Research at Department of Informatics and Media

At the Department of Informatics and Media we conduct research within the fields of information systems, human-computer interaction and media and communication studies. The strength of that combination is that we connect the capabilities, networks and researchers from various yet intertwining areas of interest. Through active collaboration we achieve a synergy that through our similarities as well as our differences allows us to create a creative and thriving research environment.
Uppsala Informatics and Media Hub for Digital Existence
Uppsala Informatics and Media Hub for Digital Existence på Uppsala universitet erbjuder ett humanvetenskapligt sätt att se på digitalisering och automatisering.
Read more about Uppsala Informatics and Media Hub for Digital Existence
Worlds of Artificial Intelligence
Worlds of Artificial Intelligence (Worlds of AI) is a research platform hosted by the Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University. Our mission is to advance new knowledge about the development and use of various artificial intelligence technologies, for human and social good. Read more about Words of AI