Nuclear Data Evaluation and Uncertainty Quantification


Total Monte Carlo (TMC) is a method to propagate nuclear data uncertainties to different applications, such as fission reactors, fusion reactors and shielding applications.

The basic idea is to use a state-of-the-art nuclear model code like TALYS and randomize the input parameters within a reasonable range. This range may be defined as fixed. Alternatively a feedback-loop may be used, which compares the resulting calculated cross sections with the existing data-set in the EXFOR database of nuclear reaction data, in order to decide whether the current parameter set leads to acceptable results.

In this way several hundred possible cross-section datasets are generated. TENDL is the TALYS Evaluated Nuclear Data Library.

These datasets are, after proper formatting, feed into a simulation code for the system (e.g. a reactor). In this way the macroscopic parameters and their corresponding uncertainties are calculated in direct dependence of basic nuclear physics input parameters. Since this is done “event-by-event” (parameter-set by parameter-set) the results are traceable back to the input data opening up for sensitivity analysis, studies of correlations, etc.

Schema över hur osäkerheter fortplantar sig i beräkningarna

The TMC uncertainty propagation and TENDL production. In the TMC processes the final result is a spread in a macroscopic parameter. This spread is the systematic uncertainty in the calculation due to ND in the investigated parameter.

