Handling of rehab cases at start-up

This information is only relevant for those who have not yet started using Adato for their rehab cases.

The system automatically records old sick leaves that have exceeded 15 working days or 6 occasions of short-term absence from the last 12 months (information from Primula). These need to be handled when the system goes live.

Out of date (closed) rehab cases

Outdated rehab cases must be closed in Adato and this can be done in different ways. If old cases are not closed, they will generate some automatic emails in the system.

  • Select the person in the Rehab monitoring list, click on "Add rehab case" and save.
  • Open the Notes Guide and describe that this is a closed rehab case in the Title and Note field.
    Open the Close Rehab Case Guide and close.

  • Select the person in the Rehab monitoring list, click "Add rehab case" and save.
  • Open the Notes Guise in Adato and describe that this is a closed rehab case in the Title and Notes field.
  • Scan the documents in the case and attach it as a document in the wizard.
  • Open the Close Rehab Case Guide and close it.

All pending cases should be completed with existing documentation according to the above instruction (scan all documentation and attach to the case).


  • If you have any questions, please contact: adato@uu.se

