North Korea

Recent Sanctions-related UN Resolutions

23 March 2023 – With Resolution 2680 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 30 April 2024. The mandate shall also apply to the measures imposed in resolutions during 2016 and 2017.

25 March 2022 – With Resolution 2627 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 30 April 2023. The mandate shall also apply to the measures imposed in resolutions during 2016 and 2017.

26 March 2021 – With Resolution 2569 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 30 April 2022. The mandate shall also apply to the measures imposed in resolutions during 2016 and 2017.

30 March 2020 – With Resolution 2515 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 30 April 2021. The mandate shall also apply to the measures imposed in resolutions during 2016 and 2017.

10 April 2019 – With Resolution 2464 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 24 April 2020. The mandate shall also apply to the measures imposed in resolutions during 2016 and 2017.

21 March 2018 – With Resolution 2407 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 24 April 2019. The mandate shall also apply to the measures imposed in resolutions during 2016 and 2017.

22 December 2017 – With Resolution 2397 the Security Council decides that arms embargo, assets freeze and travel ban imposed by resolution 1718 in 2006 and resolution 2371 in 2017, continues to apply to individuals and entities listed in this resolution. It is also decided that Member States shall prohibit supply, sale or transfer of all crude oil to the DPRK unless the Committee approves in advance on a case-by case basis and exclusively for livelihood purposes of DPRK nationals and unrelated to DPRK's nuclear or ballistic missile programmes. The same applies to all refined petroleum products up to a in the resolution specified amount if notified to the Committee and given that products are not associated with the DPRK’s nuclear or ballistic missile programmes.

The SC decides that the DPRK shall not supply, sell or transfer food and agricultural products, machinery, electronic equipment, earth and stone including magnesite and magnesia, wood, and vessels and that all States shall prohibit the procurement of the above mentioned commodities and products from DPRK. Member States shall also prohibit supply, sale or transfer to the DPRK of all industrial machinery, transportation vehicles and iron stel and other metals.

The mandate of the Committee as set out in resolution 1718 from 2006 and the mandate of the Panel of Experts as specified in resolution 1874 from 2009 shall apply with respect to measures imposed in this resolution.

11 September 2017 – With Resolution 2375 the Security Council decides that arms embargo, assets freeze and travel ban imposed by resolution 1718 in 2006 and resolution 2371 in 2017 continues to apply to individuals and entities listed in this resolution. It is also decided that Member States shall prohibit supply, sale or transfer of all condensates, natural gas liquids and textiles to the DPRK and that DPRK shall not procure such materials. The same applies to all refined petroleum products up to a in the resolution specified amount if notified to the Committee and given that products are not associated with the DPRK’s nuclear or ballistic missile programmes.

Member States shall prohibit supply, sale or transfer of crude oil 12 months after the adaption of this resolution only if approved in advance by the Committee on the basis that it is exclusively for livelihood purposes for DPRK nationals and unrelated to DPRK’s nuclear ballistic missile programme.

The SC also decides that States shall close any existing joint venture or cooperative entity within 120 days after the Committee has denied a request of approval.

5 August 2017 – With Resolution 2371 the Security Council decides that arms embargo, assets freeze and travel ban imposed by resolution 1718 in 2006 continues to apply to individuals and entities listed in this resolution. SC also decides that DPRK shall not supply, sell or transfer coal, iron, iron ore, lead, lead ore and seafood and that all States shall prohibit the procurement of such items from the DPRK. States shall prohibit the opening of new joint ventures or cooperative entities with DPRK entities or individuals unless approved by the Committee.

The mandate of both the Committee and the Panel of Experts set out in resolution 1718 shall apply to measures imposed in resolution 2371.

23 March 2017 – With Resolution 2345 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 24 April 2018. The mandate shall also apply to the measures imposed in resolution 2321 (2016).

30 November 2016 – With Resolution 2321 the Security Council decides that resolution 2270 (2016) shall apply with respect to all leasing, chartering or provision of crew services to the DPRK and to registration, owning or leasing of vessels in the DPRK and supply of new helicopters without exception, unless the Committee approves on a case –by- case basis in advance. Members of the Government of DPRK and vessels believed to be related to nuclear- or ballistic missile-related programmes or activities prohibited by this, and previous Security Council resolutions, shall be prohibited from entering Member States’ territories and ports.

Member states shall prohibit DPRK from using real property that it owns or leases in their territory for any purpose other than diplomatic and consular activities. Member states shall take necessary measures to close bank accounts in DPRK within 90 days and individuals working on behalf of a DPRK bank or financial institution should be expelled from the Member State’s territory.

A ban on DPRK’s selling, and Member States’ procurement, of copper, nickel, silver and zink is imposed.

The mandate of the Committee set out in resolution 1718 shall apply also to the measures imposed in this resolution.

24 March 2016 – With Resolution 2276 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 24 April 2017. The mandate shall also apply to the measures imposed in resolution 2270 (2016).

2 March 2016 – With Resolution 2270 the Security Council decides that the arms embargo imposed in 2006 with resolution 1718 shall apply to all arms and related material including small arms and light weapons. The measures shall apply also to individuals, including travel ban, and entities listed in this resolution. All member states shall prevent specialised training of DPRK nationals, which could contribute to the DPRK’s proliferation sensitive nuclear activities, within their territories. States shall deny aircrafts suspected to contain items prohibited by resolution 1718 to take off from their territory and also prohibit entry into their ports of vessels contains cargo prohibited by resolution 1718.

The Security Council also decides that the DPRK shall abandon all chemical and biological weapons and weapons-related programs.

A ban on DPRK’s selling, and Member States’ procurement, of coal, iron, iron ore, gold, titanium ore, vanadium ore and rare earth materials is imposed.

The Security Council decides that asset freeze imposed in 2006 resolution 1718 shall apply to all financial assets controlled the Government of the DPRK or the Worker’s Party of Korea.

The mandate of the Committee set out in resolution 1718 shall apply also to the measures imposed in this resolution.

4 March 2015 – With Resolution 2207 the Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until 5 April 2016.

7 March 2013 – With Resolution 2094 the Security Council decides that the DPRK shall not conduct any further launches that use ballistic missile technology, nuclear

tests or any other provocation. Arms embargo, assets freeze and travel ban imposed by resolution 1718 in 2006 continues to apply to individuals and entities listed in this resolution. Entry into ports of vessels containing cargo prohibited by resolution 1718 shall be prohibited by Member States. SC also decides that measures imposed in 2006 by resolution 1718 shall apply to individuals listed in this resolution.

The mandate of the Committee set out in resolution 1718 shall apply also to the measures imposed in this resolution.

12 June 2009 – The Security Council condemns the nuclear test conducted by DPRK on May 25 and imposes resolution 1874. SC decides that DPRK shall abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs. The measures imposed through resolution 1718 shall also apply to all arms and related material and to financial transactions and measures imposed on entities, goods and individuals are adjusted. The Committee shall intensify efforts to promote the full implementation of resolution 1718. IAEA shall be given access to individuals, documentation, equipment and facilities as may be required and deemed necessary by the IAEA.

14 October 2006 – Following the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) nuclear testing on 9 October 2006 the Security Council determines, through resolution 1718, that the situation constitutes a threat to international peace and security. A resolution which was previously adopted in July 2006, resolution 1695, is thereby strengthened with mandatory measures. The measures include an arms embargo on conventional weapons, on all items that can contribute to DPRK’s programmes on weapons of mass destruction, and on all related training and services. Sanctions on luxury goods and asset freezes are also imposed. All assets on the territory of any Member State that are owned or controlled by individuals or entities that are involved with DPRK’s programmes that are related to weapons of mass destruction are to be frozen. The individuals and entities targeted are those that are specified by the Committee or the Security Council. Persons designated, and their families, are also banned from travelling.

