Åsa Kettis
Head of Division at University Administration; Division for Quality Enhancement
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 78 58
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 425 03 30
- E-mail:
- asa.kettis@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Dag Hammarskjöldsväg 7
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 256
75105 Uppsala
More information is available to staff who log in.
Recent publications
- Tvärvetenskaplig utbildning vid Uppsala univeristet (2022)
- Quality of life assessments in clinical practice using either the EORTC-QLQ-C30 or the SEIOQL-DW (2021)
- Quality and Renewal 2017 (Kvalitet och förnyelse 2017) (2017)
- QOL assessments in clinical practice (2014)
- Comparison of two instruments for measurement of quality of life in clinical practice - a qualitative study (2014)
All publications
- Quality of life assessments in clinical practice using either the EORTC-QLQ-C30 or the SEIOQL-DW (2021)
- QOL assessments in clinical practice (2014)
- Comparison of two instruments for measurement of quality of life in clinical practice - a qualitative study (2014)
- Transfer of data or re-creation of knowledge - Experiences of a shared electronic patient medical records system (2013)
- Different perspectives on communication quality and emotional functioning during routine oncology consultations (2012)
- Exploring the relationship between safety culture and reported dispensing errors in a large sample of Swedish community pharmacies (2012)
- Experiences of a nationwide web-based system (2012)
- Complementary or alternative? (2012)
- Communication analysis in oncology care (2011)
- Pharmacy users' expectations of pharmacy encounters (2011)
- An Exploration of How Students Learn in a Pharmacy Internship (2011)
- Swedish Students' and Preceptors' Perceptions of What Students Learn in a Six-Month Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (2011)
- Comparing two versions of the Schedule for Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life in patients with advanced cancer (2011)
- Patients' understanding of the concepts of health and quality of life (2010)
- Doctors' perspectives of responsibility for patient's drugs (2010)
- Receiving a pharmaceutical care service compared to receiving standard pharmacy service (2010)
- Counselling behaviour and content in a pharmaceutical care service in Swedish community pharmacies (2010)
- Reducing dispensing errors in Swedish pharmacies (2010)
- Assessing safety culture in pharmacies (2010)
- The use of prescription medicines and self-medication among children (2010)
- Quality assurance within the scope of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) - What is the cost of GCP- related activities? (2009)
- A comprehensive pharmacist intervention to reduce morbidity in patients 80 years or older (2009)
- Secondary care doctors' perception of appropriate prescribing (2009)
- Factors associated with reflection among students after an advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) in Sweden (2009)
- The use, feasibility and psychometric properties of an individualised quality-of-life instrument (2009)
- Patient-physician communication during oncology consultations (2008)
- Follow-up of patients receiving a pharmaceutical care service in Sweden (2008)
- Testing the validity of a translated pharmaceutical therapy-related quality of life instrument, using qualitative 'think aloud' methodology (2008)
- A categorization scheme for assessing pharmacy students' levels of reflection during internships (2008)
- Perceptions of potential donors in the Swedish public towards information and consent procedures in relation to use of human tissue samples in biobanks (2007)
- Patients'and doctors' views of using the schedule for individual quality of life in clinical practice. (2007)
- Hospital doctors' views of factors influencing their prescribing (2007)
- Implementation of a pharmaceutical care service (2007)
- Living with skin diseases and topical treatment (2007)
- A structural equation modeling approach to the concepts of adherence and readiness in antiretroviral treatment (2007)
- Single application of a fluorescent test cream by healthy volunteers (2007)
- The role of dermatologists, nurses and pharmacists in chronic dermatological treatment (2006)
- Genetic research and donation of tissue samples to biobanks. What do potential sample donors in the Swedish general public think? (2006)
- Assessing and achieving readiness to initiate HIV medication (2006)
- Exploring subjective outcomes perceived by patients receiving a pharmaceutical care service (2006)
- Feasibility and validity of a computer administered version of SEIQoL-DW (2006)
- To follow or not to follow dermatological treatment (2006)
- Differences in adherence and motivation to HIV therapy (2006)
- Adherence to treatment in Swedish HIV infected patients (2006)
- A qualitative study of health care personnel´s experience of a satellite pharmacy at a HIV clinic (2005)
- To follow dermatological treatment regimens--patients' and providers' views (2004)
- Pharmacists´ attitudes towards importance of compounding to their profession (2000)
- Assessment of the appropriateness of extemporaneous preparations prescribed in Swedish primary care (1996)
- Pharmacists´perceptions of the Swedish compounding system (1996)
- Factors associated with the prescribing of extemporanous preparations in Sweden (1995)
- Quality and Renewal 2017 (Kvalitet och förnyelse 2017) (2017)
- Extemporaneous compounding in Sweden (1996)
- Kvalitet i högre utbildning och forskning (2011)
- Empirical research on informed consent and biobanks (2001)