Cecilia Lindholm
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Business Studies; Professors, teachers, researchers
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 14 06
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 662 73 85
- E-mail:
- Cecilia.Lindholm@fek.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Trade Unions and Student Unions; Staff Unions; Saco-S vid Uppsala universitet
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 662 73 85
- Visiting address:
- Thunbergsvägen 7A
- Postal address:
- Box 533
751 21 UPPSALA
- Academic merits:
- PhD
More information is available to staff who log in.
Recent publications
- Becoming a public sector insider -A case study of Swedish digital healthcare start-ups´ entrepreneurial business formation processes (2022)
- Outsidership vs insidership – internationalization of health-care SMEs (2021)
- Risk och riskhantering (2018)
- Becoming an insider (2018)
- Patient access to digital medical records and the struggle for professional power in the media (2016)
All publications
- Becoming a public sector insider -A case study of Swedish digital healthcare start-ups´ entrepreneurial business formation processes (2022)
- Outsidership vs insidership – internationalization of health-care SMEs (2021)
- When patient empowerment encounters professional autonomy (2015)
- Risk och riskhantering (2018)
- Styrning och ansvar i utvärdering av samverkanseffektivitet. (2013)
- Accounting in Inter-Organisational Relationships within the Public Sector (2010)
- To Care or Not to Care? Swedish Nurses Meet New Economic Models (1999)
- Reform utan förändring och förändring utan reform. Ekonomistyrning som instrument och logik (1999)
- Från teknisk effektivitet till social legitimitet: en fallstudie av socialtjänsten (1999)
- Becoming an insider (2018)
- Patient access to digital medical records and the struggle for professional power in the media (2016)
- Escaping competition (2015)
- eHealth services, patient empowerment and professional accountability (2014)
- Regulated and deregulated healthcare markets (2014)
- Regulated and deregulated healthcare markets (2014)
- Because we can (2013)
- Handling a web of conflicting accountabilities (2012)
- Accountability and scope for action as management dilemmas (2006)
- Network of accountability and accountability in networks (2005)
- Performance appraisal and pay setting as management dilemmas (2005)
- Network of logics and logics in networks (2000)
- To Care or Not to Care? (1998)
- Meeting or Colliding? (1998)
- Styrning mot samverkan och styrning av samverkan (2010)
- Styrning, effektivitet och styrningseffektivitet (2008)
- Effektivitet i samverkan och samverkanseffektivitet (2005)
- Prestationsrelaterad ersättning vid Akademiska sjukhuset (2005)
- Samverkan och effektivitet (2004)
- Att leda landsting. Styrning, samordning och ansvar i nätverk (1999)