Degree and Student Projects

You are welcome to look through the research topics of theoretical physics and contact members of the research group that interests you and suggested and discuss your own ideas and interests of a degree or student project.

Below you can find list of previous Bachelor Theses in theoretical physics which can give you some ideas about your project.​

The Inflationary Universe

Author: Benjamin Cavcic
Supervisor: Daniel Panizo Pérez

General Relativity and Dynamical Universes

Author: Kajsa Fransson
Supervisor: Daniel Panizo Pérez

Calculating the Mass of Magnetic Monopoles in Non-Abelian Gauge Theories

Author: Måns Holmberg
Supervisor: Magdalena Larfors

Geometric Quantization

Author: Fredrik Gardell
Supervisor: Luigi Tizzano

Construction of Two-Dimensional Topological Field Theories

Author: Hans Nguyen
Supervisor: Luigi Tizzano

Cosmological environment study of a black hole: a closer look on the science of Interstellar

Author: Anton Gustafsson
Supervisor: Ulf Danielsson

Symplectic geometry and Calogero-Moser systems

Author: Lukas Rødland
Supervisor: Luigi Tizzano

Renormalization group approach to statistical systems

Author: Patrik Lidén
Supervisor: Anton Nedelin

Limits of Relativistic Systems

Author: Marcus Stålhammar
Supervisor: Ulf Lindström

Quantum Hall Effect

Author: Simon Taylor
Supervisor: Anton Nedelin

Semiclassical Tunneling Effect

Author: Johan Öhman
Supervisor: Staffan Yngve

The Point-Split Method and the Linking Number of Space Curves

Author: Timmy Forsberg
Supervisor: Antti Niemi

Calculating Matrix Integrals Using Feynman Diagrams

Author: Adam Friberg
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

Geometrical structures in black holes

Author: Roberto Goranci
Supervisor: Giuseppe Dibitetto

Symmetries of the Point Particle

Author: Alexander Söderberg
Supervisor: Ulf Lindström

Quantum Entanglement and Cryptography

Author: Sean Gray
Supervisor: Joseph Minahan

Generating Solutions in General Relativity using a Non-Linear Sigma Model

Author: Johan Henriksson
Supervisor: Ulf Lindström

Analysis of the Many-Body Problem in One Dimension with Repulsive Delta-Function Interaction

Author: Martin Albertsson
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

Diagrammatic Representations in Quantum Theories

Author: Jacob Stenberg
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine
Full Text

It's pretty super!: A Mathematical Study of Superspace in Fourdimensional, Unextended Supersymmetry

Author: Eric Friden
Supervisor: Ulf Lindström

Feynmann diagrams in a finite dimensional setting

Author: Daniel Neiss
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

Retardation effects in fundamental physics

Author: Fredrik Härlin
Supervisor: Thomas Klose

Gravity approach to strongly coupled gauge theories

Author: Kristofer Lundmark
Supervisor: Thomas Klose

From the quantum Hall effect to topological insulators: A theoretical overview of recent fundamental developments in condensed matter physics

Author: Hjalmar Eriksson
Supervisor: Joseph Minahan

Below you can find a list of defended Master Theses at the Division of Theoretical Physics. For more detailed information you can follow the links to the Diva Portal which also contains the full text of the theses.

Feynman Diagrams and Map Enumeration

Author: August Egebrand
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

Tree Level N-Point Amplitudes in String Theory

Author: John Paton
Supervisor: Joseph Minahan

Geometry of Contact Toric Manifolds in 3D

Author: Nikolaos Iakovidis
Supervisor: Jian Qiu

Localization Techniques, Yang-Mills Theory and Strings

Author: Linnea Svensk
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

An Investigation of RNA using the Discrete Frenet Frame

Author: Daniel Neiss
Supervisor: Antti Niemi

Compactification of D=11 supergravity on S4xT3

Author: Christian Käding
Supervisor: Giuseppe Dibitetto

On the metastability of the Standard Model

Author: Sebastian Baum
Supervisor: Joseph Minahan

Equivariant Cohomology and Localisation

Author: Jaume Alonso i Fernández
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

Index Theorems and Supersymmetry

Author: Andreas Eriksson
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

Mass limits for 5-dimensional super Yang-Mills

Author: Umberto Borla
Supervisor: Joseph Minahan

Geometry of BV Quantization and Mathai-Quillen Formalism

Author: Luigi Tizzano
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

(Conformal) Supersymmetric sigma models in low dimensions

Author: Thomas Halvarsson
Supervisor: Ulf Lindström

Bundles and Gauges, a Math-Physics Duality – the case of Gravity

Author: David Mendes
Supervisor: Ulf Lindström

Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Integrability

Author: Fredrik Engbrant
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

Quantum Computers and Factoring

Author: Pontus Leitz
Supervisor: Konstantin Zarembo

Generation of the Bound Entangled Smolin State and Entanglement Witnesses for Low-Dimensional Unitary Invariant States

Author: Emil Nordling
Supervisor: Mohamed Bourennane

Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

Author: Muhammed Wasay
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

Dark matter: experimental evidence, relic density, and the supersymmetric candidate

Author: Benjamin Audren
Supervisor: Konstantin Zarembo

Applications of Supergeometry

Author: José Eliel Camargo
Supervisor: Maxim Zabzine

The geometry of supersymmetric non-linear sigma models in D≤2 dimensions

Author: Malin Göteman
Supervisor: Ulf Lindström

Auxiliary Fields in Supersymmetric Sigma Models and the relation to Complex Geometry

Author: Johan Källén
Supervisor: Ulf Lindström

A survey into Protein Folding Curves and Energy Functions

Author: Martin Lundgren
Supervisor: Antti Niemi

The Black hole information paradox and the trace anomaly

Author: Markus Johansson
Supervisor: Joseph Minahan

The Grassmannian σ-model in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

Author: David Marsh
Supervisor: Antti Niemi

Fermi gas close to unitarity: ε-expansion

Author: Olof Ohlsson Sax
Supervisor: Konstantin Zarembo


