About UCDP

The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) is the world’s main provider of data on organized violence and the oldest ongoing data collection project for civil war, with a history of almost 40 years.

Its definition of armed conflict has become the global standard of how conflicts are systematically defined and studied. UCDP produces high-quality data, which are systematically collected, have global coverage, are comparable across cases and countries, and have long time series which are updated annually. Furthermore, the program is a unique source of information for practitioners and policymakers.

UCDP also operates and continuously updates its online database (UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia) on armed conflicts and organised violence, in which information on several aspects of armed conflict such as conflict dynamics and conflict resolution is available. This interactive database offers a web-based system for visualising, handling and downloading data, including ready-made datasets on organized violence and peacemaking, all free of charge.

Data on armed conflicts have been published yearly in the Journal of Peace Research since 1993, in the Human Security Reports since 2005, in the SIPRI Yearbook since 1988, and in the report series States in Armed Conflict (1987-2012). In addition, UCDP researchers regularly publish research on organized violence, its causes, escalation, spread, prevention and resolution, in top scientific journals and books.

Read more about UCDP on the UCDP Background webpage. For questions regarding UCDP and our data please contact us by e-mail: ucdp@pcr.uu.se.


  • For questions regarding UCDP and our data please contact us by e-mail:
  • ucdp@pcr.uu.se

