Peter Fredriksson
Professor at Department of Economics; Senior Faculty
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 51 04
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- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Peter Fredriksson's research interest is labor economics, broadly defined. He has published in journals such as the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of Labor Economics, AEJ: Applied Economics, and the Journal of Human Resources. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Prize Committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
- economics of education
- labor economics
Selection of publications
- Mismatch of Talent (2018)
- Parental Responses to Public Investments in Children Evidence from a Maximum Class Size Rule (2016)
- Life-Cycle Effects of Age at School Start (2014)
- Long-Term Effects of Class Size (2013)
- Peers, Neighborhoods, and Immigrant Student Achievement (2011)
Recent publications
- The Rising Return to Noncognitive Skill (2022)
- School starting age, maternal age at birth, and child outcomes (2022)
- 2021 års ekonomipris till David Card, Joshua Angrist och Guido Imbens (2021)
- Alleviating global poverty (2021)
- 2020 års Ekonomipris till Paul Milgrom och Robert Wilson (2020)
All publications
- The Rising Return to Noncognitive Skill (2022)
- School starting age, maternal age at birth, and child outcomes (2022)
- 2021 års ekonomipris till David Card, Joshua Angrist och Guido Imbens (2021)
- 2020 års Ekonomipris till Paul Milgrom och Robert Wilson (2020)
- The equilibrium impact of unemployment insurance on unemployment (2020)
- 2019 års ekonomipris till Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo och Michael Kremer (2019)
- Mismatch of Talent (2018)
- Parental Responses to Public Investments in Children Evidence from a Maximum Class Size Rule (2016)
- Life-Cycle Effects of Age at School Start (2014)
- Long-Term Effects of Class Size (2013)
- Estimating Preferences for Local Public Services Using Migration Data (2012)
- Peers, Neighborhoods, and Immigrant Student Achievement (2011)
- Peer Effects in Welfare Dependence (2009)
- Dynamic Treatment Assignment (2008)
- Resources and student achievement - Evidence from a Swedish policy reform (2008)
- Optimal unemployment insurance with monitoring and sanctions (2007)
- Optimal unemployment insurance design (2006)
- Improving incentives in unemployment insurance : A review of resent research (2006)
- Improving Incentives in Unemployment Insurance: A Review of Recent Research (2006)
- Ledare: Om bruk och missbruk av experiment (2005)
- The effect of trade on earnings - evidence from Swedish micro data (2004)
- Settlement Policies and the Economic Success of Immigrants (2004)
- The Effect of Trade on Earnings - (2004)
- Hur ser en optimal arbetslöshetsförsäkring ut? (2004)
- Svar till Sten Johansson om arbetslöshetsförsäkringen (2004)
- Ethnic Enclaves and the Economic Success of Immigrants - Evidence from a Natural Experiment (2003)
- Optimal Unemployment Insurance in Search Equilibrium (2001)
- The Political Economy of Public Employment Programs (1999)
- The Dynamics of Regional Labor Markets and Active Labor Market Policy: Swedish Evidence (1999)
- The Market comes to Education – An Evaluation of Sweden’s Surprising School Reforms (2005)
- Den svenska skolan – effektiv och jämlik? Välfärdspolitiska rådets rapport 2003 (2003)
- Alleviating global poverty (2021)
- Kommentar på Simon Calmar Andersen och Søren Serritzlew: Vad händer när offentliga skolor utsätts för konkurrens? Erfarenheter från Danmark (2007)
- The Macroeconomics of Education in Europe (2007)
- Förändrade förutsättningar för svensk lönebildning (2006)
- How Can Incentives in Unemployment Insurance be Improved? Theory and Evidence (2005)
- Utbildningsnivå och utbildningsavkastning i Sverige (1994)
- Efterfrågan på högre utbildning i Sverige (1994)
- The Rising Return to Non-cognitive Skills* (2018)
- Peers, neighborhoods and immigrant student achievement (2009)
- Resources and Student Achievement -- Evidence from a Swedish Policy Reform (2007)
- Hur mycket påverkas studieresultat av resurser? (2007)
- Optimal Unemployment Insurance Design: Time Limits, Monitoring, or Workfare? (2005)
- Ethnic Enclaves and Welfare Cultures – Quasi-experimental Evidence (2005)
- Is Early Learning Really More Productive? The Effect of School Starting Age on School and Labor Market Performance (2005)