Research evaluation, Q&R24
What will Q&R24 entail?
In 2024, Uppsala University will conduct an evaluation of its research under the title of Quality and Renewal 2024 (Q&R24). Most of the evaluations will be carried out in a decentralised manner by the different disciplinary domains and faculties within the framework of a University-wide model.
The main part of this Q&R24 work will be delegated to the faculties at the Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences. All faculties will carry out an evaluation of their research and research environments based on their own conditions.
Why are we undertalomg Q&R24?
In 2024, Uppsala University will conduct an evaluation of its research under the title of Quality and Renewal 2024 (Q&R24). Most of the evaluations will be carried out in a decentralised manner by the different disciplinary domains and faculties within the framework of a University-wide model.
The main part of this Q&R24 work will be delegated to the faculties at the Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences. All faculties will carry out an evaluation of their research and research environments based on their own conditions.
How will Q&R24 be implemented at thisdisciplinary domain?
At our disciplinary domain, each faculty has its own model for implementing Q&R24. This is in order to produce a review that is as well-adapted to the research activities as possible and thus increase the chance of obtaining useful results. Faculties are responsible for how their local review is designed, via assessment panels or benchmarking against recognised strong research environments. All faculties also carry out a self-evaluation. This provides an arena for collaboration and consultation on the faculty-driven reviews.
General timetable
September–December 2023
- Decision on the review model for each faculty.
- Decision on assessment panel members.
- Consultation models, possible templates for reports prepared.
- Departmental self-evaluations in spring 2024.
- Compiled documentation sent to the panels.
- Visits by panels in autumn 2024.
- Compilation of reports (November–February 2025).
- Report from Q&R24 sent to the Vice-Chancellor from each faculty (March).
- Vice-Chancellor’s research evaluation conference for the whole of Uppsala University.