Scholarship call
The Harry Ax:son Iohnson Fund was established in 1927 by a donation to Uppsala University's Faculty of Law in connection with the 450th anniversary of the University's foundation. According to the deed of donation, the proceeds were to be used to support ‘scientific studies which are of a more fundamental nature and which are intended to shed light on the conditions for a lasting state of peace between nations and to serve the purpose of peace and international law in general’. The Board of the Swedish Institute of International Law (SIFIR) welcomes applications concerning central issues of international law such as sources of international law, actors of international law, state responsibility, the relationship between national law and international law, etc. An application can, for example, be made to enable two to four weeks of full-time work to complete an article for publication. Applications must be received by SIFIR no later than 31 August of the current year, either by post (see address below) or by e-mail to the current Director of the Institute.
Director of SIFIR
Uppsala Universitet
Juridiska institutionen
Box 512
751 20 Uppsala