Inger Knutsson Holmström
Associated Researcher at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Health Services Research
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Short presentation
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Professor i Vårdvetenskap vid Mälardalens högskola, associerad forskare till forskargruppen för Hälso- och sjukvårdsforskning, Uppsala universitet. Leg. sjuksköterska 1983, barnsjuksköterska 1990, Med. dr 2002. Pågående forskning behandlar professionell kompetens, kommunikation och patient-centrerad vård, särskilt sjukvårdsrådgivning via telefon. Ett nytt intenationellt samarbetsprojekt ska studera patient-centrerad kommunikation i äldrevård. Metodologiskt ligger fokus på kvalitativ ansats.
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Inger K. Holmström disputerade 2002 i Hälso – och sjukvårdsforskning vid Uppsala universitet på avhandlingen Gaining professional competence for patient encounters by means of a new understanding. Hon erhöll 2005 en fyraårig forskarassistent-tjänst finansierad av Vetenskapsrådet, och samma år blev hon docent i Vårdvetenskap. Inom ramen för forskarassistentjänsten ledde hon en interventionsstudie för sjuksköterskor som arbetar med sjukvårdsrådgivning via telefon. Syftet var att utveckla sjuksköterskornas kompetens i mötet via telefon, för att därigenom öka nyttan och säkerheten för patienter. Dessa fynd ledde fram till det pågående projektet Att utveckla svenska telefonsjuksköterskors genuskompetens, ett treårigt projekt som finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet. Inger är huvudansvarig för ytterligare två projekt som berör telefonrådgivning, där ett av dem rör utfall av samtal avseende barn, samt föräldrars förväntningar och erfarenheter på rådgivningssamtalet. Det andra projektet rör patientsäkerhet kopplat till arbetsmiljö och kommunikation, Stress i nationellt samordnad sjukvårdsrådgivning – ett hot mot patientsäkerheten? finansierat av Afa försäkringar. Vidare har Inger K. Holmström medverkat i projekt som rör patienters förståelse och upplevelser av svår och långvarig sjukdom, samt flera projekt kring professionell kompetens hos bl.a narkosläkare, allmänläkare och annan vårdpersonal. Pågående projekt inom dessa fält är långtidsjukskrivnas och allmänläkares upplevelse av delaktighet i sjukskrivningsprocessen samt utvecklande av expertkunnande hos narkosläkare. Ett nytt intenationellt samarbetsprojekt ska studera patient-centrarad kommunikation i kommunal äldrevård i tre olika länder. Metodologisk har hon ett stort intresse för, samt erfarenhet av kvalitativa forskningsmetoder.
Recent publications
- Caesarean section on maternal request (2024)
- Reading the signs in health visits (2024)
- A tension between surrendering and being involved (2023)
- Implementing A person-centred CommunicaTION (ACTION) educational intervention for in-home nursing assistants - a study protocol (2023)
- Registered nurse-patient communication research (2023)
All publications
- Caesarean section on maternal request (2024)
- Reading the signs in health visits (2024)
- A tension between surrendering and being involved (2023)
- Implementing A person-centred CommunicaTION (ACTION) educational intervention for in-home nursing assistants - a study protocol (2023)
- Registered nurse-patient communication research (2023)
- Guideline documents on caesarean section on maternal request in Sweden (2023)
- The patient's first point of contact (PINPOINT) (2023)
- In search of factors related to migration affecting children's health (2023)
- Better safe than sorry (2022)
- Prioritizing and meeting life-threateningly ill patients' fundamental care needs in the emergency room-An interview study with registered nurses (2022)
- Telephone nurses' perceived stress, self-efficacy and empathy in their work with frequent callers (2022)
- Malpractice claimed calls within the Swedish Healthcare Direct (2021)
- A survey of nursing teachers’ awareness of discrimination and inequity in telephone nursing care (2021)
- The perspectives of Swedish registered nurses about managing difficult calls to emergency medical dispatch centres (2021)
- Registered nurses' understandings of emergency medical dispatch center work (2021)
- Fundamentals of care in the emergency room (2021)
- Adjusting and doing the same (2021)
- Flourishing at work (2020)
- Registered Nurses' experiences of using a clinical decision support system for triage of emergency calls (2020)
- Exploring patient-centered aspects of home care communication (2020)
- The effect of a short educational intervention in social insurance medicine (2020)
- A survey of telephone nurses' experiences in their encounters with frequent callers (2020)
- Paradoxes of person-centred care (2020)
- Unmet health‐care needs and human rights—A qualitative analysis of patients' complaints in light of the right to health and health care (2020)
- Attributes of person-centred communication (2020)
- Emotional communication in home care (2020)
- School nurses' self-assessed cultural competence when encountering children of foreign origin (2020)
- What makes registered nurses remain in work? (2019)
- "Same same or different?" (2019)
- Swedish men and smoking (2019)
- Telephone nurses' use of a decision support system (2019)
- Empathy levels among nursing students (2019)
- Emotional communication with older people (2019)
- Gaining role clarity in working with sick leave questions - Registered Nurses' experiences of an educational intervention (2019)
- The nature of patient complaints (2019)
- Centeredness in Healthcare (2018)
- Anaesthetizing children-From a nurse anaesthetist's perspective-A qualitative study (2018)
- From denial to awareness (2018)
- A Metasynthesis of Phenomenographic Articles on Understandings of Work Among Healthcare Professionals (2018)
- Previous work experience and age do not affect final semester nursing student self-efficacy in communication skills. (2018)
- The care of and communication with older people from the perspective of student nurses. A mixed method study (2017)
- Nursing students' awareness of inequity in healthcare - An intersectional perspective (2017)
- Frequent callers in primary health care - a qualitative study with a nursing perspective (2017)
- Registered Nurses' and nurse assistants' responses to older persons' expressions of emotional needs in home care (2017)
- Telephone nursing in Sweden (2017)
- Characteristics of communication with older people in home care (2017)
- Possible causes of experiencing problems with sick leave questions in telephone nursing (2017)
- Registered nurses' work with sick leave questions by telephone in primary health care (2017)
- Older persons' expressions of emotional cues and concerns during home care visits. Application of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES) in home care (2017)
- Mindfulness predicts student nurses' communication self-efficacy (2017)
- Telephone nurses’ communication and response to callers’ concern (2016)
- Older persons' worries expressed during home care visits (2016)
- Women Treated for Breast Cancer, Experiences of Chemotherapy-Induced Pain: (2016)
- It is important that they care (2016)
- Enhancing adherence to infection control in Swedish community care (2016)
- Communicative challenges in the home care of older persons - a qualitative exploration (2016)
- General practitioners' perceptions of working with the certification of sickness absences following changes in the Swedish social security system (2015)
- Walking the bridge (2015)
- Use of technical skills and medical devices among new registered nurses (2015)
- A cross-sectional study on person-centred communication in the care of older people (2015)
- Doing gender in the context of telenursing: (2015)
- Women With Breast Cancer (2015)
- Malpractice Claims in Swedish Telenursing (2015)
- A comparison of calls subjected to a malpractice claim versus 'normal calls' within the Swedish Healthcare Direct (2014)
- Exploring the communication between telenurse and caller (2014)
- Women with breast cancer (2014)
- Swedish teenagers and over-the-counter analgesics (2014)
- Educating Swedish telenurses to improve caller experience (2014)
- Goals of telephone nursing work - the managers' perspectives (2014)
- (Tele)health promotion in Swedish primary healthcare centers (2014)
- "If I didn't trust Swedish Healthcare Direct, I would never call" - views of making pediatric health calls (2013)
- How excellent anaesthetists perform in the operating theatre (2013)
- Losing independence (2013)
- Threats to patient safety in telenursing as revealed in Swedish telenurses' reflections on their dialogues (2013)
- Malpractice claims regarding calls to Swedish telephone advice nursing (2012)
- Understanding anesthesia training and trainees (2012)
- Creating a new profession in cancer nursing? (2011)
- Communication challenges in Swedish telephone advice nursing (2011)
- Triage and patient satisfaction among callers in Swedish computer supported telephone advice nursing (2011)
- Organising vocational rehabilitation through interorganisational integration (2011)
- Whose job is it anyway? (2010)
- Incident reporting within nurse-led national telephone triage in Sweden: reported errors reveal a pattern that needs to be broken (2010)
- Stroke patients' delay of emergency treatment (2010)
- Diabetes Telehealth and Computerized Decision Support Systems (2010)
- The relation between patient-centeredness and patient empowerment (2010)
- Paediatric health calls to Swedish telenurses (2010)
- Difficulties in Balint groups (2010)
- Variations in understanding the drug-prescribing process (2009)
- Telenurses' experiences of working with computerized decision support (2009)
- The meaning of rehabilitation for older people who have survived stroke (2009)
- Ethical issues in telenursing (2009)
- Telenurses' understanding of work (2009)
- Making new meanings of being in the world after treatment for oral cancer (2009)
- "Limit work to here and now" (2008)
- "It's easier to talk to a woman" - aspects of gender in Swedish telenursing (2008)
- Balint groups as a means to increase job satisfaction and prevent burnout among general practitioners (2008)
- Burdened by training not by anaesthesia (2008)
- Living in a state of suspension - a phenomenological approach to the spouse's experience of oral cancer (2008)
- Barriers of inter-organisational integration in vocational rehabilitation (2008)
- Developing the role of the drug and therapeutics committees (2007)
- Understanding the meaning of rehabilitation to an aphasic patient through phenomenological analysis - a case study (2007)
- Decision aid software programs in telenursing (2007)
- The faceless encounter (2007)
- Phenomenographic or phenomenological analysis: does it matter? examples from a study on anaesthesiologists' work (2007)
- Pionjärers arbete i motvind födde två nya medicinska specialiteter (2007)
- Professional artist, good Samaritan, servant and co-ordinator (2007)
- Stressful threats or stimulating challenges (2007)
- Enjoying work or burdened by it? How anaesthetists experience and handle difficulties at work (2007)
- The uncanny mouth - a phenomenological approach to oral cancer (2007)
- Variation in views on clients in interprofessional work for vocational rehabilitation in Sweden (2007)
- To cope with uncertainty (2006)
- How patient-centred am I? (2006)
- Being a young and inexperienced trainee anaesthetist (2006)
- Ways of understanding the encounter with head and neck cancer patients in the hospital dental team - a phenomenographic study (2006)
- The role of drug and therapeutics committees (2005)
- A tension between genuine care and other duties (2005)
- Misunderstandings about illness and treatment among patients with type 2 diabetes (2005)
- Physicians perceptions of possibilities and obstacles prior to implementing a computerised drug prescribing support system (2004)
- Improving the diabetes-patient encounter by reflective tutoring for staff (2004)
- Interventions to support reflection and learning: a qualitative study (2004)
- Swedish medical students' views of the changing professional role of medical doctors and the organisation of health care (2004)
- Balint training makes GPs thrive better in their job (2004)
- Anaesthetists understand their work in different ways - Reply (2004)
- Trainee anaesthetists understand their work in different ways (2004)
- Swedish health care professionals' diverse understandings of diabetes care (2003)
- Professional artist, good Samaritan, servant and co-ordinator: (2003)
- 'Carer and gatekeeper' - conflicting demands in nurses' experiences of telephone advisory services (2002)
- A change of the physicians' understanding of the encounter parallels competence development (2001)
- Understanding the job in a new way - a basis for development of competence in diabetes care (2000)
- Satisfaction and sense of security
- Difficulties and dropouts in Balint groups
- Samproduktion i motvind (2016)
- Från 1477 till 1177 (2015)
- Fenomenografi (2012)
- Det ansiktslösa mötets etik (2008)