Alumni survey

In 2021, we conducted an extensive survey among alumni who had completed the Master's Programme in Economics at Uppsala University. Over 50% of the 160 respondents chose to participate in the survey. The results of the survey indicate that our alumni are very satisfied with their education, with 85% stating that they were either very satisfied or satisfied after graduation.

Regarding employment after graduation, it emerged that 74% of alumni are currently employed, while 20% have chosen to continue with doctoral studies and 4% are pursuing further studies. Only 3% have opted for other alternatives.

An interesting aspect of the survey is the distribution of alumni across different sectors. A significant portion, 32%, work in various government agencies, while 21% have chosen to work in the banking sector, and another 15% in consulting firms.

When it comes to alumni's different job titles, these reflect the breadth of the knowledge acquired through the economics programme. 35% work as analysts, 16% as statisticians or economists, while 12% have advanced to managerial positions. Other roles include administrators, consultants, and project managers, each represented at 4%.

The high levels of satisfaction and the diversity in our alumni's career choices indicate the strengths of the programme and its ability to prepare students for successful and versatile careers in economics and related fields. We look forward to continuing to support our students on their professional journeys.

Summary of survey responses:

  • 85% are very satisfied or satisfied with their education.
  • 74% work as their main occupation after graduation.
  • 91% of those who work have a monthly salary of over 35,000 SEK.
  • 32% work in government agencies.
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Here are some quotes from alumni about what they do at work:

"Responsible for the company's marketing and information provision, especially regarding its financial products and services."

"Policy evaluation, project management of government assignments, and general work on regulatory simplification in the Swedish business sector."

"Quantitative analysis for pharmaceutical companies in health economics."

"Data analysis, survey design, and other policy work."

"I work on helping our clients understand our data and conveying insights in an understandable way."

"Conduct financial risk analysis of Nordic companies, set premiums, and issue corporate insurance."

"I work on auditing municipalities and regions. Both operational auditing and financial auditing."

"Sustainable investments."

"Web development, data analysis, and processing."

