Sophie Grape and Ane Håkansson will Conduct Research on Nuclear Disarmament at Alva Myrdal Centre

A new national knowledge centre for research on nuclear disarmament will be set up at Uppsala University, called the Alva Myrdal Centre for Nuclear Disarmament. With an interdisciplinary approach, researchers in fields including peace and conflict research, nuclear physics, artificial intelligence (AI) and political science will contribute to the work.

Sophie Grape and Ane Håkansson from the Division of Applied Nuclear Physics, the Department of Physics and Astronomy, are two of the researchers that will participate.

Can you tell us a little about the activity?

“The purpose of the centre is to in an interdisciplinary way conduct education and research within fields which are important for nuclear disarmament, and thus give diplomats, politicians and negotiators knowledge and other information. The centre is also intended to raise awareness of the disarmament issue and will constitute a knowledge centre for the public”, says Sophie Grape, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

What role will you play in the activity?

“We will contribute with the technical specialist competence that complements the policy competence the Department of Peace and Conflict Research stands for”, says Ane Håkansson, Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

How did you become a part of this?

“We have for about 30 years conducted research within non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and nuclear safeguards. This is a field of research which is close to the disarmament issue and in our work we have established contacts and collaborations that have touched this field. When the government recently expressed a wish to establish a centre for nuclear disarmament it felt natural for us to try to become a part of it”, says Sophie.

How does it feel and what are you looking forward to the most?

“It feels very exciting, not the least because this makes a natural extension of our existing activity”, says Ane.

“I look forward to establish new collaborations and projects, and to learn more from the experts that have been involved in the global disarmament work longer than we have”, Sophie finishes.

More information about the new knowledge centre you may find here

Theresé Herrgård
English translation: Johan Wall

