Salvia Småskrifter
In 2002 the Hans Rausing Professor of History and Science Tore Frängsmyr took the initiative to inaugurate a publication series Salvia Småskrifter with the aim to publish lectures arranged by the Office for History of Science at Uppsala University. The coinage Salvia is meant in memoriam of Sweden’s first scientific book printer Lars Salvius (1706–1773) as well as that it refers to a wild growing Swedish plant, Salvia pratensis, Meadow Clary.
Salvia Småskrifter no. 1–9 had been published under the auspices of Tore Frängsmyr. In 2007 the newly installed Hans Rausing Professor at Uppsala University, H. Otto Sibum, took over the editorship.
Published Items
Editor: H. Otto Sibum
Peter Dear, Laminates of Time: Darwin, Classification, and Selection Pdf, 1 MB.. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2013. (2014)
Steven Shapin, Changing Tastes: How Things Tasted in the Early Modern Period and How They Taste Now Pdf, 852 kB.. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2011. (2011)
Lorraine Daston, Observation as a Way of Life: Time, Attention, Allegory Pdf, 1007 kB.. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2010. (2011)
Evelyn Fox Keller, Self-Organization, Self-Assembly, and the Inherent Activity of Matter Pdf, 3 MB.. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2009. (2009)
Simon Schaffer, The Information Order of Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica Pdf, 6 MB.. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2008. (2008)
M. Norton Wise, Neo-Classical Aesthetics of Art and Science: Hermann Helmholtz and the Frog-Drawing Machine Pdf, 2 MB.. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2007. (2008)
Tore Frängsmyr, Carl von Linné - paradoxernas vetenskapsman. Högtidstal den 23 maj, 2007. (2007)
Lisbet Rausing, Science for the Nation: Linnaeus' Economic Thought. (2007)
Tore Frängsmyr, Vetenskapshistoria 25 år, 1982-2007. En redogörelse sammanställd av Tore Frängsmyr. (2007)
J. L. Heilbron, Coming to Terms with the Scientific Revolution. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2005. (2006)
Janet Browne, Science and Celebrity. Commemorating Charles Darwin. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2004. (2005)
William R. Shea, Galileo's Roman Agenda. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2003. (2004)
Tore Frängsmyr, Om vetenskapshistoria. Installationsföreläsning den 7 maj 2002. (2003)
Sheldon Rothblatt, The University as Utopia. The Hans Rausing Lecture 2002. (2003)
Tore Frängsmyr, Avdelningen för vetenskapshistoria 1982-2002. En redogörelse sammanställd av Tore Frängsmyr. (2003)