Goals and strategies
The goals and strategies of the Disciplinary Domain follow a certain hierarchy, from abstract and general to concrete and measurable:
- Vision and mission
- Main goals
- Sub-goals
- Actions
- Indicators
There are five main goals, each with several sub-goals. Each sub-goal, in turn, encom-passes a number of actions, which describe what the Disciplinary Domain intends to do to fulfil the goals, and indicators, which are ways to measure goal fulfilment. For each sub-goal, there is also a statement on how it connects to Uppsala University: Mission, Goals and Strategies.
The Disciplinary Domain is a part of Uppsala University, and therefore upholds the free pursuit of knowledge in education and research, and stands up for academic integrity, diversity and quality.
Timespan for goals and strategies
All plans and strategy documents are time-limited by necessity; a changing world will always lead to the re-evaluation of priorities, and the need for new investments and concentrations of resources. These goals and strategies are meant to apply for the period 2021–2026.
Vision and mission
The Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, through research, education, development and innovation of the highest quality, contributes to better health and a better society.
The Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy:
- has first-class research and educational environments at the national and international cutting edge;
- has an inclusive and collegial working environment, characterised by openness and mutual respect between all professions and students;
- has multi-disciplinary environments for research and innovation, making full use of the entire breadth of Uppsala University; and
- has strong and enduring collaborations with healthcare, the private sector and the wider society.