deficiency in paediatric patients diagnosed with cancer at northern latitudes (2021)
- Metabolic Effects of Growth Hormone Treatment in Short Prepubertal Children (2021)
All publications
- Swedish cohort study found that half of the girls with shunted hydrocephalus had precocious or early puberty (2024)
- Demographic and disease-related factors impact bone turnover and vitamin D in children with hemato-oncological diseases (2024)
- Relation of maternal birthweight with early pregnancy obesity, gestational diabetes, and offspring macrosomia (2022)
- Prevalence of and factors influencing vitamin D deficiency in paediatric patients diagnosed with cancer at northern latitudes (2021)
- Metabolic Effects of Growth Hormone Treatment in Short Prepubertal Children (2021)
- Vitamin D status in children with leukemia, its predictors, and association with outcome (2020)
- GH Dose Reduction Maintains Normal Prepubertal Height Velocity After Initial Catch-Up Growth in Short Children (2019)
- Metabolic syndrome in children (2019)
- Glucose Appearance Rate Rather than the Blood Glucose Concentrations Explains Differences in Postprandial Insulin Responses between Wholemeal Rye and Refined Wheat Breads-Results from A Cross-Over Meal Study (2019)
- High birth weight was not associated with altered body composition or impaired glucose tolerance in adulthood (2019)
- More severe intellectual disability found in teenagers compared to younger children with Down syndrome. (2019)
- An intervention targeting social, communication and daily activity skills in children and adolescents with Down syndrome and autism (2019)
- Autism needs to be considered in children with Down syndrome (2019)
- Perfluoroalkyl acid levels in first-time mothers in relation to offspring weight gain and growth (2018)
- Vitamin D Status in Children with Leukemia (2018)
- High birth weight was associated with increased radial artery intima thickness but not with other investigated cardiovascular risk factors in adulthood (2018)
- Self- and parent-reported executive problems in adolescents with type 1 diabetes are associated with poor metabolic control and low physical activity. (2018)
- Clinical and immunological characteristics of Autoimmune Addison's disease (2017)
- Maternal rates of lipolysis and glucose production in late pregnancy are independently related to foetal weight (2017)
- Drug-mediated gene regulation of vitamin D3 metabolism in primary human dermal fibroblasts (2017)
- Early/Precocious Puberty in Children with Pre/Perinatal Hydrocephalus (2017)
- Identification of endothelin-converting enzyme-2 as an autoantigen in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (2017)
- Comparison of Lipid And Glucose Metabolism Between Short Prepubertal Children And Healthy Children of Normal Height (2017)
- Metabolic differences between short children with GH peak levels in the lower normal range and healthy children of normal height (2017)
- Prevalence of autism and attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder in Down syndrome (2017)
- Mortality Is Not Increased in Recombinant Human Growth Hormone-treated Patients When Adjusting for Birth Characteristics (2016)
- Birth Characteristics Explain One Third of Expected Deaths in rhGH-treated Patients Diagnosed with IGHD, ISS & SGA (2016)
- Autoantibodies Targeting a Collecting Duct-Specific Water Channel in Tubulointerstitial Nephritis. (2016)
- Proteome-wide survey of the autoimmune target repertoire in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (2016)
- Increased and early lipolysis in children with long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD) deficiency during fast (2015)
- A high birth weight is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity (2015)
- Transglutaminase 4 as a prostate autoantigen in male subfertility (2015)
- Fasting blood glucose and HbA1c in children with ADHD (2015)
- Growth hormone dose-dependent pubertal growth (2014)
- Is obesity a risk factor for impaired cognition in young adults with low birth weight? (2014)
- Catch-up growth following undernutrition - a risk factor for early puberty in internationally adopted children (2014)
- Alkaline phosphatase in healthy children (2014)
- Estimating reliable paediatric reference intervals in clinical chemistry and haematology (2014)
- Altered Expression of Autoimmune Regulator in Infant Down Syndrome Thymus, a Possible Contributor to an Autoimmune Phenotype (2014)
- Energy substrate metabolism in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency (2014)
- Energy substrate metabolism in pyruvatedehydrogenase complex deficiency (2014)
- Adipokines and their relation to maternal energy substrate production, insulin resistance and fetal size (2013)
- Population-based pediatric reference intervals for hematology, iron and transferrin (2013)
- Changes in mortality and causes of death in the Swedish Down syndrome population (2013)
- Early Puberty in Internationally Adopted Children - Fact or Artefact? (2013)
- Kreatininvärden bör kompletteras med GFR-beräkningar (2013)
- Kreatininvärden bör kompletteras med GFR-beräkningar (2013)
- Referensintervall för barn för vanliga klinisk-kemiska analyser (2013)
- Referensintervall för barn för vanliga klinisk-kemiska analyser (2013)
- Population-based pediatric reference intervals for HbA1c, bilirubin, albumin, CRP, myoglobin and serum enzymes (2013)
- Reference intervals on the Abbot Architect for serum thyroid hormones, lipids and prolactin in healthy children in a population-based study (2012)
- Different thresholds of tissue-specific dose-responses to growth hormone in short prepubertal children (2012)
- Decreased bone mineral density in young adults treated with SCT in childhood (2012)
- Is Early Puberty Triggered by Catch-Up Growth Following Undernutrition? (2012)
- Population-based pediatric reference intervals for general clinical chemistry analytes on the Abbott Architect ci8200 instrument (2012)
- Exclusive breastfeeding of low birth weight infants for the first six months (2011)
- Increased IL-17A secretion in response to Candida albicans in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 and its animal model (2011)
- A Comparison of Different Definitions of Growth Response in Short Prepubertal Children Treated with Growth Hormone (2011)
- Cerebral glucose metabolism after traumatic brain injury in the rat studied by C-13-glucose and microdialysis (2011)
- Glucose metabolism and body composition in young adults treated with TBI during childhood (2011)
- Short Adult Stature and Overweight Are Associated with Poor Intellectual Performance in Subjects Born Preterm (2011)
- Increased perinatal intracranial pressure and brainstem dysfunction predict early puberty in boys with myelomeningocele (2011)
- TSGA10-A Target for Autoantibodies in Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 1 and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (2011)
- Insulin Resistance, a Link between Maternal Overweight and Fetal Macrosomia in Nondiabetic Pregnancies (2010)
- Gestational diabetes and offspring body disproportion (2010)
- Metabolic outcome of GH treatment in prepubertal short children with and without classical GH deficiency (2010)
- Late effects of early growth hormone treatment in Down syndrome (2010)
- Normal growth hormone secretion in overweight young adults with Down syndrome (2010)
- Pulmonary Autoimmunity as a Feature of Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 1 and Identification of KCNRG as a Bronchial Autoantigen (2009)
- Neonatal energy substrate production (2009)
- Book Review (2009)
- Neonatal tyreotoxikos (2009)
- Growth hormone (GH) dosing during catch-up growth guided by individual responsiveness decreases growth response variability in prepubertal children with GH deficiency or idiopathic short stature (2009)
- Increased neonatal thyrotropin in Down syndrome (2009)
- Dose-dependent effect of growth hormone on final height in children with short stature without growth hormone deficiency (2008)
- Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 and NALP5, a parathyroid autoantigen (2008)
- Lipolysis and Insulin Sensitivity at Birth in Infants Who Are Large for Gestational Age (2007)
- Females born large for gestational age have a doubled risk of giving birth to large for gestational age infants (2007)
- Pituitary autoantibodies in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (2007)
- Energy substrate production in infants born small for gestational age (2007)
- Increase in beta-Amyloid Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Children with Down Syndrome (2007)
- Normal long-term parathyroid function after autologous bone marrow transplantation in children (2007)
- Glucose metabolism in human adipose tissue studied by 13C-glucose and microdialysis (2007)
- Increased lipolysis in LCHAD deficiency (2007)
- Overweight more prevalent among children than among adolescents (2007)
- Insufficient ketone body use is the cause of ketotic hypoglycemia in one of a pair of homozygotic twins (2007)
- Decreased maternal lipolysis in intrauterine growth restriction in the third trimester. (2006)
- Hur klarar det nyfödda barnet sin energiförsörjning? (2006)
- Bile acid metabolism in extrahepatic biliary atresia (2006)
- Autoantibodies linked to autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I are prevalent in Down syndrome (2006)
- Postnatal peer counselling on exclusive breastfeeding of low-birthweight infants (2005)
- Increased lipolysis in non-obese pregnant women studied in the third trimester. (2005)
- Normal spontaneous cortisol secretion in children after autologous bone marrow transplantation. (2005)
- Growth post transplant. Pubertal development and final height after autologous bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2004)
- Pubertal development and final height after autologous bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (2004)
- APS I - svår autoimmun sjukdom med endokrina och icke-endokrina symtom (2004)
- A novel nonsense mutation of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene in a Swedish family with pseudohypoaldosteronism type I (PHA1). (2004)
- Analysis of antibody reactivity against cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase, a pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme, in endocrine autoimmune disease (2004)
- Endogenous glucose production and lipolysis in anorexia nervosa--a study using stable isotope-labelled compounds. (2004)
- Final height after combined growth hormone and GnRH analogue treatment in adopted girls with early puberty. (2004)
- Histidine decarboxylase, a pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme, is an autoantigen of gastric enterochromaffin-like cells (2003)
- Errors in estimating neonatal production of glucose with stable isotopes during (2001)
- Early puberty is associated with increased intracranial pressure perinatally in boys with myelomeningocele. (1997)
- Skeletal dysplasia. Medical interdisciplinary care is necessary for optimal treatment. (1995)
- Demographic and Disease-Related Factors Impact Bone Turnover and Vitamin D in Children with Hemato-Oncological Diseases
- Females with a high birth weight have increased risk of offspring macrosomia and obesity, but not of gestational diabetes
- Barnendokrinologi (2011)
- Neonatal endokrinologi (2010)
- Akut omhädertagande (2008)
- Neonatal endokrinologi. (2005)
- Diabetes-ketoacidos, hyperglykemi och hypoglykemi (2005)
- Growth retardation in down syndrome: thyroid disorders, coeliac desease and the effect of GH therapy (2004)
- Pediatrisk endokrinologi (2004)