Career opportunities
Working in a historical botanic garden
The Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala with their buildings represent an internationally unique cultural heritage. The three gardens – The Botanical Garden, The Linnaeus Garden, Linnaeus' Hammarby – were created for the purpose of teaching natural sciences, during the 18th and early 19th centuries.
The Linnaean Gardens are important visitor attractions in Uppsala. They are also used in University teaching and are an important resource for popularising biology.
The Linnaean Gardens’ role includes exhibiting a well-cared for and clearly labelled plant collection that is documented in a globally accessible database. At Linnaeus’ Hammarby and the Linnaean Garden, the plants are an important part of the historic value of the sites. In the Botanical Garden, plant are grown primarily to be used for research and education at the University, and for activities aimed at preschools and schools.
15-20 gardeners, three botanists and seven administrators work at the Linnean Gardens. During the summer months the workforce is augmented with seasonally employed garden staff and museum assistants.
Seasonal employment, gardeners
Every year, the Linnaean Gardens employ a number of seasonal workers for between one and six months. Most of our seasonal garden workers return year after year.
If you are a qualified garden worker and are interested in doing seasonal work with us you are welcome to apply for advertised positions. For further information contact the Head Gardener, Tomas Zicha.
Recruiting takes place during December–January.
Seasonal employment, museum assistant
The Linnaeus Garden and Linnaeus’ Hammarby are open from May to the end of September. During this period we employ extra staff to welcome our visitors and conduct guided tours in the gardens and museum. The majority of our museum assistants have a museological or biological education.
If you are interested in working as a museum assistant in the Linnean Gardens, please contact Jesper Kårehed.
Recruiting takes place during December – January.
Work experience in the Linnaean Gardens
We welcome work experience students from horticultural and museological courses. We are able to supervise two garden work experience students and one museum work experience student per term.
Contact Tomas Zicha about horticultural work experience.
Contact Jesper Kårehed about museum-related work experience.
Work experience/student placements
We do in some cases offer work experience opportunities for students at gymnasia (aged 16 years +) but not for younger students at compulsory school.
Contact person for gymnasia: Jesper Kårehed.
Jobs and vacancies
We are now looking for a number of seasonal garden workers:
Säsongsanställda trädgårdsarbetare - Uppsala universitet
The last day to apply was 3 January 2025.
Säsongsanställda museiassistenter
The last day to apply is 10 January 2025.