Research projects
Ongoing projects at the department
- A mutual commitment? The state, the K-companies and the Swedish economic defense 1962–2002
- A promised land? Drivers, challenges and opportunities related to the (green) industrialization of Northern Sweden
- Banking crises and crisis management in theory and practice in Sweden, 1900 – 1939
- Debating, defending and defining globalization: The international activism of Swedish business elites, ca 1960-2000
- Environmental adaptation and productivity growth in the Swedish pulp and paper industry, 1950-1989
- Environmental economics in action: A practice-based inquiry into Swedish environmental policy
- Fairs and economic decline. Marketplaces, economic regulations and social transformation in Sweden
- Finance-led growth? The role of the stock market in Swedish industrialization, 1863-1938
- Innovation and institutional change in Swedish retailing 1720-2020
- Intangible Assets and the Alchemy of Investment Law
- International business in global environmental governance between Stockholm and Kyoto
- Local level state capacity
- Malt, hops, yeast, water, and regulatory regimes: market structure, profitability, and firm survival in the Swedish beer industry, 1920–1990
- Tax Swiss - Swedish Tax Migration to Switzerland between 1950 and 1980
- Technological shocks and regional resilience: changing occupational structure and development in the Swedish regions (1640-1900)
- The Allmänna savings banks and the crash of 1929
- The Defense of Consumption: Advertising, gender and citizenship in Sweden during World War II
- The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s enforcement style, 2005-2015
- The impact of monetary regimes on trade and capital flows during the first wave of globalization, 1850-1913
- The pattern of Swedish corporate finance in the 20th century
- Trust your fellow countryman only. Ethnic entrepreneurship within the US migrant industry, c1860-1920