Scientific writing and publishing (2hp)
This course will be next offered in December, 2024
To register, please fill out the form here with your name, department, and previous experience with scientific writing.
Contact. Dolly Kothawala,
Course aim. Training in all aspects of writing a scientific paper, including the publishing process.
Target group. PhD students in biology and related fields across the faculty of science. The course targets students without experience in scientific writing and publishing that ideally have a draft of their first manuscript.
Course content. We will discuss all aspects of scientific writing, including the format and content of the scientific paper, the publishing system, how to submit a paper, the variety of journals to submit to, authorship, the peer-review system, how to review a paper, how to respond to reviewer comments, editorship, bibliometrics and the doctoral thesis.
Course organisation. The course is made up of lectures, guest speakers, and exercises, including individual & group work, as well as classroom discussions. Please have a first draft of a manuscript ready to work with during the course, and print off four copies to distribute to classmates. At the very least, please try to have a draft of the introduction to your first manuscript. You will need a draft document to work with and if this is a challenge please contact me beforehand.
Venue. TBD.