Amjad Hadjikhani
Professor emeritus at Department of Business Studies; Guests and others
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- Academic merits:
- PhD, Docent
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Finalized PhD in business science in 1984 and has since 1990 been acting professor at several universities. Appointed as Full Professor in Marketing at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University in 2003. Conducts research in various fields of marketing. Is responsible for several research groups conducting research in fields of international marketing and business, consumer marketing and industrial marketing and the impact of IT. Responsible for the Marketing Section at the Department and initiated cooperation and conducts research with several universities worldwide. Has published several books and a large number of scientific articles in top-rated marketing journals. He sits on the editorial board and committee for several international marketing journals and acts as guest editor for special issues in international business and marketing journals.
Born in Abhar, Iran and completed bachelor degree in economics from Sharif University in Iran. After military service, 1969-1971, worked as deputy and then chief of the financial department of Mazenderan State Road Organization (Ministry of Roads) until 1974. Left Iran in 1974, moved to Sweden and received a further bachelor and master’s degrees in business from Uppsala University. Finalized PhD and received Doctoral degree in 1984.
Academic Degrees: Bachelor of economic science in Iran (1969), Master in Business Science in Sweden (1977), Doctor of Business Science (PhD 1984), Associate Professor (1984-1990) Uppsala University, Docent Habilitation (1990), Professor in International Marketing (1998-2002) at Mälardalens University and Vaasa Business School, Professor in Business Science (2002) at Uppsala University. Appointed Professor at Rönneby University (in Organization and IT), University of Copenhagen (in International Marketing), Örebro University (in Marketing). Professor of Marketing at Uppsala University (2002). Full Professor Position, Professor and Chair in Marketing (2003 - present), Uppsala University.
Academic Appointments: Elected to membership of learned societies such as The Academy of Royal Society since 2006. Promoter of honorary doctors (professor) and doctors (2008) at Uppsala University. Member of the strategic group at Uppsala University, (2004-2006). Awarding honorary doctorates at Uppsala Universities. Visiting professor in universities for example Vaasa University, Finland (2002-2004). Head supervisor and supervisor of a large number of PhD students in Uppsala University, Mälardalens University and also a large number of other universities in European countries like Finland and Australia. Deputy Dean of the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University (1996-2000). Director of Studies at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University. Responsible for research groups investigating e.g. socio-political impacts on MNCs’ consumer business relationships, and the impact of IT on business relationships.
Some Outside Assignments: Member of Editorial board committee for several international scientific journals like International Business Review, Journal of International Business Environment, Journal of Management Science, Journal of Young Consumers, European Journal of International Management. Examiner of evaluation committees for professorship positions in, for example, Helsinki University Business School, most recently in 2008. External examiner at the University of Western Sydney. Examiner of PhD dissertations in universities such as Manchester University, Helsinki Business School, Vaasa University, Turko University, Stockholm University, Stockholm Business School. Chairman of research in international marketing at Mälardalens University (1998-2002). Supervision of foreign PhD students and research at a number of universities - Porto University, Vaasa University, University of Western Sydney. Supervision of PhD students in several European countries. Scientific opponent of a large number of PhD candidates in several European countries. Appointed to the position of member of the Editorial Advisory Board for several scientific journals and also member of strategy groups like ICSS at the University of Izmir, Turkey. Key-note speaker at several conferences, the latest being ICSS in Izmir, 2009. Has been responsible for organizing conferences and workshops. The latest (2008) IMP conference was arranged together with two other colleagues in Uppsala.
In addition to the membership of editorial boards of several international journals, have also acted as special guest editor for several international scientific journals. These journals cover the fields of international and industrial marketing, recent important ones being Journal of International Business Review (2001), Industrial Marketing Management (2009) and Journal of International Business Environment (2009).
Recent publications
- From New Emerging to New Emerging Markets (2020)
- Internationalization of Service Firms and Their Interactions with Socio-Political Actors (2019)
- Business and Socio‑Political Interaction in International Service Projects (2019)
- How does uncertainty impact opportunity development in internationalization? (2018)
- Public-Private Cooperation for Social Innovation (2017)
All publications
- From New Emerging to New Emerging Markets (2020)
- Internationalization of Service Firms and Their Interactions with Socio-Political Actors (2019)
- Business and Socio‑Political Interaction in International Service Projects (2019)
- How does uncertainty impact opportunity development in internationalization? (2018)
- Corporate social responsibility as a marketing strategy in foreign markets (2016)
- Direct and indirect impact of political activities on business performance (2016)
- Distrust online in the financial services market: The relevance of experiential knowledge and information exchange (2016)
- Internationalization of Financial Services in Turbulent Markets (2014)
- Internationalization Processes in Stable and Unstable Market Conditions (2014)
- The internationalization process model (2014)
- Multinational Firms and Political Actors (2014)
- Managing stability and crises in business relationships (2013)
- Internationalisation process in turbulent and stable markets: Do firms know that they do not know? (2013)
- Development of B2B marketing theory (2013)
- The impact of psychic distance on consumers’ behaviour in international online purchasing (2013)
- The Three Pillars: Business, State and Society (2012)
- The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Foreign Market Entry Process (2012)
- The impact of discontinuity on firms´ business relationship behaviour (2012)
- Political entrepreneurship in new small ventures (2011)
- Does a web site's country of origin impact equally on young and adult consumers? (2011)
- Adding a political dimension to business research (2009)
- Impact of international political units on small business firms’ relationships – the case of EU and Swedish small firms (2009)
- Industrial relationships and the effects of different types of connections (2009)
- An interactive perspective on business in practice and business in theory (2009)
- An Interactive Perspective on Business in Practice and Business in Theory (2009)
- Internationalisation of Bank Enterprises in New Emerging Markets (2008)
- Network view of MNCs' socio-political behavior (2008)
- The Competitive Behaviour of MNCs in the Socio-Political Market (2006)
- The impact of horizontal and vertical connections on relationships' commitment and trust (2005)
- Industrial Relationships with Foreign Firms (2003)
- Special Issue on the Internationalization Process of the Firm (2002)
- The Internationalization of the Firm and Political Environment in the European Union (2001)
- The Behaviour of International Firms in Socio-Political Environments in the European Union (2001)
- Perceptual Product Connection in an International Context (2000)
- Expectation as the Driving Force for Entry and Exit in the Turbulent Russian Market (1999)
- A View on Political and Business Actors (1999)
- A Political Risk for Project-Selling Firms: Turbulence in Relationships between Business and Non-Business Actors (1998)
- A Note on the Criticisms against the Internationalization Process Model (1997)
- Political Actions In Business Networks: A Swedish Case (1997)
- The Media and Consumer Perception in a Loosely Coupled International Market System: The Case of Mad Cow Disease (1997)
- Project Marketing and the Management of Discontinuity (1996)
- Facing Foreign Market Tubulence: Three Swedish Multinationals in Iran (1996)
- Vi köper från de vi har relation till (1995)
- Business and Socio-Political Interaction in International Service Projects
- Business, Society and Politics (2012)
- IMP 2008 – An Interactive Perspective on Business in Practice (2009)
- Studies on Business Economics (2009)
- Business, Management and Marketing (2009)
- Business Networks and International Marketing (2007)
- Business Networks and International Marketing (2006)
- Managing opportunity development in business networks (2005)
- Managing Opportunity Development in Business Networks (2005)
- Business Linkages, Foreign Trade and Development (2005)
- Non-Business Actors in a Business Network (2005)
- Studies in Business Networks (2005)
- International business and political crisis (1996)
- 'Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc' (2016)
- Managing relationship development and crises in emerging markets (2012)
- A Note on Knowledge Development in Marketing (2012)
- International Marketing Case (2012)
- Internationalization of Services Companies (2009)
- Internationalization and Service Banking Firms (2009)
- A note on knowledge development in marketing management (2009)
- An Interaction Model for Consumer-Retailer Relationships (2007)
- MNC's Actions in the Social-Political Market (2007)
- Swedish Firms in Interaction with the European Union (2006)
- Consumer Business Networks (2006)
- Corporate and Institutional Transparency for Economic Growth in Europe (2006)
- Managing Social-Political Environment (2006)
- Business Networks (2006)
- The Impact of Connected Relationship on Consumers' Distrust and Conduct (2006)
- Commitment Dimensions in the International Industrial Relationship (2006)
- Do Cultural Differences Impact on Business Relationships? (2006)
- The State, Technological Capacities and Technical Exchange in Iran (2005)
- Trade, Industrialization, and the Firm in Iran (2005)
- Kulturkrockar i den företagsekonomiska forskningsprocessen (2005)
- A Meeting Between Researchers in Industrial and Less Developed Countries (Ett möte mellan industrilandets och utvecklingslandets forskningstradition) (2005)
- Consumer Business Networks (2005)
- Introduction: Opportunity Development in Business Networks (2005)
- Epilogue (2005)
- Studies in Business Networks (2005)
- The Fifth Dimension (2002)
- Consumer Behaviour and the Media: A Loosely Coupled Network (2002)
- Expectation (2001)
- Ambiguity in a Negotiation (2000)
- The Political Behavior of Business Actors (2000)
- Volvo in a Political Crisis (1999)
- Manuals for Principles and Practices of Marketing in the Case of Electrolux (1995)
- Strategy - The Case of Electrolux (1995)
- Connected Effects Due to Political Actions Against a Business Firm: The Case of Bofors (1995)
- The Change of Business Legitimacy and Trust in a Turbulent Environment (1995)
- Managing International Package Deal Projects (1992)
- Public-Private Cooperation for Social Innovation (2017)
- A Network View on Business-Political Interaction for Sustainable Development (2017)
- MNC-Host Government Relationship: The Case of Brazil (2015)
- Internationalization of firms from new emerging markets in other new emerging markets (2015)
- Transparency and corruption (2013)
- Ambidextrous relationships between MNCs and governments (2013)
- Handling uncertainty by reaching insidership in networks (2012)
- Internationalisation - Do they know that they don't know (2012)
- ”Managing Relationship Development and Crises in Emerging Markets” (2011)
- Psychic distance in the context of consumers' international online behaviour (2011)
- Socio-Political Actors in Business Network Contexts (2010)
- Non-business actors in business networks (2010)
- The Effect of Discontinuity in Business Relationship (2010)
- Effects of political actors on small firms' business relationship and performance - A case of EU and Swedish small firms (2009)
- Business Relationships and the Impact of Political, Competitive and Intermediary Connections (2008)
- How Does Information Technology Impact on Business Relationships? (2008)
- Brokers, Business Initiation and Structural Holes (2008)
- Customer-firm business relationship and network (2008)
- Cultural Differences in Educational Programmes (2005)
- The impact of horizontal and vertical connection on relationships (2002)
- Industrial Relationships with Foreign Firms – The Case of Government Impact in the Iranian Business Market (2002)
- Consumer Distrust and Conduct - The Case of Food Safety Risk for Swedish Consumers (2002)
- A View on Commitment in the Long-Term Business Relationship (2002)
- Political Market and Business Action (2000)
- The Fifth Dimension (2000)
- Managing Political Actors (1999)
- The Political Behavior of Business Actors (1998)
- The Internationalization Process in Project Marketing (1997)
- An Interaction Model for Consumer-Retailer Relationships (2004)
- An interaction model for consumer-retailer relationships (2004)
- Consumer behavior and the media : a loosely coupled network (1998)
- Consumer behavior and the media (1998)
- A note on the criticisms against the internationalization process model (1997)
- A note on the criticisms against the internationalization process model (1997)
- A view on political risk and management of political system (1996)
- A View of Political Risk and Management of Political System (1996)
- Business & Nonbusiness Actors in a Turbulent Environment (1995)
- Business & nonbusiness actors in a turbulent environment (1995)
- Project Marketing and Changing Relationships (1993)
- Project marketing and changing relationship (1993)
- Resource Mobilization in Package Deal Projects (1992)
- Resource mobilization in package deal projects (1992)
- Organization of Manpower Training in International Package Deals. Temporary Organizations for Transfer of Technology (1985)