Research at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research


The primary goal of research at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research is to understand the causes and dynamics of peace and conflict. The Department has established itself as a key producer of cutting-edge research and a provider of high-quality data on conflict.

The research conducted is mainly theory-based empirical enquiries, while some projects are policy-driven. A range of quantitative and qualitative methods is used, and several projects are multi-method. The Department also houses the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) which provides unique, free and globally accessible data on armed conflict used worldwide for frontline research in the field. An international panel has evaluated the program as world leading and a “flagship” for Uppsala University.

Most research is externally funded and conducted within projects or programs. To learn more about the research conducted at the Department, browse the research themes section. The larger research programmes, as well as the Research School for International Water Cooperation, are presented further below.

Research programs

Research School for International Water Cooperation

Since 2014, the Department houses the Research School for International Water Cooperation, which aims to address water cooperation in its broadest sense with a primary focus on water for peace and development. The Research School is part of the International Centre for Water Cooperation (ICWC), the first UNESCO Category II Centre in Sweden.

Karta över vattenområden.
Diagram över data från forskningsprojektet.

The Sanctions Program: SPITS

Sanctions research has long been associated with the Department. SPITS (the Stockholm Process on the Implementation of Targeted Sanctions) was initiated as the "Stockholm Process" by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs together with the Department in November 2001. The report "Making Targeted Sanctions Effective" was delivered to the UN Security Council on February 25, 2003. The work has since then continued by deepening academic research on targeted sanctions, contributing to policy making in the sanctions field, and keeping a website continuously updated on development on sanctions issues in the UN.

Research projects

The Department houses a wide range of research projects. Completed research programmes and projects are available in our archive


Current Research Projects



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