Peter Thilenius
Professor at Department of Business Studies; Professors, teachers, researchers
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751 20 UPPSALA
- Academic merits:
- PhD, Docent
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Short presentation
Peter Thilenius is Professor of Business Studies, particularly international business at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University. His main research interest centers on marketing and business relationships in various business and financial contexts. In his teaching he has a special interest in the development of the marketing subject.
- digitalisering
- fekmarketingresearchgroup
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Peter Thilenius är professor i företagsekonomi, särskilt internationellt företagande vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. Hans huvudsakliga forskningsintresse centrerar kring marknadsföring och affärsrelationer i olika företagsekonomiska sammanhang. I sin undervisning har han ett särskilt intresse för marknadsföringsämnets utveckling.
Peter Thilenius anställdes 1988 vid Uppsala universitet som universitetsadjunkt i företagsekonomi och antogs samtidigt till forskarutbildningen i samma ämne. Under sin tid som doktorand kombinerade han undervisning i företagsekonomi med egna studier. Från 1990 deltog han tillsammans med flera andra doktorander i en omfattande studie av svenska internationella företag där ett resultat var hans avhandling vilken han disputerade med 1997. Därefter arbetade han vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen som universitetslektor och hade uppdrag som studierektor för grundutbildningen och ansvarig för IT-frågor.
Under åren 2000–2008 arbetade han på Mälardalens högskola som universitetslektor i marknadsföring/organisation och antogs som docent i företagsekonomi 2004. Han var under perioden även bl.a. studierektor för den nyinrättade forskarutbildningen i Industriell ekonomi och organisation och Ekonomihögskolans siste prefekt innan lärosätet omorganiserades.
Sedan 2008 är Thilenius åter verksam inom forskning och undervisning, från 2011 som professor, vid Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. Forskningen har i stor utsträckning bedrivits i finansierade projekt i samarbete med flera forskare och har bl.a. rört konsumenter och effekter av informationsteknik, bankers internationalisering samt digitalisering och affärsrelationer. Forskningen har publicerats i välrenommerade internationella tidskrifter inom marknadsföring såsom Industrial Marketing Management, International Marketing Review och Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing men även inom angränsade fält som International Business Review och Business Process Management Journal. Han har även inom ramen för flera olika forskningsprojekt handlett ett tiotal doktorander till disputation. Hans undervisning har i huvudsak varit inom kurser i marknadsföringsämnets hela bredd men även i utbildningar i metod och genom handledning av ett stort antal kandidat- och masteruppsatser.
Selection of publications
- Digital transformation of global business processes (2020)
- Extending the Business Network Approach (2016)
- The internationalization process model (2014)
- Alleviating uncertainty through trust – A narrative approach to consumers’ foreign online purchasing behaviour (2013)
- The impact of discontinuity on firms´ business relationship behaviour (2012)
Recent publications
- Understanding information system outsourcing in the digital transformation era (2021)
- Digital transformation of global business processes (2020)
- Information System Providers in Business-Relationship Triads (2016)
- Direct and indirect impact of political activities on business performance (2016)
- 'Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc' (2016)
All publications
- Digital transformation of global business processes (2020)
- Direct and indirect impact of political activities on business performance (2016)
- Distrust online in the financial services market: The relevance of experiential knowledge and information exchange (2016)
- Information technology utilization for industrial marketing activities: The IT–marketing gap (2015)
- Tit for tat and big steps (2014)
- Extending the ERP system (2014)
- The internationalization process model (2014)
- Internationalisation process in turbulent and stable markets: Do firms know that they do not know? (2013)
- Alleviating uncertainty through trust – A narrative approach to consumers’ foreign online purchasing behaviour (2013)
- The impact of psychic distance on consumers’ behaviour in international online purchasing (2013)
- The impact of discontinuity on firms´ business relationship behaviour (2012)
- ERP selection through business relationships – adaptations or connections (2011)
- Does a web site's country of origin impact equally on young and adult consumers? (2011)
- Impact of international political units on small business firms’ relationships – the case of EU and Swedish small firms (2009)
- Industrial relationships and the effects of different types of connections (2009)
- The impact of horizontal and vertical connections on relationships' commitment and trust (2005)
- International business-relationship triads (2004)
- Industrial Relationships with Foreign Firms (2003)
- Consequences of Perception Gaps in the Headquarters - Subsidiary Relationship (2000)
- Moving from a Domestic to a Foreign Social Network - the Case of Finnish Business Professionals in California (1996)
- Conflict and Control in MNC New Product Introduction (1996)
- Headquarters Knowledge of Subsidiary Network Contexts in the Multinational Corporation (1995)
- Extending the Business Network Approach (2016)
- Extending Business Network Approach - New Territories, New Technologies, New Terms (2016)
- Non-Business Actors in a Business Network (2005)
- Studies in Business Networks (2005)
- Subsidiary network context in international firms (1997)
- Understanding information system outsourcing in the digital transformation era (2021)
- Information System Providers in Business-Relationship Triads (2016)
- 'Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc' (2016)
- The Impact of Changing Regulatory Environments on Bank Executives’ Strategy Formation (2016)
- Business Netquakes (2016)
- Approaching and Extending Business Networks—An Agenda for New Research Challenges (2016)
- Internationalization of Swedish banks in Russia and the impact of political environment (2012)
- Industrial business relationships and renewal through integration of information technology (2011)
- A note on knowledge development in marketing management (2009)
- Managing Cultural Problems in HQ-Subsidiary Relationships (2007)
- Understanding enterprise systems' impact(s) on business relationships (2006)
- The Impact of Connected Relationship on Consumers' Distrust and Conduct (2006)
- Commitment Dimensions in the International Industrial Relationship (2006)
- Software In-House Integration: Quantified Experiences from Industry (2006)
- The Development of a Strategic Position in the Japanese Digital Cellular Phone Networks (2006)
- Methodological aspects of studies in business networks (2005)
- Opportunity Development for Ongoing Business Relationships (2005)
- Studies in Business Networks (2005)
- Network Infusion in the Multinational Corporation (1997)
- Studying information system provider relationships impact on business relationships (2013)
- Internationalisation - Do they know that they don't know (2012)
- Business netquakes (2011)
- Drivers and obstacles for global IT in the embedded multinational: A multiple case study (2011)
- Does psychic distance matter in the context of consumers' international online behaviour? (2011)
- Psychic distance in the context of consumers' international online behaviour (2011)
- The Effect of Discontinuity in Business Relationship (2010)
- Effects of political actors on small firms' business relationship and performance - A case of EU and Swedish small firms (2009)
- Business Relationships and the Impact of Political, Competitive and Intermediary Connections (2008)
- The Spatial and Temporal Dimensions in Change of Business Networks (2006)
- Netquakes - Describing Effects of Ending Business Relationships on Business Networks (2005)
- Understanding enterprise systems' impact(s) on business relationships (2005)
- Relationship isolation: The case of government impact in the Iranian firms' interaction with foreign firms (2005)
- Cultural Differences in Educational Programmes (2005)
- Netquakes - Effects of Ending Business Relationships (2004)
- Dissolution in Business Networks - Swedish IT-companies and Radical Changes (2003)
- The impact of horizontal and vertical connection on relationships (2002)
- Industrial Relationships with Foreign Firms – The Case of Government Impact in the Iranian Business Market (2002)
- Consumer Distrust and Conduct - The Case of Food Safety Risk for Swedish Consumers (2002)
- A View on Commitment in the Long-Term Business Relationship (2002)
- Bringing headquarters back out (1998)
- The Emergence and Effects of Contextual Difference in International Business Networks (1992)
- Global Firms in Internationalized Networks (1990)
- Cognitive, affective, and connected trust in domestic and foreign consumer online purchasing relationships (2014)
- A quantitative survey on software in-house integration (2006)