Fellowship possibilities
Postdoc positions and research fellowships
The Department of Musicology only occasionally announces postdoctoral fellowships. Such positions are published at the University vacancies webpage: Vacancies at Uppsala University
However, the department can host externally funded projects and invites international scholars in the wider field of Musicology to submit such applications. You can contact Lars Berglund or Mattias Lundberg for more information.
If you are interested in applying, you should first submit a short project description draft (c. 2500–4000 chr. including spaces) to the department, at least three months before the respective application deadline (see below). This will be assessed by our research committee, and – if approved – you will then be invited to start working on a full research application with administrative and scholarly support from the department. When assessing such proposals, we will look at scientific quality and novelty, and how the project would fit the research profiles of the department.
If you are successful with your research application, this would come with a temporary 3–4 year employment as a researcher with full social security rights according to the Swedish system. You would be provided with an office, computer, etc., and a mentor/supervisor chosen from the department staff.
The most important Swedish sponsors of research grants within the humanities are:
- Vetenskapsrådet (The Swedish Research Council); deadline usually mid-March
Project grants 2024 (closed call): https://www.vr.se/english/applying-for-funding/calls/2021-11-17-research-project-grant-within-humanities-and-social-sciences.html - Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences) - deadline usually by late January
Project grants 2024 (closed call): https://www.rj.se/en/funding-opportunities/open-calls/rj-projects-2024/
Other possibilities are:
- Marie Curie (EU): https://marie-sklodowska-curie-actions.ec.europa.eu/
- Wenner-Gren Foundations: https://www.swgc.org/welcome.aspx (deadline 1 October; the department makes the application)
- A number of private foundations in Sweden grant smaller research projects, but usually as scholarships. Lars Berglund and Mattias Lundberg can provide more information. See contact information below.
- For research questions, contact:
- Lars Berglund
- Mattias Lundberg