Plan your school visit

The Linnaean Gardens are a perfect excursion for anyone wishing to learn more about nature and are part of Uppsala's history. We have shows for all ages, from children in preschool to young people in lower and upper-secondary school.

Gardens in three locations

The Linnaeus Garden with the Linnaeus Museum lie in central Uppsala, just north of the library. The Botanical Garden is directly west of Uppsala Castle. Linnaeus' Hammarby is in the parish of Danmark, about 15 km southeast of Uppsala.

  • Visiting adress the Linnaeus Garden and the Linnaeus Museum: Svartbäcksgatan 27b
  • Visiting adress the Botanical Garden: Villavägen 6–8
Karta över Uppsala med infartsvägar. Botaniska trädgården, Linnéträdgården och Linnés Hammarby markerade.

Booking a school activity

Let our education officers take your school class or preschool group on a guided tour of our gardens and glasshouses, our historic environments, or around Linnaeus’s homes and gardens. You can also book an activity session for your school in the Botanical Garden, the Linnaeus Garden, the Linnaeus Museum or at Linnaeus’ Hammarby.

A guided tour takes about 45 minutes. To get the most out of the tour the group should not exceed 20 students. For planting and other activities, the group size should not exceed 12 children.

Please, always book your visit in advance.

Prices for school visits

  • Schools and preschools, Uppsala municipality: SEK 500 for a group of maximum 20 children
  • Schools and preschools, outside Uppsala municipality: SEK 1000 for a group of maximum 20 children

Prices are valid daytime during weekdays. Evenings and during weekends the fee is SEK 1800 SEK for one group.

Free entrance to the Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala for school classes and children 17 years old or younger.

Kulturbuss to Hammarby

Schools and preschools in the countryside may can travel by bus to cultural acitivties in Uppsala for free. Reserve tickets at least 14 days prior to travel at Utbudsbokningen.

The Uppsala Region offers free public transport for schools and preschool outside rush hours.

