More about Doctoral Education

Topics and scope

In Sweden, there are two different types of degrees within the framework of graduate studies: a Doctoral of Laws and a licentiate examination. The education to become a Doctor of Laws comprises 240 university credits (ECTS) and the Licentiate of Laws degree requires 120 university credits (ECTS).

At Juridicum a Doctor of Laws degree or a Licentiate of Laws degree can be taken in jurisprudence, private law, European law, fiscal law, international law, corporate law, administrative law, international civil law, constitutional law, medical law, environmental law, public law, procedural law, legal history and criminal law.

Educational content

For the Doctor of Laws degree the thesis work comprises 180 ECTS. In addition courses and seminars are included which amount to a total of 60 ECTS, consisting of an introductory course of 15 ECTS, two complementary courses for a total of 15 ECTS, a literature course on the educational topic of 15 ECTS and topic seminars of 15 ECTS.

For the Licentiate of Laws degree the thesis work comprises 75 ECTS. In addition courses and seminars are included which amount to a total of 45 ECTS, consisting of an introductory course of 15 ECTS, a literature course on the educational topic of 15 ECTS and topic seminars of 15 ECTS.

Syllabus for:

Syllabuses for general complementary courses:

If you want to know more or are interested in signing up for a course, please email:

Educational objectives

The objectives of the education at the doctoral level is that the newly graduated Doctor or Licentiate should have great prospects for a successful professional life within or outside higher education after graduation. This includes:

  • good subject knowledge within a field of research,
  • capacity for independent and critical thinking,
  • scientific skills and working methods skills,
  • the ability to identify interesting and researchable issues,
  • pedagogical skills and the ability to communicate well in speech and writing as well as
  • good ability to understand and deal with research ethical issues.

Quality requirements

The studies will be pursued in an attractive, dynamic, permissive environment characterised by the highest quality, critical thinking, diversity, equality, openness and democratic values.

The doctoral students will be offered favourable educational opportunities, supervision by qualified and dedicated researchers and will have excellent general study conditions. The doctoral thesis work will be an essential part of the Department’s research activities and will result in internationally competitive research.

Briefly about the degree

A doctoral degree is awarded after defending a thesis which is approved at a public defence.

For the Licentiate degree it is first required that the doctoral student has had a scientific doctoral thesis approved by the Faculty of Law, and then that the doctoral student has passed the exams that may be included in the programme.


