Olle Björneholm



1983-1986 BSc in physics, Uppsala University (1986)

1986-1992 PhD in surface physics, with thesis “Adsorbate core-hole excitation and decay dynamics”, supervisor Nils Mårtensson, Uppsala University

1993-1995 Postdoc with Dr. Thomas Möller at Hasylab, DESY, Hamburg

1995-2001 NFR Junior researcher

1997 Docent in physics of molecules and clusters at Uppsala University

2001-2006 University lecturer at Uppsala University

2006- Professor at Uppsala University


I am professor in Molecular and Cluster Physics in the Chemical and Bio-molecular Physicsresearch program within the Division for X-ray Photon Science at the Department of Physics and Astronomy. My personal research interests are primarily concerned with phenomena and processes connected to the electronic and geometric structure of liquids and clusters/nanoparticles, including x-ray-induced dynamics, as described here. My main tools to study this are various synchrotron radiation-based spectroscopic techniques. I study systems and processes that are relevant for issues like ultra-fast dynamics, radiation damage, nanoscience and environmental molecular science.

Additional commitments:

Uppsala University Center for Photon Science (director), which aims to promote photon sciences at UU, and to advice the faculty on issues regarding in this area on the local, national and international levels.

MAX IV University Reference Group URG (chair), which aims to create an active and mutually beneficial collaboration between MAX IV and the universities that have strong involvement and interest in the MAX IV Laboratory.

VR RÅG-C (chair), an advisory group to the Swedish Research Council's Council for Research Infrastructures, RFI, contributing with expert knowledge within the areas of high-tech laboratories for physics, and chemistry, as well as materials, engineering and life sciences.

My research has resulted In total 200+ articles in international, peer-reviewed, journals. These have been cited 4400+/3500+ times with/without self-citations (SCI), 7700+ times cited (Google Scholar). My h index is 35/44 (Web of Science/ Google Scholar). See also an updated publication list from Google Scholar


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Olle Björneholm


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