Anna Sarkadi
Professor at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Social Medicine/CHAP
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- +46 18 471 65 72
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751 22 Uppsala
Professor at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Medical
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 469 76 80
- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
- Postal address:
- Box 564
751 22 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
I am the leader of a group that works with research on child health and parenting. I am a physician specialising in social medicine and Professor of social medicine. My research concerns societal interventions to prevent child and parent mental health problems and promote wellbeing.
I have 6 current and 12 graduated PhD students. I also supervise thesis students and 6 residents in social medicine and public health.
I am chairperson of the Swedish Association of Social Medicine.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Jag är forskargruppsledare i en grupp som arbetar med forskning inom barnhälsovård och föräldraskap. Vi genomför studier för att förbättra stödet som BVC, socialtjänsten, förskolan och skola ger barn och deras familjer. Vi fokuserar på metoder att förebygga psykisk ohälsa och på hur man använder samhällets resurser på ett optimalt sätt. Länken till forskargruppens hemsida finner du här.
Jag är specialistläkare och professor i socialpediatrik. En socialmedicinare har befolkningen, snarare än enskilda personer, som sin ”patient”. Vi intresserar oss för samhällets inverkan på hälsa och hur system bäst utformas för att främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa.
I min forskargrupp använder vi oss av såväl kvalitativa som kvantitativa metoder och värdesätter forskning som kommer till praktisk nytta. Gruppen är tvärvetenskaplig med såväl samhällsvetenskap, naturvetenskap och medicin representerad bland våra forskare. Studenter från samtliga discipliner som finns hos oss är välkomna att skriva sin uppsats i gruppen.
Jag är medlem i den regionala etikprövningsnämnden och brinner för etik och kvalité i forskning.
Jag har sex aktuella doktorander och åtta disputerade sedan tidigare. Jag undervisar på såväl grund- som master- och forskarnivå och har ett stort intresse för universitetspedagogik. Jag har erfarenhet av föreläsningar, seminarier, PBL, videofeedback sessioner och workshops i undervisningen.
Jag tror på samtalet som metod till utveckling och är även medlem i mentorsnätverket för att hjälpa lärarkollegor reflektera kring sin pedagogik.
Jag kommer ursprungligen från Ungern och har bott i Sverige sedan 1995. Vill du läsa mer om mig så kan du gå til UNTs intervju här.
År 2013 erhöll jag Landstingets Forksningspris för min forskning. Jag är medlem i Kungliga Vetenskapssamhället i Uppsala och är vald till Honorary Research Fellow vid Murdoch Childrens Research Institute i Melbourne. Sedan 2016 är jag Vinnvård Fellow och arbetar med förbättringsprojekt i vården.
Recent publications
- Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques intervention among newcomer students in Swedish schools (2024)
- Experiences of central child health services teams regarding a special governmental investment in child health services (2024)
- “There is a Mental Resistance” (2024)
- How to Analyze Focus Group Interactions – Development of a Coding Scheme (2024)
- Mental health status according to the dual-factor model in Swedish adolescents (2024)
All publications
- Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques intervention among newcomer students in Swedish schools (2024)
- Experiences of central child health services teams regarding a special governmental investment in child health services (2024)
- “There is a Mental Resistance” (2024)
- How to Analyze Focus Group Interactions – Development of a Coding Scheme (2024)
- Mental health status according to the dual-factor model in Swedish adolescents (2024)
- Child behaviour is a main concern for parents of 3-year-olds (2024)
- Screening for economic hardship at Child Health Care Centres (2024)
- Co‐Design Workshops to Develop a Psychosocial Support Service Model for Refugees in Sweden Affected by Gender‐Based Violence (2024)
- Promoting positive development among refugee adolescents (2023)
- Multicountry review (2023)
- 'They Yell and I Yell Back' (2023)
- Training non-specialists in teaching recovery techniques (TRT) to help traumatised children in humanitarian settings (2023)
- ‘Feeling down one evening doesn't count as having mental health problems’ (2023)
- Ameliorating epistemic injustice in practice (2023)
- Standard Involvement Is Not Enough (2023)
- The specialty of social medicine and public health in Sweden (2023)
- Adolescent co-researchers identified the central role of social media for young people during the pandemic (2023)
- Associations between social factors and school belonging among newcomer and non-newcomer youth in Sweden (2023)
- Promoting an Understanding of Forced Migration Among Host Country Children and Exploring Their Views on Refugee Children’s Needs (2023)
- Are We Ready to Really Hear the Voices of Those Concerned? (2023)
- Perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic as demonstrated in drawings of Swedish children aged 4-6 years (2023)
- Successful implementation of parenting support at preschool (2022)
- Rainbows over the world's public health (2022)
- Experiences of children with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden (2022)
- Feeling mentally unwell is the "new normal" (2022)
- Ameliorating Child poverty through Connecting Economic Services with child health Services (ACCESS) (2022)
- Tracking involvement over time (2022)
- Schools' and teachers' roles and challenges in supporting the mental wellbeing of refugee youths (2022)
- Feasibility of a randomised trial of Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT) with refugee youth (2022)
- Mental Health of Refugee and Non-refugee Migrant Young People in European Secondary Education (2022)
- Social Determinants of the Mental Health of Young Migrants (2022)
- Evaluation of a school-based intervention to promote mental health of refugee youth in Sweden (The RefugeesWellSchool Trial) (2021)
- Asthma and allergies correlate to mental health problems in preschool children (2021)
- Implementation and maintenance of a community-based intervention for refugee youth reporting symptoms of post-traumatic stress (2021)
- Readiness of Allied Professionals to Join the Mental Health Workforce (2021)
- The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Societal Infection Control Measures on Children and Adolescents' Mental Health (2021)
- Answer to the letter concerning our published paper about identifying language disorder in bilingual children (2021)
- Training Allied Professionals to Hold Mental Health Support Groups for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma (2021)
- An Integrated Care Strategy for Pre-schoolers with Suspected Developmental Disorders (2021)
- Children's Expressions of Worry During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden (2021)
- Mapping trauma support onto the shifting landscape of seeking refuge in Sweden (2021)
- Giving schools a nudge (2021)
- ‘I felt like a human being’ (2021)
- Narrative review of interventions suitable for well-baby clinics to promote infant attachment security and parents' sensitivity (2020)
- Swedish norms for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire for children 3-5 years rated by parents and preschool teachers (2020)
- Facilitating implementation of an evidence-based method to assess the mental health of 3–5-year-old children at Child Health Clinics (2020)
- Longing for a sense of belonging (2020)
- Children want parents to ask for permission before 'sharenting' (2020)
- “When you talk about it, something in your heart becomes lighter” (2020)
- Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques community-based intervention for unaccompanied refugee youth experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms (Swedish UnaccomPanied yOuth Refugee Trial; SUPpORT) (2020)
- Cost-effectiveness of an indicated preventive intervention for depression in adolescents: a model to support decision making (2020)
- Evaluation of the teaching recovery techniques community-based intervention for accompanied refugee children experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms (Accompanied refugeeS In Sweden Trial; ASsIST) (2020)
- "We also communicate through a book in the diaper bag"-Separated parents' ways to coparent and promote adaptation of their 1-4 year olds in equal joint physical custody (2019)
- SDQ in the Hands of Fathers and Preschool Teachers (2019)
- Outside the norm (2019)
- Is the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with a Trauma Supplement a Valuable Tool in Screening Refugee Children for Mental Health Problems? (2019)
- Modifying a language screening tool for three-year-old children identified severe language disorders six months earlier (2019)
- "I'm a Mother Who Always Tries to Give My Children Hope" (2019)
- Is the Refugee Health Screener a Useful Tool when Screening 14- to 18-Year-Old Refugee Adolescents for Emotional Distress? (2019)
- Depressive disorders in adolescence, recurrence in early adulthood, and healthcare usage in mid-adulthood (2019)
- Indicated preventive interventions for depression in children and adolescents (2019)
- Preschool children living in joint physical custody arrangements show less psychological symptoms than those living mostly or only with one parent (2018)
- Agreement between mothers', fathers', and teachers' ratings of behavioural and emotional problems in 3-5-year-old children (2018)
- Paternal psychological distress, parenting, and child behaviour (2018)
- Do Fathers' Home Reading Practices at Age 2 Predict Child Language and Literacy at Age 4? (2018)
- Evaluation of a group intervention for unaccompanied refugee minors with PTSD symptoms in Sweden (2018)
- Teaching Recovery Techniques (2018)
- Indicated Preventive Interventions for Depression in Children and Adolescents (2018)
- Validity of Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in non-clinical samples of parents and teachers (2017)
- Mental health and academic failure in Swedish adolescents (2017)
- Exploring Nurses', Preschool Teachers' and Parents' Perspectives on Information Sharing Using SDQ in a Swedish Setting - A Qualitative Study Using Grounded Theory (2017)
- Inter-rater agreement between parent and teacher SDQ ratings in Swedish 3-5-year-olds (2017)
- The computer-assisted interview In My Shoes can benefit shy preschool children's communication (2017)
- “And they gave me a shot, it really hurt” – Evaluative content in investigative interviews with young children (2017)
- Qualitative evaluation of a group intervention for unaccompanied refugee minors with PTSD symptoms (2017)
- Clinical utility of the Structured Observation of Motor Performance in Infants within the child health services (2017)
- Indicated preventive interventions for depression in Children and Adolescents (2017)
- Paediatric approaches to child maltreatment are subject to wide organisational variations across Europe. (2017)
- Screening for PTSD symptoms in unaccompanied refugee minors (2017)
- Pilot study of a group intervention for unaccompanied refugee minors with symptoms of PTSD in Sweden (2017)
- 'I felt a little bubbly in my tummy' (2016)
- Why should they live more with one of us when they are children to us both? (2016)
- In My Shoes - Validation of a computer assisted approach for interviewing children (2016)
- 'Now I use words like asymmetry and unstable' (2016)
- Utility-based quality of life in mothers of children with behaviour problems (2016)
- No difference in relationship satisfaction between parents of children with enuresis and normative data (2016)
- Using CRIES-8 to screen for post-traumatic stress disorder in unaccompanied refugee minors (2016)
- Mothers’ and fathers’ attendance in a community-based universally offered parenting program in Sweden (2016)
- 'It made you think twice' (2016)
- No effect of basic bladder advice in enuresis (2015)
- Infrequent enuresis, the uninvestigated majority (2015)
- Challenges and benefits of conducting parental classes in Sweden (2015)
- Can nurses be key players in assessing early motor development using a structured method in the child health setting? (2015)
- Child healthcare nurses believe that bilingual children show slower language development, simplify screening procedures and delay referrals (2015)
- Cost and effects of a universal parenting programme delivered to parents of preschoolers (2015)
- How the system failed Dylan (2015)
- Maternal and child health nurses' self-perceived confidence in dealing with child behaviour problems (2015)
- Gender equality in Swedish child health centers (2015)
- "Nobody Asked Us if We Needed Help" (2014)
- Response to Invited Commentary (2014)
- Conscious Parenting (2014)
- Child behaviour problems, parenting behaviours and parental adjustment in mothers and fathers in Sweden (2014)
- The invisible father (2014)
- Relationer avgör resultat (2014)
- Både S och M har fel lösning för skolan (2014)
- A novel approach used outcome distribution curves to estimate the population-level impact of a public health intervention (2014)
- Ultrasonographic fetal soft markers in a low-risk population (2014)
- Offering Relationship Education (PREP) for Couples During Pregnancy (2013)
- The Children and Parents in Focus project (2013)
- Forskning på BVC (2013)
- [Child Health Centers within Family Centers offers better parental support. A national web-based survey reveals advantages of co-location]. (2013)
- Swedish child health nurses' views of early father involvement (2013)
- Parenting Scale (2012)
- A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Triple P Program in Uppsala Municipality, Sweden (2012)
- Co-producing parenting support in sparsely populated areas: a successful Swedish example (2012)
- Parenting interventions as a population-based approach (2012)
- `Children are exposed to temptation all the time´ (2012)
- Do Father-Friendly Policies Promote Father-Friendly Child-Rearing Practices? (2012)
- Support Needs of Expectant Mothers and Fathers (2012)
- Facts first, then reaction (2012)
- Facts first, then reaction (2012)
- Föräldrastöd i förskolan - ett lyckat koncept (2011)
- Using different approaches to conducting postal questionnaires affected response rates and cost-efficiency (2011)
- Metod efter syfte och inte tvärtom: Föräldrastödjande program tidigt i föräldraskapet (2010)
- Did I really want to know this? (2010)
- Fathers' involvement and children's developmental outcomes (2008)
- Influence of grandparents on eating behaviors of young children in Chinese three-generation families (2007)
- The role of parents' educational background in healthy lifestyle practices and attitudes of their 6-year-old children (2007)
- Variation of patients’ views on Type 2 diabetes management over time (2007)
- Self-management profiles and metabolic outcomes in type 2 diabetes (2006)
- Socially unbiased parenting support on the Internet (2005)
- The 'hows', 'whos', and 'whens' of screening (2004)
- Socially unbiased parenting support on the Internet: (2004)
- Experience-based group education in Type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial (2004)
- Put into practice (2003)
- Social Network and Role Demands in Womens's Type 2 Diabetes (2002)
- Field test of a group education program for type 2 diabetes (2001)
- Contradictions in the medical encounter (2001)
- Study circles at the pharmacy — a new model for diabetes education in groups (1999)
- “They yell and I yell back”: Pre-schoolers’ voices from inside the coercive cycle
- Cost-effectiveness of public health interventions - a new methodological approach (2014)
- A mass education model for newly diagnosed persons with type 2 diabetes (1999)