Borrowing for exhibitions

The University Library can contribute materials from its collections to exhibitions arranged by other cultural institutions, both in Sweden and abroad.

Special rules and loan agreement

For this type of loan, special rules apply according to international practice. A loan agreement is drawn up, where the borrower undertakes to comply with the rules and requirements set down. This may be that the objects should be insured, that they shall be packed and transported under surveillance of a courier from the Library, and that they shall be exhibited in a secure manner.

As these are usually loans from our cultural heritage collections, the physical condition of the objects requested and the security of the exhibition are of crucial importance in order for a loan to be granted.

Download Loan Agreement (pdf) Pdf, 307 kB.


When borrowing for an exhibition, a written request shall be sent to:

Library Director
Uppsala University Library
Box 510
751 20 Uppsala

The request shall be given in good time, no later than twelve months before the exhibition opens.

For further information, contact Ask the Library.


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