Worlds of Artificial Intelligence
Worlds of Artificial Intelligence (Worlds of AI) is a research platform hosted by the Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University. Our mission is to advance new knowledge about the development and use of various artificial intelligence technologies, for human and social good.
Novel understandings of AI
Worlds of AI engages researchers across various disciplines including Information Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Media and Communication Studies, Software Engineering, Economics, Philosophy, and others, in order to develop novel understandings of AI and its use.
A vital AI research environment
Our competences within this platform – spanning algorithmic and technical, systemic and institutional, social and economic, interactional, critical and existential dimensions of the development of artificial intelligence – are uniquely suited to synergistically produce a vital environment for tackling, analysing and intervening in the vast and crucial developments, across the transecting worlds of AI.
Comprehensive understanding of AI development and use
Our research nodes – Existential Media, Embodied Machine Learning, and AI Value – interact with each other by exchanging knowledge and experiences and targeting complex phenomena with different complementary perspectives in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of human, social and technical worlds of AI development and use. All this to provide guidance for a human use of the most advanced technologies of human kind: AI.
AI research nodes
To this end, Worlds of AI is organised into distinct and independent research AI nodes, where each node is a research team focusing a well-defined theme of AI, its uses, meanings and implications.
Research Nodes
If you have question about the Worlds of AI research platform at the Department of Informatics and Media, please contact Amanda Lagerkvist.