Erika Roman
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences; Research; Neuropharmacology and biological addiction research
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 46 32
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 878 29 69
- Visiting address:
- Biomedicinskt centrum BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postal address:
- Box 591
751 24 UPPSALA
More information is available to staff who log in.
Selection of publications
- Prevalence and influence of cys407* Grm2 mutation in Hannover-derived Wistar rats (2017)
- Dose-dependent effects of alcohol administration on behavioral profiles in the MCSF test. (2016)
- Description of a multivariate behavioral test arena for zebrafish – the zebrafish multivariate concentric square field test (2016)
- Response (2016)
- Low copulatory activity in selectively bred Sardinian alcohol-nonpreferring (sNP) relative to alcohol-preferring (sP) rats (2015)
- Altered explorative strategies and reactive coping style in the FSL rat model of depression (2015)
- Supplier-dependent differences in intermittent voluntary alcohol intake and response to naltrexone in Wistar rats (2015)
- Neuronal and neuroendocrine mechanisms of social rank and stress coping in teleost fish (2015)
- Subgroup-dependent effects of voluntary alcohol intake on behavioral profiles in outbred Wistar rats (2014)
- Individual Differences In Risk-Related Behaviors And Voluntary Alcohol Intake In Wistar Rats (2014)
- Individual differences in risk-related behaviors and voluntary alcohol intake in outbred Wistar rats (2014)
- Risk-assessment and risk-taking behavior predict potassium- and amphetamine-induced dopamine response in the dorsal striatum of rats (2014)
- A Rank-Order Procedure Applied to an Ethoexperimental Behavior Model—The Multivariate Concentric SquareField™ (MCSF) Test (2013)
- Is the rodent maternal separation model a valid and effective model for studies on the early-life impact on ethanol consumption? (2013)
- Behavioral profiling of multiple pairs of rats selectively bred for high and low alcohol intake using the MCSF test (2012)
- Do men with excessive alcohol consumption and social stability have an addictive personality? (2011)
- When is a Wistar a Wistar? (2011)
- Differences in voluntary ethanol consumption in Wistar rats from five different suppliers (2011)
- Motivation for sucrose in sated rats is predicted by low anxiety-like behavior (2009)
- Selective Brain Uptake and Behavioral Effects of the Cyanobacterial Toxin BMAA (β-N-Methylamino-L-alanine) following Neonatal Administration to Rodents (2009)
- Long-term cognitive impairments in adult rats treated neonatally with beta-N-Methylamino-L-Alanine (2009)
- Male but not female Wistar rats show increased anxiety-like behaviour in response to bright light in the defensive withdrawal test (2009)
- Lower risk taking and exploratory behavior in alcohol-preferring sP rats than in alcohol non-preferring sNP rats in the multivariate concentric square field (MCSF) test (2009)
- The multivariate concentric square field test reveals different behavioural profiles in male AA and ANA rats with regard to risk taking and environmental reactivity (2007)
- The Concentric Square Field (2006)
- Behavioral profiles and stress-induced corticosteroid secretion in male Wistar rats subjected to short and prolonged periods of maternal separation (2006)
- Variations in opioid peptide levels during the estrous cycle in Sprague-Dawley rats (2006)
- The impact of emotional stress early in life on adult voluntary ethanol intake-results of maternal separation in rats. (2005)
Recent publications
- A pilot study of a joint outdoor exercise program for dog owners and dogs (2024)
- Effects of a physical exercise programme on bodyweight, body condition score and chest, abdominal and thigh circumferences in dogs (2024)
- The glycine receptor alpha 3 subunit mRNA expression shows sex-dependent differences in the adult mouse brain (2023)
- Effects of gastric bypass surgery on brain connectivity responses to hypoglycemia (2023)
- Optimizing zebrafish rearing-Effects of fish density and environmental enrichment (2023)
All publications
- A pilot study of a joint outdoor exercise program for dog owners and dogs (2024)
- Effects of a physical exercise programme on bodyweight, body condition score and chest, abdominal and thigh circumferences in dogs (2024)
- The glycine receptor alpha 3 subunit mRNA expression shows sex-dependent differences in the adult mouse brain (2023)
- Effects of gastric bypass surgery on brain connectivity responses to hypoglycemia (2023)
- Optimizing zebrafish rearing-Effects of fish density and environmental enrichment (2023)
- Open field behavior in the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) (2023)
- Exploring decision-making strategies in the Iowa gambling task and rat gambling task (2022)
- Behavioral Profiles of Adolescent Alcohol-Preferring/Non-preferring (P/NP) and High/Low Alcohol-Drinking (HAD/LAD) Rats Are Dependent on Line but Not Sex (2022)
- Functional connectivity in reward-related networks is associated with individual differences in gambling strategies in male Lister hooded rats (2022)
- Individual strategies in the rat gambling task are related to voluntary alcohol intake, but not sexual behavior, and can be modulated by naltrexone (2022)
- Fasting increases shelter use in house crickets (Acheta domesticus) (2022)
- The zebrafish Multivariate Concentric Square Field (2022)
- Sex-Specific Effects of Acute Ethanol Exposure on Locomotory Activity and Exploratory Behavior in Adult Zebrafish (Danio rerio) (2022)
- Lessons, insights and newly developed tools emerging from behavioral phenotyping core facilities (2020)
- Behavioral profiling in early adolescence and early adulthood of male Wistar rats after short and prolonged maternal separation (2020)
- Effects of pair housing on voluntary alcohol intake in male and female Wistar rats (2020)
- Adolescent Exploratory Strategies and Behavioral Types in the Multivariate Concentric Square Field (TM) Test (2019)
- Boldness in Male and Female Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Is Dependent on Strain and Test (2019)
- The aggressive spiegeldanio, carrying a mutation in the fgfr1a gene, has no advantage in dyadic fights with zebrafish of the AB strain (2019)
- Bold zebrafish (Danio rerio) express higher levels of delta opioid and dopamine D2 receptors in the brain compared to shy fish (2019)
- Few long-term consequences after prolonged maternal separation in female Wistar rats (2017)
- Altered corticosterone levels and social play behavior after prolonged maternal separation in adolescent male but not female Wistar rats (2017)
- Prevalence and influence of cys407* Grm2 mutation in Hannover-derived Wistar rats (2017)
- Dose-dependent effects of alcohol administration on behavioral profiles in the MCSF test. (2016)
- Response (2016)
- Single housing during early adolescence causes time-, area- and peptide-specific alterations in endogenous opioids of rat brain (2015)
- Low copulatory activity in selectively bred Sardinian alcohol-nonpreferring (sNP) relative to alcohol-preferring (sP) rats (2015)
- Altered explorative strategies and reactive coping style in the FSL rat model of depression (2015)
- Supplier-dependent differences in intermittent voluntary alcohol intake and response to naltrexone in Wistar rats (2015)
- Neuronal and neuroendocrine mechanisms of social rank and stress coping in teleost fish (2015)
- Subgroup-dependent effects of voluntary alcohol intake on behavioral profiles in outbred Wistar rats (2014)
- Individual Differences In Risk-Related Behaviors And Voluntary Alcohol Intake In Wistar Rats (2014)
- Individual differences in risk-related behaviors and voluntary alcohol intake in outbred Wistar rats (2014)
- Neurobiological and behavioural studies on early life stress and adolescent alcohol drinking in a translational initiative (2014)
- Early Life Stress Causes Long Term Effects On Neuropeptides, Alcohol Consumption And Behaviour (2014)
- Risk-assessment and risk-taking behavior predict potassium- and amphetamine-induced dopamine response in the dorsal striatum of rats (2014)
- Qualitative differences in pup-retrieval strategies in a maternal separation paradigm (2013)
- Neurotoxin-Induced Neuropeptide Perturbations in Striatum of Neonatal Rats (2013)
- A Rank-Order Procedure Applied to an Ethoexperimental Behavior Model—The Multivariate Concentric SquareField™ (MCSF) Test (2013)
- Is the rodent maternal separation model a valid and effective model for studies on the early-life impact on ethanol consumption? (2013)
- Effects of Rearing Conditions on Behaviour and Endogenous Opioids in Rats with Alcohol Access during Adolescence (2013)
- Increased anxiety-like behavior but no cognitive impairments in adult rats exposed to constant light conditions during perinatal development (2013)
- Neurotoxin-induced fibril formation and protein changes in rodents (2012)
- Neonatal Exposure to the Cyanobacterial Toxin BMAA Induces Changes in Protein Expression and Neurodegeneration in Adult Hippocampus (2012)
- Neuropeptides as mediators of the early-life impact on the brain (2012)
- Differences in basal and ethanol-induced levels of opioid peptides in Wistar rats from five different suppliers (2012)
- Behavioral profiling of multiple pairs of rats selectively bred for high and low alcohol intake using the MCSF test (2012)
- Do men with excessive alcohol consumption and social stability have an addictive personality? (2011)
- Early hippocampal cell death, and late learning and memory deficits in rats exposed to the environmental toxin BMAA (β-N-methylamino-l-alanine) during the neonatal period (2011)
- Endogenous opioid peptides as mediators of the early environmental influence on ethanol consumption (2011)
- When is a Wistar a Wistar? (2011)
- Differences in voluntary ethanol consumption in Wistar rats from five different suppliers (2011)
- Postpartum Behavioral Profiles in Wistar Rats Following Maternal Separation (2010)
- Differences in voluntary ethanol consumption in wistar rats from five different breeders (2010)
- Different behavioral profiles of Wistar rats from suppliers in Sweden and USA as assessed in the multivariate concentric square field test (2010)
- Motivation for sucrose in sated rats is predicted by low anxiety-like behavior (2009)
- Anxiolytic response after palatable diet consumption but not food restriction in rats (2009)
- Inverse association of high-fat diet preference and anxiety-like behavior (2009)
- Selective Brain Uptake and Behavioral Effects of the Cyanobacterial Toxin BMAA (β-N-Methylamino-L-alanine) following Neonatal Administration to Rodents (2009)
- Long-term cognitive impairments in adult rats treated neonatally with beta-N-Methylamino-L-Alanine (2009)
- Male but not female Wistar rats show increased anxiety-like behaviour in response to bright light in the defensive withdrawal test (2009)
- Lower risk taking and exploratory behavior in alcohol-preferring sP rats than in alcohol non-preferring sNP rats in the multivariate concentric square field (MCSF) test (2009)
- Restricted cortical and amygdaloid removal of vesicular glutamate transporter 2 in preadolescent mice impacts dopaminergic activity and neuronal circuitry of higher brain function (2009)
- Expression profile of the entire family of Adhesion G protein-coupled receptors in mouse and rat (2008)
- VGLUT2 is essential in neuronal circuitry of cognitive and emotional behavior (2008)
- The evolutionary history and tissue mapping of amino acid transporters belonging to solute carrier families SLC32, SLC36, and SLC38 (2008)
- Anxiety-like behaviour predicts the preference for a high-carbohydrate diet in outbred rats (2007)
- Personality profile in male type 1 alcoholics (2007)
- The multivariate concentric square field test for behavioral profiling in rodents (2007)
- The multivariate concentric square field test - Behavioural profiles after pre-treatment with diazepam (2007)
- The multivariate concentric square field test reveals different behavioural profiles in male AA and ANA rats with regard to risk taking and environmental reactivity (2007)
- The Concentric Square Field (2006)
- Behavioral profiles and stress-induced corticosteroid secretion in male Wistar rats subjected to short and prolonged periods of maternal separation (2006)
- Variations in opioid peptide levels during the estrous cycle in Sprague-Dawley rats (2006)
- Short and prolonged periods of maternal separation and voluntary ethanol intake in male and female ethanol-preferring AA and ethanol-avoiding ANA rats (2005)
- The impact of emotional stress early in life on adult voluntary ethanol intake-results of maternal separation in rats. (2005)
- Maternal separation alters maternal care, but has minor effects on behavior and brain opioid peptides in adult offspring. (2004)
- Maternal separation has no effect on voluntary ethanol intake in female Wistar rats. (2004)
- Long-term effects of maternal separation on ethanol intake and brain opioid and dopamine receptors in male Wistar rats. (2003)
- Long-term effects of short and long periods of maternal separation on brain opioid peptide levels in male Wistar rats (2003)
- Maternal separation alters acquisition of ethanol intake in male ethanol-preferring AA rats (2003)
- Effects of melanocortin receptor ligands on ethanol intake and opioid peptide levels in alcohol-preferring AA rats (2002)
- Effects of maternal separation on brain nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide levels in male Wistar rats (2002)
- Effects of neonatal handling on nociceptin/orphanin FQ and opioid peptide levels in female rats (2001)
- Basal levels and alcohol-induced changes in nociceptin/orphanin FQ, dynorphin, and enkephalin levels in C57BL/6J mice (2000)
- Adolescents and alcohol – voluntary consumption or passive exposure and links to behavior, endogenous opioids and blood alcohol levels in male and female rats
- Behavioral profiles of adolescent alcohol-preferring/non-preferring (P/NP) and high/low alcohol-drinking (HAD/LAD) rats are dependent on line but not sex
- Mass spectrometry imaging visualizes region-specific neurotransmitter alterations of rat decision-making strategies
- Behavioral profiling using a modified version of the zebrafish multivariate concentric square field™ (zMCSF) test (2018)
- Characterization of behavior and voluntary alcohol intake in Wistar and Lister Hooded rats (2018)
- Description of a multivariate behavioral test arena for zebrafish – the zebrafish multivariate concentric square field test (2016)
- Behavioral profiling before and after adolescent ethanol intake in rats subjected to different early-life conditions (2011)