First UNESCO Chair at Uppsala University
Ashok Swain at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research has been appointed a UNESCO Chair on International Water Cooperation.
Access to fresh water is crucial to people’s ability to survive. But in large parts of the world, access to fresh water is limited and the shortage often causes different kinds of conflicts. At Uppsala University, broad natural science and social science research is being conducted on international water issues.
Uppsala University has now signed an agreement with UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) about establishing a chair at Uppsala University focused on research about international water issues – the UNESCO Chair on International Water Cooperation. The task of the chair holder is to promote research and teaching on international water management and water governance issues and to facilitate collaboration within and outside Uppsala University.
Ashok Swain, Professor at Uppsala University’s Department of Peace and Conflict Research and Director of the Research School on International Water Cooperation, has been appointed the new UNESCO Chair.
“Naturally I am very honoured to be appointed UNESCO Chair,” says Ashok Swain. “A large part of my research deals with water, climate change, peace and conflict, and my work will be carried out within the framework of the Research School on International Cooperation which was established in 2014 in collaboration with Sweden’s first UNESCO centre, the International Water Cooperation at Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).”
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Anna Malmberg