Programmes and courses at the Department of Theology

Religion affects everything from world politics to individuals' search for happiness and meaning. Without knowledge of religion, therefore, history, society and cultural expressions often become incomprehensible.
With our approximately 1,200 students and approximately 100 active researchers, professors and lecturers, the Department of Theology is today Sweden's largest unit for research and education on religion, theology and related areas.
We have two bachelor's programmes, six master's programmes and a large number of free-standing courses both on campus and distance, where you learn to understand the beliefs, life views and lifestyles of millions of people, globally and locally, in history and in the present.
First-cycle courses and study programmes
Master programmes (one and two year)
At the Department of Theology, education is also conducted at postgraduate level.
Here you will find more information about PhD studies.
Applying for a programme or course
Application is done via (for international programmes) (for freestanding courses adn programmes in Swedish)
- Information regarding admission and important dates
- Uppsala universitys admissions office:
- More information? Contact our study consellor
All the University’s courses and programmes
Browse the University’s full offering of courses and programmes.