Bengt Carlsson
Researcher , retired at Department of Ecology and Genetics; Plant Ecology and Evolution
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 958 10 90
- Visiting address:
- Evolutionsbiologiskt Centrum (EBC)
Norbyvägen 18 D - Postal address:
- Norbyvägen 18 D
752 36 UPPSALA
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Between-year fluctuations in growth, population size and flowering in northern plant populations
In Carex bigelowii and three species of Pinguicula, populations have been monitored for three decades and size and reproductive parameters have been obtained. The Pinguicula work is done in cooperation with Brita Svensson.
Together with Brita Svensson, I study endangered grassland species on Gotland
Specifically, we investigate the roles played by hemiparasitic species in determining community structure and composition.
Recent publications
- Are cows pickier than goats? (2024)
- Brunörter med flikiga blad (2024)
- Den svenske Pan (Pan Svecicus) (2024)
- Spatial heterogeneity ensures long-term stability in vegetation and Fritillaria meleagris flowering in Uppsala Kungsäng, a semi-natural meadow (2023)
- Det är fjädersvingel som växer på Gotlands sandstränder [Vulpia fasciculata found on sandy beaches on Gotland, SE Sweden] (2020)
All publications
- Are cows pickier than goats? (2024)
- Brunörter med flikiga blad (2024)
- Spatial heterogeneity ensures long-term stability in vegetation and Fritillaria meleagris flowering in Uppsala Kungsäng, a semi-natural meadow (2023)
- Det är fjädersvingel som växer på Gotlands sandstränder [Vulpia fasciculata found on sandy beaches on Gotland, SE Sweden] (2020)
- Changes in species abundance after seven years of elevated atmospheric CO2 and warming in a Subarctic birch forest understorey, as modified by rodent and moth outbreaks (2018)
- Hur ska vi bevara tidigblommande ögontröster i de gotländska ängena? [Protecting early-flowering Euphrasia on Gotland, southeast Sweden.] (2013)
- Changes Versus Homeostasis in Alpine and Sub-Alpine Vegetation Over Three Decades in the Sub-Arctic (2012)
- Seasonal variation in concentrations of carbohydrates and lipids in two epiphytic lichens with contrasting, snow-depth related distribution on subarctic birch trees (2011)
- Responses of fungal root colonization, plant cover and leaf nutrients to long-term exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 and warming in a subarctic birch forest understory (2010)
- A comparison of the physiology, anatomy and ribosomal DNA in alpine and subalpine populations of the lichen Nephroma arcticum – the effects of an eight-year transplant experiment (2007)
- How can we protect rare hemiparasitic plants? Early-flowering taxa of Euphrasia and Rhinanthus on the Baltic island of Gotland (2005)
- Significance of time of attachment, host type, and neighbouring hemiparasites in determining fitness in two endangered grassland hemiparasites (2004)
- Growth of two peat-forming mosses in subarctic mires: species interactions and effects of simulated climate change. (2002)
- Carex bigelowii Torrey ex Schweinitz (C. rigida Good., non Schrank; C. hyperborea Drejer) (2001)
- Roles played by timing of seedling development and host identity in determining fitness of an annual, subarctic, hemiparasitic plant (2001)