Ingvar Backéus
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Ecology and Genetics; Plant Ecology and Evolution
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Short presentation
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Docent i ekologisk botanik. Pensionerad universitetslektor i tropisk växtekologi.
Selection of publications
- Bog vegetation re-mapped after 63 and 103 years (2023)
- Diameter growth of trees in miombo and acacia woodland in an eroded landscape in NE Tanzania (2022)
- Phytoremediation potential of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. for heavy metal-polluted and heavy metal-degraded environments. (2017)
- The rural landscapes of Northeast Asia. (2016)
- Past, present and future (2009)
- Tree communities and structural dynamics in miombo (Brachystegia-Julbernardia) woodland, Tanzania (2006)
- Experiences from a project on landscape ecology and ecological rehabilitation in Southern Wello, Ethiopia (2001)
- Vegetation changes on formerly overgrazed hill slopes in semi-arid central Tanzania (1994)
- Ecotone versus ecocline: vegetation zonation and dynamics around a small reservoir in Tanzania (1993)
- Distribution and vegetation dynamics of humid savannas in Africa and Asia (1992)
- The cyclic regeneration on bogs – a hypothesis that became an established truth (1991)
- The shrubland vegetation in western Shewa, Ethiopia and its possible recovery (1991)
- Production and depth distribution of fine roots in a boreal open bog (1990)
- Weather variables as predictors of Sphagnum growth on a bog (1988)
- Mires in the Thaba-Putsoa Range of the Maloti, Lesotho (1988)
- Bog vegetation re-Mapped after sixty years (1972)
Recent publications
- Hundra år med Svenska växtgeografiska sällskapet (2024)
- Bog vegetation re-mapped after 63 and 103 years (2023)
- Contribution of Participatory Forest Management Program in Non-Timber Forest Products to balance Livelihood Improvement and Conservation (2023)
- Det är långt mer än doften som gör skvattram unik (2022)
- Diameter growth of trees in miombo and acacia woodland in an eroded landscape in NE Tanzania (2022)
All publications
- Hundra år med Svenska växtgeografiska sällskapet (2024)
- Bog vegetation re-mapped after 63 and 103 years (2023)
- Contribution of Participatory Forest Management Program in Non-Timber Forest Products to balance Livelihood Improvement and Conservation (2023)
- Det är långt mer än doften som gör skvattram unik (2022)
- Diameter growth of trees in miombo and acacia woodland in an eroded landscape in NE Tanzania (2022)
- Växterna på Indiska oceanens öar kom över havet. (2020)
- De sista skärvorna av vegetationen som fanns innan Nildeltat torrlades (2020)
- "Det har vi vetat hela tiden!" (2019)
- Om São Tomé, begonior och öar i havet (2018)
- Var Sellingaffären kulmen på en sekellång botanisk konflikt? (2018)
- Dynamik och evolution på de östafrikanska bergen (2017)
- Ett etnobotaniskt livsverk (2015)
- Sankta Helena (2014)
- Sankta Helena (2014)
- Dynamics of plant species during phytostabilisation of copper mine tailings and pyrite soils, Western Uganda (2014)
- Assessment of seedling establishment and growth performance of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit., Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby and Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maid. in amended and untreated pyrite and copper tailings (2014)
- Mossflora över Sankta Helena (2013)
- Gunnar Björkman och hans expedition till Lule lappmark 1924 (2013)
- Grönlands växtvärld (2012)
- Integrated landscape analyses of change of miombo woodland in Tanzania and its implication for environment and human livelihood (2009)
- Long-term effects of drainage and initial effects of hydrological restoration on rich fen vegetation (2008)
- "Aldrig i mina dagar har jag lefvat friskare än nu" (2006)
- Tree communities and structural dynamics in miombo (Brachystegia-Julbernardia) woodland, Tanzania (2006)
- Swedish students discover cultural and natural wealth of Tanzania (2005)
- Kartläggningen av nationallandskapet (2004)
- Rehabilitation for whom? The case of Kondoa Irangi Hills, Tanzania (2001)
- Krympande torrskogar (2001)
- Floristic, structural and seed bank diversity of a dry Afromontane forest at Mafai, central Tanzania (2000)
- Soil seed bank and regeneration potential on eroded hill slopes in the Kondoa Irangi Hills, central Tanzania (1999)
- Växtbiologi (1998)
- Vegetation on hill slopes in southern Wello, Ethiopia (1997)
- Comments on Conservation, reclamation and grazing in the northern Negev: contradictory or complementary concepts? (paper 38a) by Avi Perevolotsky (1995)
- Mires in Lesotho (1995)
- Vegetation changes on formerly overgrazed hill slopes in semi-arid central Tanzania (1994)
- Ecotone versus ecocline: vegetation zonation and dynamics around a small reservoir in Tanzania (1993)
- Distribution and vegetation dynamics of humid savannas in Africa and Asia (1992)
- The cyclic regeneration on bogs – a hypothesis that became an established truth (1991)
- The shrubland vegetation in western Shewa, Ethiopia and its possible recovery (1991)
- Production and depth distribution of fine roots in a boreal open bog (1990)
- Flarks in the Maloti, Lesotho (1989)
- Weather variables as predictors of Sphagnum growth on a bog (1988)
- Markförstöring I Afrika (1987)
- Myten om tuvan som blev en hölja (1987)
- Myrar i Örebro län (1984)
- 瑞典植物生态学研究简介 (1984)
- Hedlav, Cornicularia aculeata på mossar (1983)
- I västerled till Shetland (1983)
- Milstolpe i västmanländsk botanik (1982)
- Torvmarkskarteringen på kartbladen Örebro NV och NO: Replik till Magnusson (1980)
- Vegetation changes after fertilization on drained peatlands in central Sweden (1980)
- Blandmyr på kartbladen Örebro NV och NO (1978)
- Bog vegetation re-Mapped after sixty years (1972)
- The rural landscapes of Northeast Asia. (2016)
- Mires in the Thaba-Putsoa Range of the Maloti, Lesotho (1988)
- Aboveground production and growth dynamics of vascular bog plants in central Sweden (1985)
- Effekter av myrdikning på flora och vegetation (1981)
- Phytoremediation potential of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. for heavy metal-polluted and heavy metal-degraded environments. (2017)
- Restaurering av dikade rikkärr (2011)
- Bevarande av våtmarker - hur ska vi göra? (2011)
- Introduction (2009)
- Farmed wetlands (2009)
- Brukade våtmarker (2009)
- Landskapsblommor (2005)
- Växterna i folktron (2005)
- Experiences from a project on landscape ecology and ecological rehabilitation in Southern Wello, Ethiopia (2001)
- The late Quaternary vegetation history of Sweden (1999)
- Ecological studies of the vegetation on marshy shores (1977)
- Past, present and future (2009)
- The international M.Sc. training in biodiversity in Uppsala (2006)
- The dynamics of Miombo woodlands in a Tanzanian village (2005)
- The research programme "Man-land interrelations in semi-arid Tanzania" (2004)
- The dynamic interrelationship between vegetation and the environment on the formerly eroded Kondoa Irangi Hills (1996)
- The Afromontane forest at Mafai in Kondoa Irangi Hills, central Tanzania. A proposal to conserve a threatened ecosystem (1997)
- The Nigerian environment. Report on a visit and background information (1984)
- Report on a study tour to the indigenous forests of the West Usambara Mts., Tanzania with special reference to regeneration (1982)
- Skyddsvärda myrar i Örebro län (1978)