Seminar series in Dynamical Systems and Number Theory
The seminars are held every other Friday at 13:15 to 14:15 in room 64119, unless otherwise stated.
For more information contact the organiser: Reza Mohammadpour
Upcoming seminars
Previous seminars
Thermodynamic formalisms for Markov subshifts on 𝑑-trees
- Date: 6 December 2024, 13:15–14:00
- Lecturer: Yu-Liang Wu (University of Oulu)
Abstract: The talk is based on a joint with Jung-Chao Ban and Guan-Yu Lai, which investigates the thermodynamic formalism for Markov subshifts on 𝑑-trees under the irreducible assumption. The study is motivated by the work by Burton-Pfister-Steif, in which they discovered that the variational principle "fails" for such systems on 𝑑-trees even for full-shifts. In our work, we extend their discovery to subshifts with merely irreducible assumption, and, in particular, prove a version of law of large numbers for irreducible Markov chains on 𝑑-trees, which is a slight improvement for existing results in the literature.
Lyapunov exponents of a class of skew-product maps on the two-torus, with expanding base maps
- Date: 18 October 2024, 13:15–14:30
- Lecturer: Kirthana Rajasekar (KTH)
Abstract: Lyapunov exponents of a dynamical system characterize the stability/instability of a system, as they quantify the exponential rate at which the orbits of arbitrarily close points in a system, diverge or converge. Studying the continuity, bounds, and asymptotes of the exponent, gives us valuable insights into the system's hyperbolicity, the existence of synchronisation, invariant measures, attractors, etc. In this talk, we will be interested in skew-product maps of the form F(x,y) = (bx, f_x(y)), where f_x(y) is a circle map on the fiber and b is a large integer. For (well-behaved) linear cocycles, we have the Oseledets decomposition of the space, with respect to its distinct Lyapunov exponents. Whereas for general non-linear maps of the form f_x(y), such a characterisation of the asymptotic behavior of the system is not immediate. Thus, studying the existence of open classes of maps, for which the Lyapunov exponents can be estimated almost everywhere, has been of keen interest. We will discuss one such method and establish a class of circle maps for which the Lyapunov exponents have a uniform negative lower bound. For such systems, on each fiber, almost every point has a stable orbit.
An effective equidistribution result in the space of 2-dimensional tori with k marked points
- Date: 27 June 2024, 13:15–14:15
- Lecturer: Andreas Strömbergsson (Uppsala University)
Abstract: Let X be the homogeneous space Gamma \ G, where G is the semidirect product of SL(2,R) and a direct sum of k copies of R^2, and where Gamma is the subgroup of integer elements in G. I will present a result giving effective equidistribution of 1-dimensional unipotent orbits in the space X. The proof makes use of the delta method in the form developed by Heath-Brown. Joint work with Anders Södergren and Pankaj Vishe.
Almost optimal Diophantine exponent for SL(n)
- Date: 22 March 2024
- Lecturer: Subhajit Jana (Queen Mary University of London)
Abstract: We will start by describing the density of SLn(Z[1/p]) in SLn(R) in a quantitative manner along the line of work by Ghosh--Gorodnik--Nevo. The Diophantine exponent kappa for a pair of elements x,y in SLn(R) is a certain positive real number that, loosely, measures the complexity of an element gamma in SLn(Z[1/p]) such that gamma x approximates y with a prescribed error. Ghosh--Gorodnik--Nevo conjectured that \kappa should be optimal, which means kappa less than equal to 1 (after certain normalization), and proved this on certain varieties. However, for SL(n) their method gives kappa less than or equal to n-1. In this talk, we try to describe how certain automorphic techniques can improve the bound of kappa to something as good as 1+O(1/n). If time permits, we will also talk about the L^2-growth of the Eisenstein series on reductive groups. This is one of the inputs in our proof towards improved Diophantine exponent. This is a joint work with Amitay Kamber.
Date 010324
- Lecturer: Minsung Kim (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
- Title: Cohomological equations for locally Hamiltonian flows
Abstract: The cohomological equation is a functional equation that appears in various aspects of dynamical systems. Cohomological equations for area-preserving flows were solved by G. Forni, and they were applied to prove the deviation of ergodic integrals for the flow. In this talk, we study the cohomological equation for smooth locally Hamiltonian flows on a minimal component of compact surfaces. We will introduce new obstructions to solving the equations (so-called invariant distributions) that did not appear in the previous settings.
Our main theorem states that the regularity of the solution depends not only on the vanishing of Forni's invariant distributions. It also depends on vanishing a family of new invariant distributions, reflecting the behavior around the singularities (saddles). Our result provides a complete solution to the regularity problem for almost all locally Hamiltonian flows. This is joint work with Krzysztof Frączek.
Date 010324
- Lecturer: Rajula Srivastava (University of Bonn and Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)
- Title: Counting Rational Points near Manifolds
Abstract: How many rational points with denominator of a given size lie within a certain distance from a compact, "non-degenerate" manifold? This talk is about some recent progress towards answering this question, based on joint work with Damaris Schindler and Niclas Technau. We shall discuss a new way of examining the problem: under a combined lens of harmonic analysis (oscillatory integrals) and homogeneous dynamics (quantitative non-divergence estimates). We shall also talk about applications to problems concerning Hausdorff dimension and measure refinements for the set of well-approximable points on non-degenerate manifolds.
Date 230224
- Lecturer: Niclas Technau (Max Plank Institute for Mathematics in Bonn)
- Title: Fine-Scale Statistics, Number Theory, and Homogeneous Dynamics
Abstract: In the first half of the talk, we discuss and compare various statistics of sequences -- ranging from classical uniform distribution to modern fine-scale statistics (such as the pair correlation function).
In the second half, we report on joint work with Maksym Radziwill on the sequence \sqrt{n} mod 1. Its gap distribution was studied by Elkies and McMullen with tools from homogeneous dynamics, and is known to be non-standard.
Date 160224
- Lecturer: Ayreena Bakhtawar (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
- Title: Uniform Diophantine approximation via continued fractions
Abstract: In one-dimensional Diophantine approximation, by using the theory of continued fractions, Khintchine’s theorem and Jarnik’s theorem are concerned with the size of the set of real numbers for which the partial quotients in their continued fraction expansions grows with a certain rate. Whereas it was observed that the improvability of Dirichlet’s theorem is concerned with the growth of the product of consecutive partial quotients in the continued fraction expansion of a real number. In this talk, I will describe some metrical properties of the product of an arbitrary block of consecutive partial quotients raised to different powers in continued fractions, including the Lebesgue measure-theoretic result and the Hausdorff dimensional result.
Date 020224
- Lecturer: Jordi-Lluís Figueras (Uppsala University)
- Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system may exist: a verified computation of quasiperiodic solutions for the planar three body problem
Abstract: In this talk we present evidence of the stability of a simplified model of our Solar System, a flat (Newtonian) Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system with realistic data, that is, with masses of the Sun and the planets, their semi-axes, eccentricities and precessions of the planets close to the real ones. The evidences presented here are based on convincing numerics that a KAM theorem can be applied to the Hamiltonian equations of the model to produce quasiperiodic motion, that lies in an invariant torus, with the appropriate frequencies. To do so, first KAM schemes to compute translated tori are used to continue from the Kepler approximation (two uncoupled two-body problems) up to the actual Hamiltonian of the system, for which the translated torus is invariant tori. Second, KAM schemes for invariant tori are used to refine the solution of the invariant equations giving the invariant torus. Last, the convergence of the KAM scheme for the invariant torus is (numerically) checked by applying several times a KAM iterative lemma, from which we obtain that the final torus (numerically) satisfies the existence conditions given by a KAM theorem.
Date 190124
- Lecturer: Chiara Caracciolo (Uppsala University)
- A parametrization algorithm to compute lower dimensional elliptic tori in Hamiltonian systems
Abstract: In KAM theory, constructive techniques are essential in order to produce realistic results in physical problems, since there is usually a big gap between purely analytical results and numerical ones. In this talk, I will present an algorithm for computing lower-dimensional elliptic tori in Hamiltonian systems based on a parametrization method. In this extension of KAM theorem, the focus is on tori that are characterized by a quasi-periodic motion with a lower number of frequencies than the degrees of freedom of the system. Moreover, the linear dynamics in the transverse dimensions is elliptic. Unlike other approaches based on normal forms methods, the parametrization method does not require the Hamiltonian to be nearly-integrable nor expressed in action-angle variables. Furthermore, our algorithm fixes both the frequency vectors involved in the dynamics, the one describing the quasi-periodic motion on the torus and the one related to the harmonic oscillations in the transverse dimensions. As an example, I will discuss an application of the algorithm to compute lower dimensional tori in a model that involves four coupled pendula. This is a joint work with J-L. Figueras and A. Haro.
Date 011223
- Lecturer: Tanja Schindler (University of Vienna)
- Title: Scaling properties of (generalised) Thue-Morse measures
Abstract: The Thue-Morse measure and its generalisations are diffraction measures of simple aperiodic systems. Besides that, they are paradigmatic examples of purely singular continuous probability measures on the unit interval given as an infinite Riesz product. To study their scaling behaviour a classical method, the thermodynamic formalism can be used - which however has to be adapted to an unbounded potential. Besides seeing this method, we will also see how quantitatively the Birkhoff and dimension spectrum changes depending on the point of the singularity. This is joint work with M. Baake, P. Gohlke, and M. Kesseböhmer.
Date 171123
- Lecturer: Paulo Varandas (CMUP & UFBA)
- Title: Spectral properties of semigroups of expanding maps
Abstract: The dynamics of finitely generated semigroup actions has attracted the attention of many researchers, with the aim of establishing variational principles and studying their topological, geometrical and ergodic theory aspects. Part of these goals have been attained whenever the generators satisfy some hyperbolicity conditions.
In this talk I will describe some spectral properties of semigroups of expanding maps, show that there exists a limiting behaviour for the corresponding transfer operators, and that these semigroup actions admit equilibrium states with exponential decay of correlations. This is a joint work with M. Stadlbauer and X. Zhang.
Date 101123
- Lecturer: Jean-Pierre Conze (University of Rennes)
- Title: Recurrence and ergodicity of stationary walks over rotations
Abstract: First we describe examples of dynamical systems with an infinite invariant measure obtained as extensions (skew products) of a given dynamical system by a "cocycle''. This raises two questions: recurrence of the corresponding "stationary'' random walk and ergodicity of the skew product.
Then we will focus on the case where the dynamical system in the basis is a rotation.
The ergodicity of the extension is related to Diophantine conditions on the rotation.
We will present in particular recent results for extensions of a 2-dimensional rotation on the torus, a joint work with Nicolas Chevallier (University of Mulhouse).
Date: 031123
- Lecturer: Jonny Imbierski (Leiden University)
- Title: Hausdorff Dimension of Digit Frequency Level Sets for Number Systems with Redundancy
Abstract: In this talk, we produce from a given collection of finite-branched Generalised Lüroth Series (GLS) number expansions a two-dimensional number system with redundancy. The first coordinate of the system determines which GLS to apply at each timestep and the second coordinate tracks the orbit under the GLS determined at that timestep. Using this number system, we can assign each point in the unit interval uncountably many number expansions, hence the term redundancy. We first prove a Hausdorff dimension formula for the associated two-dimensional digit frequency level sets via a more general result for diagonally affine IFSs satisfying a certain domination condition. We then consider an average fibre of the system and prove a Hausdorff dimension formula for the associated one-dimensional digit frequency level sets. This is joint work with Charlene Kalle (Leiden) and Reza Mohammadpour (Uppsala).
Date: 201023
- Lecturer: Shreyasi Datta (Uppsala University)
- Title: Winning of inhomogeneous bad for curves
Abstract: Badly approximable vectors are one of the central topics in Diophantine approximation due to their connection with homogeneous dynamics and other problems in number theory. Moreover, the intersection of the sets of several weighted badly approximable vectors is the content of Schmidt's conjecture, now a theorem by Badziahin, Pollington, and Velani (Annals 2011). The holy grail of the theory of badly approximable vectors is to show the `winning property' of these sets inside curves and fractals. In a recent breakthrough, Beresnevich, Nesharim, and Yang (Duke 2022) showed the `absolute winning property' of weighted bad inside analytic nonplanar curves. We extend their work from homogeneous to the inhomogeneous set-up. As a consequence, our result also establishes the inhomogeneous Schmidt's conjecture in arbitrary dimensions. This is a joint work with Liyang Shao. I will not assume any prior knowledge in this topic.
Date: 061023
- Lecturer: Antti Käenmäki (University of Oulu)
- Title: Thermodynamic formalism of countably generated self-affine sets
Abstract: We further develop the thermodynamic formalism of affine iterated function systems with countably many transformations by showing the existence and extending earlier characterisations of the equilibrium states of finite affine iterated function systems to the countably infinite case. As an application, under mild conditions, we prove that the affinity dimension of a countable affine iterated function system is equal to the supremum of the affinity dimensions of its finite subsystems. We deduce corollaries concerning the Hausdorff dimension of countably generated self-affine sets in dimensions 1, 2, and 3 satisfying mild deterministic assumptions and in arbitrary dimensions with generic translations. The talk is based on a joint work with Ian Morris.
Date: 210923
- Lecturer: Lauri Viitasaari
- Title: On Gaussian multiplicative chaos
Abstract: Gaussian multiplicative chaos, a random measure, appeared originally in the work by Kahane in 1985. Since then it has received a lot of attention and have applications in various areas. This talk gives a gentle introduction to the topic together with some applications. In particular, we discuss how Gaussian multiplicative chaos is seen in deep geothermal heating.
Date: 080923
- Lecturer: Viviane Baladi
- Title: A parameter almost sure invariance principle (ASIP) for the quadratic family
Abstract: After recalling what is an ASIP and how it can appear in dynamics, we will discuss and motivate the following joint result with Magnus Aspenberg and Tomas Persson: Consider the quadratic family T_a(x) = a x (1 - x), for x in [0, 1] and parameters a in (2,4). For any transversal Misiurewicz parameter b, we find a positive measure subset Omega of mixing Collet-Eckmann parameters such that for any Holder function f with nonvanishing autocorrelation for b, the functions f_a(T_a^{k}(1/2)) (where f_a is a suitable normalisation of f) for the normalised Lebesgue measure on a positive measure subset of Omega (depending on f) satisfy an ASIP.
The seminar series was suspended in spring 2023
Date: 091222
- Speaker: Simon Baker (Loughborough University)
- Title: Recurrence rates for shifts of finite type
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss rates of recurrence for Bernoulli measures defined on the full shift (more generally Gibbs measures defined on shifts of finite type). Our main result establishes a new critical threshold where the measure of the set of points satisfying a recurrence rate transitions from 0 to 1. This fact is an interesting consequence of the law of the iterated logarithm. This talk is based upon a joint work with Demi Allen and Balazs Barany.
Date: 112522
- Lecturer: Michal Rams (IMPAN)
- Title: Cocycles of circle diffeomorphisms
Abstract: I will present an introduction to the world of cocycles of circle diffeomorphisms. The system is simple: given a finite family $\{f_i\}_{i=1}^n$ of $C^1$ diffeomorphisms of a circle, we consider the dynamical system $F:S^1 \times \Sigma, F(x,\xi) = (f_{\xi_0}(x), \sigma\xi)$ (where $\Sigma = \{1,\ldots,n\}^{\mathbb Z}$). In simple words, we apply the maps $f_i$ in any order we want.
Such systems can be of many types, including hyperbolic ones -- but that is the boring case that I'll skip. I will concentrate on the really interesting case of robustly nonuniformly hyperbolic cocycles (that is, the set of possible Lyapunov exponents contains 0 as its interior point, and this property is preserved under small perturbations). I'll try to explain where that kind of systems comes from, what are they useful for, and what we know about them. The results presented will be from joint works with Lorenzo Diaz and Katrin Gelfert.
Date: 111122
- Lecturer: Charlene Kalle (Leiden University)
- Title: Random intermittent dynamics
Abstract: Intermittent dynamics, where systems irregularly alternate between long periods of different types of dynamical behaviour, has been studied since the work of Pomeau and Manneville in 1980. In random dynamical systems this phenomenon has only been well understood in a few specific cases. A random dynamical system consists of a family of deterministic systems, one of which is chosen to be applied at each time step according to some probabilistic rule. In this talk we will describe the intermittency of some families of random systems with a particular emphasis on how the intermittency of the random system depends on the intermittency of the underlying deterministic systems. This talk is based on joint works with Ale Jan Homburg, Tom Kempton, Valentin Matache, Marks Ruziboev, Masato Tsujii, Evgeny Verbitskiy and Benthen Zeegers.
Date: 102822
- Lecturer: Cagri Sert (Universität Zürich)
- Title: Stationary measures for $\SL_2(\R)$-actions on homogeneous bundles over flag varieties
Abstract: Let $X_{k,d}$ denote the space of rank-$k$ lattices in $\R^d$. Topological and statistical properties of the dynamics of discrete subgroups of $G=\SL_d(\R)$ on $X_{d,d}$ were described in the seminal works of Benoist--Quint. A key step/result in this study is the classification of stationary measures on $X_{d,d}$. Later, Sargent--Shapira initiated the study of dynamics on the spaces $X_{k,d}$. When $k \neq d$, the space $X_{k,d}$ is of a different nature and a clear description of dynamics on these spaces is far from being established. Given a probability measure $\mu$ Zariski-dense in a copy of $\SL_2(\R)$ in $G$, we give a classification of $\mu$-stationary measures on $X_{k,d}$ and prove corresponding equidistribution results. In contrast to the results of Benoist--Quint, the type of stationary measures that $\mu$ admits depends strongly on the position of $\SL_2(\R)$ relative to parabolic subgroups of $G$. I will start by reviewing preceding major works and ideas. Joint work with Alexander Gorodnik and Jialun Li.
Date 102022
- Lecturer: Marc Graczyk (Uppsala University)
- Title: On regularity of integrable families
Abstract: In the eighties, M. Misiurewicz posed the problem if there exists non-trivial integrable circle maps. The problem is directly related to a result of M. Herman on mode-locking in families of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Using techniques coming from one-parameter families, we prove that in the class of C^3 integrable circle maps the conjugation must be C^2 independently of the rotation number. This is based on a joint work with Professor Jarek Kwapisz from Montana State University.
Date: 100322
- Lecturer: Min Lee (University of Bristol)
- Title: An extension of converse theorems to the Selberg class
Abstract: The converse theorem for automorphic forms has a long history beginning with the work of Hecke (1936) and a work of Weil (1967): relating the automorphy relations satisfied by classical modular forms to analytic properties of their L-functions and the L-functions twisted by Dirichlet characters. The classical converse theorems were reformulated and generalised in the setting of automorphic representations for GL(2) by Jacquet and Langlands (1970). Since then, the converse theorem has been a cornerstone of the theory of automorphic representations.
Venkatesh (2002), in his thesis, gave new proof of the classical converse theorem for modular forms of level 1 in the context of Langlands’ “Beyond Endoscopy”. In this talk, we extend Venkatesh’s proof of the converse theorem to forms of arbitrary levels and characters with the gamma factors of the Selberg class type.
This is joint work with Andrew R. Booker and Michael Farmer.
Date: 093022
- Lecturer: Chiara Caracciolo (Uppsala University)
- Title: On the applicability of KAM theory to realistic physical problems: effective stability and computer-assisted proofs
Abstract: Many physical problems can be described by nearly-integrable Hamiltonian systems and KAM theorem is one of the main results in this field. Since it ensures the existence of invariant solutions, it can be used to prove stability. However, the strict hypotheses (in particular the smallness of the perturbation parameter) make this instrument most of the time unusable in realistic models. In this seminar, I want to show how the problem of the applicability can be overcome with the use of
computer-assisted techniques. I am going to present a simple example about how to rigorously compute a lower bound for the time of stability around an elliptic equilibrium point (joint work with U. Locatelli). The outcome is the so-called effective stability, that is a stability for times longer than the characteristic time of the system, in the spirit of Nekhoroshev theorem (where the stability time is exponentially long w.r.t. the inverse of the small parameter). Similar estimates can be used to bound the time of stability around KAM tori or lower dimensional elliptic tori.
Date: 092322
Seminar held by Daniel El-Baz (TU Graz) with the title "Primitive rational points on expanding horospheres: effective joint equidistribution".
Abstract: I will report on ongoing work with Min Lee and Andreas Strömbergsson. Using techniques from analytic number theory, spectral theory, geometry of numbers as well as a healthy dose of linear algebra and building on a previous work by Bingrong Huang, Min Lee and myself, we furnish a new proof of a 2016 theorem by Einsiedler, Mozes, Shah and Shapira. That theorem concerns the equidistribution of primitive rational points on certain manifolds and our proof has the added benefit of yielding a rate of convergence. It turns out to have several (perhaps surprising) applications to number theory and combinatorics, which I shall also discuss.
Date: 091622
Mahbub Alam (Uppsala University) holds a seminar with the title "Rational approximation on spheres".
Abstract: Classical diophantine approximation intends to quantify the density of rational numbers in Euclidean spaces. In recent years there have been some interest in intrinsic diophantine approximation, where one considers an algebraic variety with a dense set of rational points and aims to prove analogues of the classical results, such as Dirichlet’s theorem, Khinchin-Groshev theorem, Dani correspondence etc. A general theory in this case still eludes mathematicians. In this talk we will focus on spheres, compare and contrast it with the classical case and mention some recent developments.
Date: 060322
Speaker: Martin Leguil (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
Title: U-Gibbs and SRB measures for certain Anosov diffeomorphisms of the 3-torus
Abstract: In this talk, we will consider Anosov diffeomorphisms of the 3-torus T3 which admit a partially hyperbolic splitting T3 = Es ⊕ Ec ⊕ Eu, s.t. Ec is a weak unsta- ble direction. We may consider the 2-dimensional unstable foliation Wcu tangent to Ec ⊕ Eu, but also the 1-dimensional strong unstable foliation Wu tangent to Eu. Such systems have a unique invariant measure whose disintegrations along the leaves of Wcu are absolutely continuous, namely, the SRB measure. We can also consider another class of measures, namely, u-Gibbs measures, whose disintegra- tions along the leaves of Wu are absolutely continuous. It is well-known that the SRB measure is u-Gibbs. Conversely, in a joint work with Sebastien Alvarez, Davi Obata and Bruno Santiago, we show that in a neighborhood of conservative sys- tems, if the strong bundles Es and Eu are not jointly integrable, then any u-Gibbs measure is SRB; in particular, there exists a unique u-Gibbs measure. Our proof borrows techniques from different works on measure rigidity, in particular, a ver- sion of the exponential drift argument present in a paper of Eskin-Lindenstrauss, but also from the work of Brown and Rodriguez-Hertz on random iteration of surface diffeomorphisms.
Date: 050622
Speaker: Jordi-Lluís Figueras (Uppsala University)
Title: Quantitative KAM theory in Hamiltonian Systems
Abstract: In this talk I want to explain how to prove the existence of quasiperiodic solutions, invariant tori, in hamiltonian systems that are far from integrable. The techniques we use are the parameterization method combined with a taylored version of Quantitative KAM Theory.
I plan to not overwhelm the audience with technicalities. My wish here is that you get the following 3 (concatenated) ideas:
- Proving the existence of quasiperiodic solutions is a fundamental question.
- There is an efficient way of proving the existence of quasiperiodic solutions for "good" hamiltonians.
- One needs to combine Analysis, Geometry and Computer for getting qualitative and quantitative estimates of these proven quasiperiodic solutions.
If time permits I will talk about:
- Hamiltonian Systems, Integrability and Action-Angle Coordinates.
- Brief presentation of the results of classical KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser) Theory and one main tool used: normal forms.
- Justification of our point of view: forget about Normal Forms and try to just work the invariant torus you are interested in (parameterization method).
- Newton scheme in parameterization method.
- Cohomological equations and Diophantine conditions.
PS: I never published anything of the above for Hamiltonian Systems but for Symplectic Maps, so if you try to look for papers on this with my name and don't find them, it is not your fault. However, I can assure you that what I did and what I will talk are epsilon close.
PS2: The field of KAM is huge and it will be impossible for me to make justice to all the great mathematicians that have work on it, so I take the decision of not start listing contributions of others since it will be overwhelming to the audience and ashaming for me since I will miss 100 $\pm \epsilon$ of the references.
This is a joint work with Alex Haro and Alejandro Luque.
Date: 042222
Speaker: Michael Björklund (Chalmers University)
Title: Higher-order equidistribution – What is it and what can it do for you?
Abstract: I will survey some recent applications of (quantitative) higher order equidistribution (and higher order mixing) in metric Diophantine approximation. Most of these applications are concerned with counting integer vectors which satisfy multiplicative Diophantine conditions. Some questions and open problems will be posed. Based on joint works with Alexander Gorodnik and Reynold Fregoli.
Date: 040822
Speaker: Michael Bersudsky (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)
Title: A non-Euclidean "Linnik type" problem and statistics of orthogonal lattices
Abstract: A classical work of Linnik shows that the directions of primitive integer vectors lying on a large sphere are equidistributed. I will discuss a joint work with Uri Shapira in which we consider a variant of Linnik’s problem for a certain type of homogeneous varieties inside the special linear group. The main motivation behind the result is an extension of a previous work of Uri Shapira, Menny Aka and Manfred Einsiedler concerning the statistics of orthogonal lattices of primitive integral vectors.
The main idea in the proof is to recast the problem into a measure classification problem of a sequence of periodic orbits of S-arithemetic groups. I will present our results and sketch some proof ideas.
Date: 032522
Speaker: Philippe Thieullen (University of Bordeaux)
Title: Zero temperature convergence of Gibbs measures for locally a finite potential in a 2-dimensional lattice
Abstract: We consider the space of all configurations over a 2-dimensional lattice and over a finite alphabet. A Gibbs measure is a spatially invariant measure on the space of configurations associated to a given potential at a certain temperature. A potential is locally
finite if it depends on a finite index set. We want to understand the limit of these Gibbs measures when the temperature goes to zero. It may happen that the limit does not exist and several accumulation measures appear. For 1-dimensional lattices and locally finite potentials, the limit is unique. We show that it is not any more true in 2-dimensional lattice. This result is a joint work with S. Barbieri, R. Bissacot, and Gregorio Dalle Vedove.
Date: 031122
Speaker: Davit Karagulyan (KTH)
Title: Exponential Fermi accelerator
Abstract: We consider a resonant Fermi accelerator, which is realized as a square billiard with a periodically oscillating platform. We show that it has an infinite measure set of exponentially escaping orbits. We use normal forms to describe how the energy changes in a period and employ techniques for hyperbolic systems with singularities to show the exponential drift of these normal forms on a divided time-energy phase. This is joint work with Jing Zhou.
Date: 022522
Speaker: Tomas Persson (Lund University)
Title: Recurrence
Abstract: Recurrence is a classical topic in ergodic theory and dynamical systems, which goes back to Poincaré's recurrence theorem. I will talk about old, less old, and new results on recurrence. In particular I will talk about how to obtain asymptotic results on the number of times a typical point returns to a shrinking neighbourhood around itself.
Date: 021122
Speaker: Kiho Park (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Title: Limit laws in Dynamical Systems
Abstract: For a class of dynamical systems f : X → X that are considered chaotic, we will look at the validity of various statistical limit laws for additive observables and matrix-valued observables under suitable assumptions (with respect to certain invariant measures on X, including the measure of maximal entropy). Such limit laws include the Law of Large Numbers, Central Limit Theorem, and Large Deviation Principle, and the transfer operator and its spectral properties play key roles in establishing these limit laws. This is joint work with Mark Pi- raino.
Speaker: Kristian Holm (Chalmers University)
Title: A Central Limit Theorem for Symplectic Lattice Point Counting Functions
Abstract: We study a sequence of counting functions on the space of 2d-dimensional symplectic lattices where d is at least 4. Using a combinatorial device introduced by Björklund and Gorodnik in order to estimate cumulants (alternating sums of moments), we prove that our sequence satisfies a central limit theorem.
Date: 012822
Speaker: Matthew Palmer (Uppsala University)
Title: Vaaler's theorem in number fields
Abstract: Classical Diophantine approximation concerns the approximation of real numbers by rational numbers: in particular, with how well real numbers can be approximated by rational numbers. A long-standing conjecture in Diophantine approximation was the Duffin-Schaeffer conjecture, stated in 1941; this result was recently (2020) proven by Dimitris Koukoulopoulos and James Maynard.
An area which is gaining more attention recently concerns generalisations of the notions of Diophantine approximation to other spaces in which we have a dense subfield with some sort of fractional structure. In this talk, I will discuss Diophantine approximation in number fields, where we use elements of an algebraic number field to simultaneously approximate in all of the number field's embeddings; I will state a version of a result known as Vaaler's theorem (a precursor to Koukoulopoulos and Maynard's theorem), give the rough structure of the proof in the classical case, and discuss how these elements generalise to the number fields case.