The AM laboratory
The largest activity of initiative is the common AM lab at Ångström. This research infrastructure is provides both equipment for additive manufacturing and lab space for research groups in the field. The lab is a part of the WISE research technology platform WISE additive.

Networking / outreach
As a part of strengthening the AM activities at the faculty of Science and Technology the initiative organises open seminars on AM-related topics and participates in different networks and networking activities.

AM research at Ångström
At the Faculty of science and technology at Uppsala university, there are a number of different research projects running where additive manufacturing is a major part of the research theme.

AM Education
Additive Manufacturing is in an expansive stage and requires education of future experts in the field. Uppsala university provides education in AM and related subjects at different levels, including a dedicated Master's programme.

About us
Contact and organisational information for the AM@Å initiative.
What is additive manufacturing
Short description on the concepts of additive manufacturing (AM) and methods used.