Editorial organisation
The website is Uppsala University’s primary channel for internal and external communication and supports the University’s overall goals. Work on the website needs to be organised and responsibilities clarified to ensure quality, operational benefit and a focus on the needs and experience of website users.
Roles and responsibilities
Director of Communications
The Director of Communications has overall responsibility for the Uppsala University website. This involves a responsibility for ensuring that the website contributes by its contents and functionality to achieving operational goals and enhancing the University’s brand.
The Director of Communications decides on overall desired outcomes for the external website, staff gateway and student gateway, and appoints suitable reference groups for strategic content development. The responsibilities also include authority to close down any part of the website that fails to comply with public authority requirements or legislation.
Web editorial team at the Communications Division
The web editorial team at the Communications Division has primary strategic responsibility for the University’s website, consisting in sum of the external website, the staff gateway and the student gateway.
Content development takes place through network meetings with editors and regular meetings with reference groups for target groups/areas. At these meetings, the Communications Division’s web editorial team identifies needs for prioritisation based on the University’s Mission, Goals and Strategies. Matters that require development measures are forwarded to the e-area organisation for action.
The web editorial team is authorised to make changes anywhere on the website. This is to ensure compliance with public authority requirements and legislation. Great caution should be exercised when changing parts of the website for which the web editorial team does not have operational responsibility and the relevant web editor should be consulted.
Areas of responsibility
- Overall responsibility for ensuring that Uppsala University’s website maintains high quality in terms of user experience and functionality.
- Overall responsibility for University-wide content on the external website, the student gateway and the staff gateway, in consultation with webmasters and web editors.
- Operational responsibility for creating, maintaining and developing University-wide content on the various gateways, as follows:
- External website. The web editorial team has operational responsibility for University-wide content, to some extent in collaboration with other divisions, units or functions.
- Staff gateway. The web editorial team is responsible for the structure and navigation pages and has operational responsibility for some contents. The various divisions in the University Administration are responsible for contents in their specialised areas.
- Student gateway. The Student Affairs and Academic Registry Division is responsible for operational work on the contents in consultation with the web editorial team, which has overall responsibility.
- Responsible for providing training for webmasters and web editors, in consultation with the e-area.
- Responsible for overall editorial guidelines for each part of the website (external website, staff gateway, student gateway).
- Responsible for communications and training on legislation and internal regulations concerning website contents.
- Responsible in collaboration with UIT for allocating and managing roles, authorisations and authorisation groups.
Head of department/manager
Heads of department/managers have overall responsibility for their organisation’s internal and external communications, which also entails responsibility for their organisation’s parts of the website.
Areas of responsibility
- Responsible for ensuring that there is a webmaster for the organisation’s part of the website.
- Appoints a webmaster, web editor(s) and web writer(s).
- Responsible for ensuring that web editors and web writers in their own organisation have the necessary training to contribute to a high-quality website.
- Responsible for ensuring that members of staff have the conditions they need to perform high-quality work on the website by ensuring that working time is set aside for this purpose.
- Responsible for ensuring compliance with legislation and internal regulations concerning website work.
Coordinates website work in their own organisation and is the point of contact with the web editorial team. The webmaster is usually a web editor with enhanced responsibility.
Areas of responsibility
- Overall responsibility for compliance in their own organisation with University-wide editorial guidelines.
- Supports web editors and web writers in their website work.
- Ensures that the right individuals have authorisation for Sitevision. Handles applications in the digital authorisation system and ensures that individuals who have left or changed their role are removed from the authorisation system.
- Raises issues and proposals from their own organisation to the web editorial team and provides timely information to them about important events in the organisation that may affect website work.
- Communicates information from the web editorial team to their own organisation.
Web editor
Web editors support their own organisation’s communications via the website under the management of a webmaster.
Web editors have the role of editor in Sitevision and can create pages, news items, events and add teasers, images, forms and other modules.
Web editors have authorisation for all their organisation’s pages, regardless of target group gateway
- Adapts content to target groups and makes it available on the website.
- Creates, maintains and develops pages and removes outdated pages and files, following current guidelines.
- Acquires the knowledge needed to create a high-quality website and is familiar with, understands and complies with existing guidelines.
- Follows up statistics and adapts pages and content as necessary.
- Attends network meetings, courses and web workshops.
Web writer
Writes and edits texts, following current guidelines. Is normally able to:
- make changes on existing pages and publish their changes
- create and publish messages/news items and events
Web writers have the role of writer in Sitevision. Authorisation for the role of writer is normally given for one of the target group gateways: the external website, Staff Gateway or Student Gateway. When necessary, the writer can gain authorisation to several target group gateways.
Writers do not have the option to upload messages to the targeted gateways in the Staff Gateway.
Information providers
All employees have a responsibility to pass on information and are potential providers of information for the website. All employees are also responsible for and edit their own personal page on the Staff Portal.
Information providers do not formally belong to the web organisation, but have an important role to play in website work. Collaborate with web editors in conjunction with publication on the website. Write drafts for publication.
Roles and authorisations in Sitevision
The roles in the editorial organisation that perform operational activities on the website are listed in the Sitevision authorisation system. They are assigned in accordance with certain basic principles.