Publication series
Lecture Notes in Philosophy
- Volume 4: Paul Needham,
Law and Order: Problems of Empiricism in the Philosophy of Science
, 2001 - Volume 3: Krister Segerberg,
A Carrollian introduction to categorical logic
, 2000 - Volume 2: Sten Lindström,
Sanning och Konsekvens: Föreläsningar i logik och metalogik
, 1999 - Volume 1: Paul Needham,
The Scientific Revolution: A Historical Sketch of Some Principal Themes
, 1977
Uppsala Philosophical Studies
Published by the Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University, Sweden
The series UPPSALA PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES consists mainly of research communications from the Department of Philosophy at Uppsala University. The series is not distributed through the bookstores, but individual volumes can be obtained from the Department. Volumes 1-5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 18, 23 and 40 are out of print.
Orders should be sent to: Uppsala Philosophical Studies, Department of Philosophy, Box 627, 751 26 Uppsala.
Previously, until 1996, the series was called Philosophical Studies and was published by the Philosophical Society in Uppsala and the Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University.
58. Rysiek Sliwinski och Frans Svensson (eds.), Neither/Nor, 2011
57. Lars-Göran Johansson, Jan Österberg and Rysiek Sliwinski (eds.), Logic, Ethics and All That Jazz, 2009
56. Niklas Forsberg and Susanne Jansson (eds.), Acknowledging Stanley Cavell, 2009
55. Christoffer Gefwert and Olli Lagerspetz (eds.), Wittgenstein and Philosophical Psychology, 2009
54. Niklas Forsberg, Sharon Rider and Pär Segerdahl (eds.), Tankar Tillägnade Sören Stenlund, 2008
53. Henrik Lagerlund, Sten Lindström and Rysiek Sliwinski (eds.), Modality Matters, Twenty-Five Essays in Honour of Krister Segerberg, 2006
52. Krister Segerberg and Rysiek Sliwinski (eds.), A philosophical smorgasbord. Essays on action, truth and other things in honour of Fredrick Stoutland, 2003
51. Krister Segerberg and Rysiek Slivinski (eds.), Logic, law, morality. Thirteen essays in practical philosophy in honour of Lennart Åqvist, 2003
50. Erik Carlson and Rysiek Sliwinski (eds.), Omnium-gatherum. Philosophical essays dedicated to Jan Österberg on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, 2001
49. Rysiek Sliwinski (ed.), Philosophical crumbs. Essays dedicated to Ann-Mari Henschen-Dahlquist on the occasion of her seventy-fifth birthday, 1999
48. Lars Lindahl, Jan Odelstad and Rysiek Sliwinski (eds.), Not Without Cause. Philosophical essays dedicated to Paul Needham on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, 1998
47. Henrik Svensson (ed.), Vidgade perspektiv - Meditationer över diverse filosofihistoriska teman, 1997
46. Lars Lindahl, Paul Needham and Rysiek Sliwinski (eds.), For Good Measure. Philosophical essays dedicated to Jan Odelstad on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, 1997
45. Sten Lindström, Rysiek Sliwinski and Jan Österberg (eds.), Odds and Ends. Philosophical essays dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, 1996
44. Craig Dilworth, Laws, Theories and the Principles of Science. A Series of Lectures, 1990
43. Jan Odelstad, Mätning och beslut. Sju uppsatser om meningsfullhet, amalgamering och begreppet funktion, 1990
42. Sten Lindström and Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz (eds.), In So Many Words. Philosophical essays dedicated to Sven Danielsson on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, 1989
41. Kaj Børge Hansen, Ideas on Bell’s Theorem, 1989
40. Paul Needham, Law and Order. Issues in the Philosophy of Science, 1988
39. Sören Stenlund, Kommentarer till problem i logikens filosofi, 1987
38. Paul Needham and Jan Odelstad (eds.), Changing Positions. Essays dedicated to Lars Lindahl on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday, 1986
37. Jan Österberg, Egoism and Morality, 1985
36. Lars Bergström (ed.), Frågor om livets mening, 1984
35. Bengt Molander, The Order There Is and the Order We Make. An Investigation into the Concept of Causation, 1982
34. Tom Pauli (ed.), 320311. Philosophical essays dedicated to Lennart Åqvist on his fiftieth birthday, 1982
33. Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz (ed.), Tankar och tankefel tillägnade Zalma Puterman 50 år, 1981
32. ThD60. Philosophical essays dedicated to Thorild Dahlquist on his sixtieth birthday, 1980
31. Anna-Karin Malmström, Motive and Obligation, 1980
30. Zalma M. Puterman, The Concept of Causal Connection, vol. 1-2, 1977
29. Steven T. Kuhn, Many-Sorted Modal Logics, vol. 1-2, 1977
28. Lennart Åqvist, A Conjectured Axiomatization of Two-Dimensional Reichenbachian Tense Logic, 1977
27. Ann-Mari Henschen-Dahlquist (ed.), Filosofiska smulor tillägnade Konrad Marc-Wogau 75 år, 1977
26. Proceedings of the Scandinavian Seminar on philosophy of Language (Uppsala, Sweden, Nov. 8-9, 1974), vol. 1-2, 1975
25. Paul L. Needham, Temporal Perspective. A Logical Analysis of Temporal Reference in English, 1975
24. Jan S. Andersson, How to Define ‘Performative’, 1975
23. Dag Prawitz, ABC i symbolisk logik. Logikens språk och grundbegrepp, vol. 1-2, 1975
22. Patrick Suppes, Probabilistic Metaphysics, vol. 1-2, 1974
21. Sven Danielsson, Two Papers on Rationality and Group Preferences, 1974
20. Lennart Nordenfelt, Explanation of Human Actions, 1974
19. Sven Danielsson, Some Conceptions of Performativity, 1973
18. Sören Stenlund, The Logic of Description and Existence, 1973
17. Bo Petersson, Axel Hägerströms värdeteori, 1973
16. Andries H. D. MacLeod, Tre uppsatser om Hägerström, Zenon från Elea och relativitetsteorien, 1973
15. Claes Åberg, Some Results on Models for Set Theory, 1972
14. Lennart Åqvist, Performatives and Verifiability by the Use of Language, 1972
13. Krister Segerberg, An Essay in Classical Modal Logic, vol. 1-3, 1971
12. Lennart Åqvist, Modal Logic with Subjunctive Conditionals, 1971
11. Sören Stenlund, Introduction to Combinatory Logic, 1971
10. Ingmar Pörn, Elements of Social Analysis, 1971
9. Tom Pauli (ed.), Logic and Value. Essays dedicated to Thorild Dahlquist on his fiftieth birthday, 1970
8. Proceedings of the 1st Scandinavian Logic Symposium, Åbo, 1968
7. Sven Danielsson, Preference and Obligation. Studies in the Logic of Ethics, 1968
6. Hjalmar Wennerberg (ed.), Nio filosofiska studier tillägnade Konrad Marc-Wogau, 1968
5. Ingemar Hedenius, Sju studier i praktisk filosofi, 1968
4. Analyser och argument. Filosofiska uppsatser tillägnade Andries MacLeod, 1966
3. Lennart Åqvist, A New Approach to the Logical Theory of Interrogatives, 1965
2. Ingemar Hedenius, Fem studier i praktisk filosofi, 1964
1. Ann-Mari Henschen-Dahlquist (ed.), Filosofiska studier tillägnade Konrad Marc-Wogau, 1962
Uppsala Prints and Preprints in Philosophy
UPPSALA PRINTS AND PREPRINTS IN PHILOSOPHY is an in-house series for papers written by members of, or authors otherwise associated with, the Department of Philosophy, University of Uppsala. Such papers may be published later in a regular journal or book (“preprints”) or again may not (“prints”). The edition of preprints is always small; when regular publication takes place, if it does, remaining copies in this series are withdrawn.
The following prints or preprints have been published:
1. TOR SANDQVIST "An Inferentialist Interpretation of Classical Logic".
1. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Fast unification”
1. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Free will and operationalism”
2. ZALMA M. PUTERMAN “Marx’ syn på subjektiviteten”
3. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Axioms for a logic of actual knowledge”
4. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Deconstructing epistemic logic”
5. KRISTER SEGERBERG “DDL: a dynamic deontic logic”
1. BERISLAV ŽARNIĆ “Dynamic semantics, imperative logic and propositional attitudes”
2. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Essays 2002: logic and philosophy”
3. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Moore problems in full dynamic doxastic logic”
4. FREDERICK STOUTLAND “The belief-desire model of reasons for action”
5. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “A study of König’s lemma”
6. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “New definitions of the recursive functions”
7. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Some Meinong/Chisholm theses”
8. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Modellings for two types of actions”
1. TOR SANDQVIST “Logica Chameleonica”
2. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Interpreting the quantum world”
3. KRISTER SEGERBERG ”Intension, intention”
4. THORSTEN JOHANSSON “Tractatus on the sublime and logical form”
1. KRISTER SEGERBERG “The lattice of basic modal logics”
2. JOHN BACON “Syllogistica Carolina rediviva”
3. TOR SANDQVIST “On why the best should always meet”
4. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Two paradoxes revisited”
5. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Outline of a logic of action” (Revised version 2001)
6. KRISTER SEGERBERG “A question about distribution”
1. The Goldblatt variations: eight papers in honour of Rob.
2. JACEK PASNICZEK “The logic of non-standard possible worlds”
3. JACEK PASNICZEK “Putting names and quantifiers into the same category in first-order logic”
1. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “A note on König’s Lemma”
2. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Recursion without the m-operator”
3. KRISTER SEGERBERG “On thereversibility of doxastic actions”
4. ERIK CARLSON “Two short papers on harm and value aggregation”
5. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Kanger’s ideas on non-well-founded sets: some remarks”
6. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Default logic as dynamic doxastic logic”
1. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Remarks on Gödel’s philosophy of mathematics”
2. STEN LINDSTRÖM “An exposition and development of Kanger’s early semantics for modal logic”
3. ERIK J. OLSSON and HENRIK SVENSSON “Disputation and change of belief: Burley's theory of obligationes as a theory of belief revision”
4. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “The twin paradox without acceleration”
5. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Results, consequences, intentions:remarks on von Wright’s Norm and action, ch. III §5”
6. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Irrevocable belief revision in dynamic doxastic logic”
7. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Belief revision and doxastic commitment”
8. EDUARDO L. FERMÉ and SVEN OVE HANSSON “Selective revision”
9. YAROSLAV SHRAMKO “Semantics for constructive negations”
1. HENRIK SVENSSON “Jodocus Trutvetter on modal syllogistic”
2. HENRIK SVENSSON “John Buridan's modal syllogistic”
3. HENRIK SVENSSON “Early fourteenth century discussion of modal syllogistic”
4. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “What is philosophy?”
5. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Logical rationalism: a programme”
6. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Proofs and examples in logic and geometry”
7. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Logical foundations of logic programming”
8. STEN LINDSTRÖM “Situations, truth and knowability—a situation-theoretic analysis of a paradox by Fitch”
9. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Two traditions in the logic of belief: bringing them together”
10. KRISTER SEGERBERG “A doxastic walk with Darwiche and Pearl”
11. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Three recipes for revision”
12. JOHN CANTWELL “Towards an analysis of the progressive”
13. JOHN CANTWELL “Some logics of iterated belief change”
14. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Topics in logic”
15. JOHN CANTWELL “Resolving conflicting information”
16. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Realism and causality in quantum mechanics”
17. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Belief revision without linearity”
18. The Parikh project:seven papers in honour of Rohit.
1. KRISTER SEGERBERG “A general framework for the logic of theory change”
2. JOHN CANTWELL and HENRIK SVENSSON “Resolving conflicting information”
3. KRISTER SEGERBERG “A festival of facts”
4. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “On the foundations of logic”
5. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “An analysis of the EPR argument”
6. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Some modal reduction theorems in autoepistemic logic”
7. SVEN OVE HANSSON and DAVID MAKINSON “Applying normative rules with restraint”
8. BRIAN F. CHELLAS and KRISTER SEGERBERG “Modal logics in the vicinity of S1”
9. SVEN OVE HANSSON and WLODEK RABINOWICZ (editors) "Logic for a change.Essays dedicated to Sten Lindström on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday".
10. SVEN OVE HANSSON “What is ceteris paribus preference?”
11. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Closure-invariant rationality postulates”
12. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Defining pseudo-science”
13. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Social choice with procedural preferences”
14. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Decision-making under great uncertainty”
15. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Semantic approaches to the revsision of propositional knowledge bases”
16. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Legal reasoning and potestative rules”
17. SVEN OVE HANSSON and MIKAEL JOHANNESSON “Decision-theoretic approaches to global climate change”
18. SVEN OVE HANSSON “But what should I do?”
19. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Situationist deontic logic”
20. SVEN OVE HANSSON “The interval maximin (intermin) decision rule”
21. GUSTAF ARRHENIUS and KRISTER BYKVIST “Future generations and interpersonal compensations: moral aspects of energy use"
1. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Trying to understand the logic of theory change in terms of modal logic”
2. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Russell’s antinomy and diagonalisation”
3. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “An upward Skolem paradox”
4. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Some results on w-consistency”
5. WLODZIMIERZ RABINOWICZ and KRISTER SEGERBERG “Actual truth, possible knowledge”
6. JOHN CANTWELL “Comparatives”
7. ANNA GOMOLISKA “On the logic of acceptance and rejection”
8. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Delta logic and Brown’s logic of ability”
9. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Belief revision from the point of view of doxastic logic”'(Revised version 1995)
10. STEN LINDSTRÖM “A semantic approach to nonmonotonic reasoning:Inference operations and choice”
1. KRISTER SEGERBERG “The delta operator at three levels of analysis”
2. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Kernel contraction”
3. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “Some derivations of Bell’s inequality”
4. JAN ODELSTAD “Vikter och vikt vid linjärkombination”
5. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Conditional action”
6. SVEN OVE HANSSON and ERIK OLSSON “Levi contractions and AGM contractions:a comparison”
7. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Changes in preference”
8. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Knowledge-level analysis of belief base operations”
9. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Belief revision and psychology”
10. SVEN OVE HANSSON “A test battery for rational database updating”
11. SVEN OVE HANSSON “Decision-theoretic foundations for rational preference”
12. SVEN OVE HANSSON “The emperor’s new clothes:some recurring problems in the formal analysis of counterfactuals”
1. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Newcomb’s problem:paradox or not?”
2. WLODZIMIERZ RABINOWICZ “Stable revision, or is preservation worth preserving?”
3. STEN LINDSTRÖM and WLODZIMIERZ RABINOWICZ “The Ramsey test revisited”(Revised version 1993)
4. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Perspectives on decisions”
1. JAN ODELSTAD “Taxiproblemet och det sannolikhetsteoretiska experiment-begreppet”
2. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Accepting failure in dynamic logic”
3. KRISTER SEGERBERG “How many logically constant actions are there?”
4. KRISTER SEGERBERG “Action incompleteness”
5. KAJ BØRGE HANSEN “An inverse of Bell’s theorem” (Revised version 1992)
1. STEN LINDSTRÖM and WLODZIMIERZ RABINOWICZ “Belief revision, epistemic conditionals and the Ramsey test”
2. STEN LINDSTRÖM and WLODZIMIERZ RABINOWICZ “Epistemic entrench-ment with incompatibilities and relational belief revision”