Postgraduate studies

Inomhus i Carolina Rediviva

The Department of ALM offers postgraduate studies in Information Studies and has had a doctoral programme since 1999. Information studies is a broad field and in the programme, the topics of research range from archival studies to information research, library science, museum and cultural heritage studies and scholarly communication to digital humanities research.

New fully funded doctoral student positions are usually announced during spring term. New positions are not available on annual basis and when there are openings, the announcements can be found at

The department has a doctoral programme in information studies with students with a background in information studies, archival studies and museum and cultural heritage studies. Doctoral students and teachers participate in the activities organised under the auspices of the Swedish Network for Doctoral Education in Information Studies and the Nordic Research School in Library and Information Science (NORSLIS) and its successors. The department is also a member of the research school ReSource: Transforming Reading and Source Criticism in Digital Cultures. A key actor and recourse for doctoral education at the department is the university-wide Centre for Digital Humanities Uppsala, which coordinates the Swedish national DigitAl HumanitieS Graduate ScHool (DASH). The department has also a collaboration agreement with the Division of ALM, Lund University on doctoral education with joint seminars, student exchange and cooperation in supervision of doctoral students.

Director of postgraduate studies is professor Isto Huvila.

