PhD Studies vid institutionen för informatik och media
The department of Informatics and Media offers postgraduate studies in information systems, media and communication science and human-computer interaction.
Aims of PhD Studies
As a PhD candidate you will become the premier expert in a defined subject area, but also learn the breadth of knowledge and skills related to the subject of studies in general.
The goal is to become an independent researcher with a good ability to communicate knowledge and new findings in both your own research topic and in general.
Eligibilityt to PhD Studies
To be admitted to the PhD program you are required to have be eligible according to the criteria shown in the general syllabus for each subject.
How does the PhD education look like?
The graduate program covers four years of full-time studies for a doctorate, or two years of full-time studies for a licentiate degree.
The content of the various research programs and information on how they are structured can be seen in the general syllabus for each research subject.
Third-cycle subject area and admission requirements (Forskarutbildningsämnen och behörigheter)
The departments third-cycle subject areas (In Swedish):
- Information System - general syllabus (pdf)
- Media and Communication Studies – general syllabus (pdf)
- Human-Computor Interaction – general syllabus (pdf)
Each doctoral candidate is assigned a main supervisor and at least one assistant supervisor. The education is planned and conducted in close collaboration with the supervisors. During most of the studies you are involved in a research project; the outcome of your research is then presented and examined in a PhD or licentiate thesis. A number of courses are also included according to the respective syllabus for each research subject.
When you are accepted as a doctoral student, an individual study plan is maintained. The individual study plan includes information about the status and the progress of the candidate’s studies.
The doctoral program concludes with a degree: PhD or licentiate degree. If you have completed a licentiate degree, you can continue your studies for a doctorate. The doctoral degree can be completed without a licentiate degree.
What is required for graduation?
For a licentiate degree a minimum of 120 credits is required, including an approved scientific thesis, for at least 60 credits. For the doctoral degree a minimum of 240 credits is required, including an approved doctoral dissertation of at least 180 credits.
To apply
PhD positions are advertised in the same way as vacancies, with a deadline for applications. On the website about vacant positions you can find the current annonucements about vacant PhD positions.
PhD studies at Uppsala University
Information about PhD Studies at Uppsala University
PhD Courses
View PhD courses at the department of Informatics and Media
- If you have questions about the graduate program, please contact primarily the director of graduate studies: Maria Normark,