PhD Studies in mathematics

Uppsala University has researchers in many mathematical fields and a large international network. As a doctoral student in mathematics at Uppsala, you will come into contact with the most prominent and modern mathematical research in the world.

Application and admission

We announce available PhD positions in February

The Department of Mathematics usually announces vacant PhD positions on the web in February each year, with a deadline at the end of March. The eligibility requirements and the complete application procedure are always specified in the advertisement.

This year, there will be an information meeting for potential applicants on 14 March in room 4003 at Ångström laboratory.

Occasional PhD positions may be available at other times

Occasionally we also announce vacant positions at other times. We therefore encourage interested students to look regularly at the department's website.

Master's thesis is important for your application

An important document that you need to attach is the Master's thesis. If you are still working on your Master's thesis at the time of application you can send the latest draft.

Vacant positions at the Department of Mathematics

Research areas and contact persons

There are two research areas at the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala university. Each research area has a professor in charge with overall responsibility for postgraduate education.

Contact person for mathematics: Volodymyr Mazorchuk

Contact person for applied mathematics and statistics: Erik Ekström

Director of postgraduate studies: Julian Külshammer

Uppsala University has a Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (CIM) that conducts doctoral education

The programme

Duration of the programme

The programme comprises 240 credits, which is equivalent to two years of study and two years of research. Additionally, the programme normally includes also a year of teaching.

Current PhD courses in mathematics

The curriculum

Each admitted student is assigned a supervisor and an assistant supervisor. The curriculum consists of three parts: a general, a topic-oriented and an individual part. The individual curriculum is written by the student and the supervisor at the beginning of the programme, and the other two are regulated by the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Information about postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Science and Technology


All students admitted to the graduate program are employed as graduate students at the department and receive salary.

What is it like to do a PhD in maths

Interview: Joel Dahne, PhD student

After the programme

A PhD in Mathematics opens the way for a research career as well as a professional life outside academia. Since mathematics is useful in a broad range of areas, math graduates work in a variety of sectors, such as life science, medical research, finance, energy, IT and insurance.

Interview: Cecilia has a PhD in probability theory

Upcoming dissertations and previous theses

Here you find upcoming dissertations and previous theses.

